The frequencies of ABO and rhesus blood groups vary from one population to another. We studied blood group distribution in 120 Nepalese students; 34% were blood group A, 29% group B, 4% group AB and 32.5% group O. The frequency of Rh-negative blood was 3.33% and Rh-positive 96.66%.

Source: Distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups in Nepalese medical students: a report.

Trend of Blood group Distribution among the Nepalese

This study was undertaken to find out the trend of blood group distribution among the Jirels, a small tribe, descended from Kirat tribe and to compare with other castes within Nepal and with people of other continents. Blood group distribution (ABO grouping and Rh typing) was studied among 2093 Jirels (Male-1057 and Female-1036). The frequency of distribution of A, B, O and AB was 55.05%, 14.72%, 21.64% and 8.6% respectively. The group A was found to be most common among the Jirels where as O is most common in the world. Only 0.14%of the Jirels were was found to be Rhesus Negative (Rh -ve).

Source: Trend of blood group distribution among the Jirels of Nepal.

This study was undertaken to find out the trend of blood group distribution (ABO and Rh) among the 1310 Nepalese attended in Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital and Nepal Medical College Teaching Hospital Kathmandu. The frequency of distribution of A, B, AB and O was 28.5%, 27.3%, 8.7% and 35.5% respectively. Only 0.8% of them were found to be Rh (-) ve. In this population of study, O (+) ve blood group was found to be predominant among the Brahmins, Magars and Gurungs. A (+) ve blood group was predominant among the Chhetris, and B (+) ve among the Sherpas and the Lamas.

Source: Trend of blood group distribution among the different ethnic groups of Kathmandu Valley.