If the direct link to the chat doesn’t work, enter the group and click on “Chats”: As I …
There are many characteristics more common in Rh negatives than in Rh positives, but not all Rh negatives have all …
Even though I had gotten tired of Facebook in the past, it seems like that is where many of you …
All Rh negatives have central heterochromia Central heterochromia is a phenomenon where your eyes show various colors reflecting the eye …
Looking back thousands of years, Europe, West Asia and Northern Africa were much more similar It was before the Arabic …
I don’t really believe in Mysteries Only puzzles to solve However: Here are a couple of posts and videos which …
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, though I have previously published a scientific study related to Rh- health. We all …
WOMEN: If your blood type is O- Negative Your ideal partner has blood type O negative A- Negative Your ideal …
If you are Rh negative, there is a good chance that you might have what is commonly labelled as a …
If you have gout, you’re told to avoid meat, but in reality, you need to avoid sugar and alcohol. If …
When sharing my website Dating by Blood Type I continue receiving responses such as “blood type incompatibility in pregnancies …
Let’s organize some local events. If you are interested in organizing an Rh Negative Meetup in your area, post your …
The look is only a part of it. When you recognize the vibe, you just know. Here are some examples:
There are more than 50 antigens known to exist within the Rh blood group system. One of those antigens is …
Do you know your blood type? If you don’t, start here: Once you do, register at Date By Type: …
Start here and click on your area of interest: Is there anything else you tried to.fimd? Use the search function …
I am always interested in looking back at the ancient tribes before they mixed more with neighbours and invaders. What …
As pointed out above, on the one hand ancient societies with high rh- frequencies tended to be unfathomed by the …
Throughout the ages, Rh- women seemed to have played hugely important roles in history. Rh negative tribes appeared to not …
Today is the second annual Rh negative day. Tag someone, meet the Rh negatives who live close to you, take …
I often wonder… is it an Rh negative thing or a blood type A thing? Blood type A also makes more …
One thing about the all-time list is of course, that the COVID posts are much lower ranked than in the …
You sign up here: …and register for free. You then click on the link in your email to verify. …
The claim: All of the best football players in the world have RH Negative Blood. Where is the proof? Stay …
I have added an introduction post on Datebytype is for both, those open to date and Rh negatives wanting …
Synchronicities take place on many levels. Some with one in a hundred possibilities and others one in the billions. People …
Will this topic never go away? Here is what I referenced: TRANSCRIPT: Michael Shermer: So one of my recent columns …
I am putting together a reference post: What did I miss? What doesn’t belong? What else do Rh negatives …
43 human systems are identified as of June 2021. When it comes to blood transfusions, the ABO blood group system …
This post is inspired by a reply on Quora from someone claiming to be a medical professional. When asked why …
Blood type compatibility can be a huge plus in pregnancies. If a man can donate blood to you, chances are, …
Why is Rh negative blood considered a mystery? Why do we feel different? Why, when and where did our mutation …
New research suggests that genetic and fossil records will not reveal a single point where modern humans originated. Experts from …
Please remember that the information I forward is only as good as the sources available to me. In other words: …
Rh negative people are loners No. BUT… It is a lot better to walk alone than with a crowd going …
Thank you, Ewa for your information. The Dnieper or Dnipro is one of the major rivers of Europe, rising in …
Rh negative people feel out of place in this world It depends on the world you are surrounded by. It …
Here are 7 random statements: “15 percent in the world are Rh negative” No. It’s around 6 percent. “Less than …
If you believe gender equality to be a new creation, you are wrong. It has existed since ancient times, but …
Years ago someone made the following claim: “Rh negative blood cannot be cloned” It sometimes changed to “O negative blood …
Many have entered this search term via Google. The question is why. Please don’t comment unless you watch at least …
According to my own research, the answer is Yes. Not all, but most. Here is MY list of Rh negative …
Today is August 21 and the 1st ever Rh Negative Day! Due to the Covid-19 restrictions there will be no …
Rh D Hemolytic disease of the newborn or Rh disease Rh disease (also known as rhesus isoimmunization, Rh (D) disease) is a type of hemolytic …
The term “Rh” was originally an abbreviation of “Rhesus factor.” It was discovered in 1937 by Karl Landsteiner and Alexander S. Wiener, who, …
The below listed individuals have been brought to my attention after the creation of the following post: Disclaimer: The below …
Normally most of the copper in your blood is carried by a protein called ceruloplasmin. Adults have 50 to 120 …
In this video, I am addressing some of your comments and feedback on how relationships between Rh negatives may have …
Read the whole thing:
Are you an Rh negative mother with an Rh positive mother? If the answer is “yes” (and only if the …
Here is my question for you: Please watch the video above before sharing your experience. Share this with your friends …
The hemolytic condition occurs when there is an incompatibility between the blood types of the mother and fetus. There is …
Original description: Aliens have invaded ancient history: they’ve cropped up in humanity’s past through popular television and movies, displacing facts …
What is Rh negative blood? In short: Being Rh negative means that you test negative for the presence of the …
Rh negatives are not likely to just believe someone or something based on words. The vibe has to be right. …
False. Here is the list since Eisenhower: Ike Eisenhower: O Negative confirmed JFK: as far as I recall, O positive …
Image sources: Google Images Please be advised that all of our information is as strong as the data received, so …
According to a segment on Japanese television, his blood type is A. A few years ago, we have already learned …
Right now there is a big discussion about Gal Gadot set to portrait Egyptian Queen Cleopatra in yet another remake …
Have you ever wondered where we come from? Was that the topic of your search that brought you here? Where …
As I am researching a potential relationship between being left-handed and Rh(D) negative, I have come across an article mentioning …
Why is it important to know your blood type? One of the most common questions I get is how one …
For the past 10 years, I have been receiving and answering questions. Here are some of the most frequent ones. …
Before reading below, please note that the article in no way encourages a change in your behavior based on it. …
Are you new to this blog? Here are some of the top topics of interest related to Rh(D) negative blood …
Our own study has confirmed it: Overall, Rh(D) negative individuals are worse off health-wise than Rh(D) positive ones. There are …
Here is a quote from our study: RhD negative subjects have increased the risk of developing of certain heart diseases, …
Just because a population of people is high in rh negative blood doesn’t mean they necessarily descend from a population …
Knowing now rh negatives from probably 100 nations, it becomes clear that we are very similar to each other. Not …
The short answer: “Yes.” Autoimmune disease is a disease in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells. About 24 …
Let’s clear things up! After receiving a ton of questions and answering the same ones again and again, I am …
The following regions worldwide are known to have unusually high percentages of rh negatives: (In alphabetical order) Al-Jouf Province of …
I have just realized I have never made a post about this and since quite a few people come to … The question about a benefit blood type dating has is one I usually get offline. Rh negative people from …
In the past few years I have been receiving several emails from people stating that their blood types have been …
ADDED: For an update see the article High IQ differences between rh- and rh+ with and w/out Toxoplasmosis According to …
Together with the Charles University in Prague and Professor Jaroslav Flegr, author of “Frozen Evolution” and several studies related to …
Of great interest to people in general is the question “where do we come from?”. We have on this blog …
So you are rh negative and planning to get pregnant? Please do not assume that hospitals and doctors are all …
Donating blood is a matter of choice and it has to be yours. Here are some famous individuals who have …
As I have previously posted, Ancestry DNA only shares countries presumed your ancestors lived in. of course is one …
As mentioned in a previous post, a high sex drive has been reported in rh negative women. RhD negative women …
Aside from the rh negative pregnancy issues, blood donation is a hot topic as we rh negative people can give …
One of the questions I receive again and again is “What diet is ideal for us rh negatives?”. Or: “What …
With all of the bad news about us being more likely to have allergies, react worst to Toxoplasmosis, having to …
This is something that I have already brought up in the personalities and traits post. And of course you are …
UPDATE: Our complete gallery of rh negative celebrities can be seen here. The following post will be updated frequenctly.Please visit …
What are the rh negative personality traits? Disclaimer: This is not a scientific statement on my part, but an experiment …
Do you have friends who are rh negative but new to it all?Here is a brief introduction to let them …
This is a subject matter I have been getting loads of feedback over. And the truth is: Everyone has to …
The following is my opinion and my opinion only: GRASS FED beef and mineral water combined contain the nutrients needed …
Always keep in mind that in ancient tribes, Rh- men and women fought side-by-side There was no oppression of women …
Here is what we know about them: Grey eyes were frequent Rh- blood was very frequent They had a “Mediterranean …
Please make no mistake: Donating or not donating blood doesn’t make you any better or worse Donating blood is a …
May your intuition be on overdrive, your energies maximized, your empathy centralized and your senses be counted as 7. See …
Jimmy Carter was a regular blood donor Even while in the Oval Office, he continued to donate his A- blood …
Duping delight is the positive feeling that some people experience when they lie, either before, during, or after lying. It …