I will add another one:
Think twice before taking someone else’s time.
Here is the article:
You’re standing in line at the grocery store and the person behind you suddenly begins pouring their heart out to you.
You feel an immediate connection with them because, well, because they are human, and you can’t help but experience their experience right along with them.
Have you ever wondered why a certain friend seems to feel more than others? It could be that he or she is an empath.
An empath hones a magnetism that instantly draws people toward them. It’s not that they are sympathetic–it’s more.
An empath has the ability to not only feel another’s pain, but absorb it, too.
Here are 16 signs you are in the company of an Empath:
1. They are often described as “too sensitive” or even mushy.
This seems to imply that feeling is a bad thing, but being sensitive is an indication that you are still connected to the heart of the human experience.
In a world growing continuously more desensitized, we are need of sensitivity. So, if someone tells you this, take it as a compliment. Being sensitive is a gift.
Want to learn more about empaths? Check out this article: Every Empath Will Try To Hide These 10 Things From You
2. They really, really hate being lied to.
One of the key traits of an empath is being able to sniff out a lie.
Because empaths hone such deep understanding toward human nature, they see lying as absolutely unnecessary. Lying will strike an empath right in the heart.
3. They feel directly impacted by negative images.
Empaths are mostly unable to read or view negative images and forget about them. They soon want to avoid the news or stories of heartbreak at all costs.
4. Crowds overwhelm them.
One of the unusual traits of an empath is their ambiguous nature—they are both introverts and extroverts.
However, while they absorb energy from a crowd, their sensitivity toward the ebb of flow of emotions will leave them exhausted after being around so many people.
5. They find peace and happiness in helping others.
Your true sense of happiness occurs when you feel that you are being in some way a service for another human.
When someone needs someone, an empath is the person who will drop what he or she is doing and rush to help. When push comes to shove, an empath will be there.
6. They think twice before pouring another cup of coffee or taking medicine.
Empaths react differently to stimulants like caffeine, which tends to increase anxiety or agitation. Similarly, empaths will often react adversely to medications, and thus, avoid using synthetic solutions.
7. They can’t be anyone but themselves.
In other words, empaths are raw and painstakingly honest. They see no reason to put on a false front. Empaths embrace who they are—the good and the bad.
They accept the bad as a work in progress. Because of such deep self-insight, empaths epitomize true friendship.
8. They know what others are going through and experience it with them.
Empaths are deeply connected to those who they care about, and they care about everyone. So, when someone is going through a rough patch in life—from a break-up to major dental work—empaths experience the pain too.
9. They have an incredible bond with animals.
Pets don’t exist to empaths, as “pet” implies ownership. Rather, for the empath, animals are family.
Places like pet stores and zoos will deeply disturb the empath because animals should be free and not shoved in cages to be gawked at.
10. They are used to being emotionally and physically exhausted.
Carrying the weight of others’ emotions and pain, joy and happiness takes a toll on the empath.
For the lucky empaths, knowing how to process and let go of the daily weight will be an accomplishment, though, still exhausting.
For other empaths, learning to let go will take time and can sometimes lead to utter debilitation.
11. They have a talent for advice.
Empaths know how to listen, and they listen to every word you say. They put themselves in your shoes.
For this reason, it would be unwise to discard the advice of an empath. Nothing they say is wasted breath. They are invested in your success and well-being.
12. They are easily distracted.
Sound familiar? Empaths’ sensitivity causes them to notice the small things many people look past.
They will notice the girl standing alone in the corner, the couple arguing at a nearby table, the sad look in a child’s eyes—you get the idea.
It would be very hard for an empath to get much done working at a coffee shop.
13. They have no room in their life for a narcissist.
An empath will flee at the sign of a narcissist. This is perhaps the one trait they will not invest in trying to help. They know it’s a losing pursuit.
As you can imagine, empaths attract narcissists and they share a very unique bond.
We’ve explained this toxic relationship in a previous article, which you can read here: The Brutal Truth Behind The Toxic Relationship Between A Narcissist And An Empath
14. They are hyper sensitive to sound.
Empaths operate on a unique frequency, which is most likely why certain pitches, buzzes, and bangs can easily disrupt them.
For this reason, empaths will avoid places where loud noise is constantly present. Likewise, pleasing sounds are felt just as intensely, but obviously much more welcomed.
15. They are an above-average listener.
Be assured, when you are in the presence of an empath, they will not have eyes that glaze over while spoken to, they listen—even to strangers or passers-by on the streets.
Even more, empaths are able to listen without judging, so you can trust your words will not be wasted breath.
16. They have a strange effect on electronics.
Say what? It’s true. Empaths have the uncanny ability to cause disruption in electrical currents. It’s not unusual for an empath to experience strange glitches on the computer, a phone that dies too quickly, or the like.
If it has an electrical current, empaths will surely experience some strange phenomena.
If you find that you know an empath, consider yourself lucky!
Likewise, the next time someone tells you that you are too sensitive or the lights flicker when you enter a room, you can be comforted in knowing that you hone an incredible understanding of the human heart and the human condition.
Embrace this beautiful gift.
I’m not sure about number 16. But not ruling out anything either.
Here is the original article:
16 Things You’ll Notice When You’re In The Presence Of An Empath
Very Interesting and factual
Interesting article and one that could apply to me. One little point, I think there’s a typo in #4, as regards to the AMPHIBIOUS personality, shouldn’t this be ambiguous?
My daughter and I are people magnets. where ever we go we get people’s life stories or problems, we refer to this as The Sign is On, but on the other hand we can repel people too.
And BTW I am not easily taken in by anyone
(I worked in the Correctional system for years) and I do not seem to fit into the negative personality at all. I am not shy, very confident and not ill, but do have an extra piece of spine, do others?
I have tried to join this group, but my captcha is not accepted, nor do I know your facebook name as I do not use facebook.
Pleasant day!
You’re right. I copied the article and didn’t catch it. “Ambiguous” makes indeed more sense. 🙂 As for the forum:
Tell me a user name you prefer to sign you up with. I will then set you up with the email you’ve entered here and have the password sent to you!
Thanks Mike, my nickname is Iceni, much appreciated. I love your site, very informative and interesting diversity.
Thank you, Iceni. You’re in. Let me know if you’ve gotten the email.
Thanks for the article Mike, I have Rh 0 Negative blood and I am an Empath too with many psychic abilities….earlier this year, one of my customers built me an EMF detector…I was so excited to receive this gift that my energies started rising…as he handed it to me, it beeping really fast and loud and went over 2,000…he said omg and I tossed it back to him….LOL
What do you mean by built you one? How do you know it’s reliable? Here is what one of them looks like:

Electric field probe FP2000 (range 100 kHz – 2500 MHz)
Wikipedia has more information:
EMF measurement
Hi Mike, mine is a flatter black type rectangular box, nothing like the one shown…he and his business partner builds and sells them…they use theirs to find electromagnetic energy around the walls and wiring in older buildings in another country…many potential renters like to see if the emfs are too high in apartments before they rent them or not…years ago, when my energies were high, I shortened out many of my analog tvs…and sometimes, when I got near some of them, the channels would change…luckily I learned to control my energies over time, and have kept them down…
Am an empath, daughter of 0- father, sister is rh -, married to 0- with one A- son in military, but Don’t know my rh status.
My assignment at work can have alot of down time, so I study many different subjects…was just looking at how the ear hears…calcium ions and potassium, k+ ions move through a tiny tubes causing electrical signals sent to the brain…
Sister has extrodinary hearing so we were discussing the possibility of ‘hearing’ emf’s as they are electrical in nature…also were discussing distance verses frequency…both she and I have experienced hearing people’s thoughts(these occasions have been confirmed) my step son would tell his friends that I had super hero hearing cus I could hear them whispering in the bedroom when I was in the kitchen. …I, personally, have heard a reinactment of a murder that had taken place on the homestead we grew up on…I believe it is called claraudiance.
Hi, I am a true empath and my blood is not RH negative. I was born this way, so let me help you with your points. #2 – We don’t care if you lie, however we will feel it. We can always feel when someone is lying and I don’t have to see them or their face at all. What bothers us is when people tell you what they think you want to hear and are lying. It makes us feel uncomfortable because actions and words don’t match your energy. #3 – we feel all energy positive and negative. #7 – there are no bad empaths. Either you feel everything or you don’t, no in between. #10 – we can feel overwhelmed by others feelings, but we don’t need to be alone. We can be with someone who is balanced and we can recharge just fine. #13 – real empaths are susceptible to being tricked although energy and words and actions don’t match up. One who knows themselves and that there are people out there like the Nar, then we can’t be fooled. #14 – we are sensitive to everything, sound, light, smells, touch all senses. Beautiful gift? I don’t see it that way, but now that I understand myself it gets easier
Hello there…
This blog is designed around Rh negative discussions. While your information about your “true” empath (not sure why the word true is necessary here because false empaths are not empaths so “true” is obsolete) experience is yours to speak of, it cannot be compared to others within the Rh- community. No “help” was needed by the author. These were commonalities among Rh- people. I feel as though your language is a bit rude.
I am an Rh- empath. I think most people care about being lied to & it strongly depends upon who the lie is coming from & the degree of the lie. More common with empaths is that we dislike lying of any kind because it shows is the person is not to be trusted &, because we are empaths, do not want to associate with/absorb negativity (in this case, lying) of any kind.
Of course we feel positive & negative energy…we feel everything. Again, unnecessary to state.
“either you feel everything or you don’t.” This is completely false. There are most definitely different levels of empathy. I feel it all!!! However, some empaths feel everything & some empaths settle somewhere in the grey zone, especially when they are unaware of the fact that they are an empath.
As an empath & according to all of the empaths that I know, we DEFINITELY require time alone. Some empaths do not need a lot of alone time while others do. It can be extremely draining, especially after attending a large event. My own puppy can sometimes block my ability to relax in the evenings because he is so high energy. When every one of my family members are finally asleep at night, that’s when I can fully wind down/tune out. I love the company of others. I’m an Rh- Sagittarius! The struggle is real!!! However, I also love time by myself, especially in nature, because my mind can finally be clear & I am calm. My husband balances me, but what you are saying makes no sense. Factually, if you are drawing energy from others, you are using your own energy in doing so. The process can make me zing zing zing, but it’s draining. I’ve gotten much better at how I receive/accept the energy of others, but, even so, there’s no way of fully blocking energy when you are an empath. I think meditation/nature/creativity/sleep is the best combination to “recharge”.
I’m not sure how empaths are “tricked”? Anyone can be tricked, yes. However, I feel that when I look back upon certain occasions/relationships where I’ve been “tricked”, I wasn’t really tricked so much as I was a fool. I was a fool because I ignored all of the red flags/gut feelings/signals I was receiving. Empaths are only tricked if they ignore themselves.
Lastly, I understand how you feel conflicted about empathy being a “gift”. At times, it has frustrated me. There have been times when I wish I didn’t feel anything. It’s overwhelming to feel/observe more than the average person. It’s both a blessing & a curse. This is where the old cliché “ignorance is bliss” steps in. However, I would rather feel everything than nothing.
Basically, from one empath to another, I hear you. However, I firmly believe that there is a difference in terms of Rh- bloodlines & empathy. I believe that Rh- people are truly unique humans.
Take care of yourself out there.
Completely agree, Rhachel, and not just because our names are similar lol!
Great write up.
I recently became aware of RH- blood from a friend of mine who asked if I was one. I had not taken a blood test for this (49) in the past and so I ran some cards to see. Says o+. Well, I thought that was interesting, because after 2 months of reading on – the shoe definetly fits. I took the test 3 times. Then I had my son take it, 0-.
My mother is AB-.
So, I told my friend, and she said 2 + cant have have a rh -.
So that was incorrect. Turns out I am a carrier, and the materinal history in my family supports this. My mother was an only child because my grandmother could never do another pregnancy (1947). Her father (1897) was an only child because his mother died shortly after giving birth to twins, and the twins both died as well (1899).
My sons bio, was an O+ as well, (we discussed this during pregnancy, although I never knew my type the docs took it down and said they would test me to find out. They did but I was not told anything further and forgot all about it really and didnt ask.) He would also had to of been an Rh carrier.
I have only one child as well but had 2 pregnancies (1 abortion 10 years prior -very young) , and because the pregnancy was so bad I would never do that again. Never.
He was born with an A+ apgar, good weight 7.6, not premi, full term. Delivery start to finsih was a total of 1 hour 45 minutes. Natural. No Lamaze classes, no drugs. No scheduling around a golf game. Not induced. I told them to kick rocks on that one. Half an hour post birth he turned blu, got jaundice, and had something going on with billirubin.
They admitted him to nicu and it was just a circus for ten days. They did mult tests on him every single day, ran my insurance bill up to the tune of 200k(out of pocket costs), and each test and each day they said the tests were clean, and they moved on to another thesis.
In that time this kid was ripping out his ivs hourly, the nicu nurse was super mad and had to be removed due to agitation at the infant, he lived under the lights for ten days, and on day 11 was released and they told me they didnt know what it was, but it was all gone now.
The kid is 21 now, and has been sick exactly 6 times in his life. The last illness he had he was 6 years old.
I was off for the whole pregnancy due to being basically debilitated by the symptoms. Could not eat any fruit at all. or sweets. Tabasco, tacos, hamburger and cheese and jalapenoes. Thats it. Anything else was projectile vomiting everywhere.
From what I have found, carriers have 1 copy of each + and -.. The expression of which is largly dependent on what version is currently dominant. This would go along way to explaining the folks taking the blood tests, and coming up – on some and + on others.
Most focus research is centered around one side or the other. There needs to be an inclusion for those who are carriers.
I fit a plethora of things listed for rh- , as I would. Because I am literally both. Personality and physical appearence fits as well. However, I have zero references as a carrier to pull from, that are in the same detail as is written for one side or the other.
I want to add #16. I am not well versed just yet on what emapth is in detail. I can say for a good many years now, I have big problems with electronics. They short out. I can power a low power led light that is plugged into the wall and turned off by just touching the base stand. We are conduits, not conductors.
In closing, this gene, is quite brilliant. It is literally hiding itself, camoflouged in the the carriers, so that it can be passed on without detection. And none are the wiser. The carriers are seen as the A typical non rh- folks, not in need of examination, and all the while it is stowed away, to be carried on to the next generation – that is born. The carriers gene expression is and can be both depending on which is dominant at the moment. And there is no reguard for a carrier. So, really, if not for the carriers, there would not be any rh- left at all.
# 02. – Lies are a form of disrespect. It can’t ever go anywhere meaningful. In the end I drop these types
pretty quick. It’s not what they say, it’s what they do that contradicts what they say. Kinda like that.
# 05. – Yes. And frequently, kindness is mistaken for weakness in this area. The other problem is society is so so sick, that any act of kindness in the sphere of the general public is seen as either weakness or needy-ness. Guess people forgot what pay it forward actually means. I do my bit for folks as I can, as the situation depicts, and most of the time it is received with suspicion, or unacknowldged.
It is a plague. It is something that is also causing the race of man to never learn. It is disappointing. It makes it very difficult to pass anything on to anyone that they themselves may need later. We just dont live in a society that has the ability to consider and then incorporate new things on the norm.
Everyone thinks they know it all. Or at least they can “Google it” all and then “know ” it all — and “poof” there it is. Very sad. I am Sorry. Google does not know anything. It really doesn’t. You will need to read. Many a textbook, for many a days, to even gain a baseline understanding of one topic.
Or you can listen to someone who has already done this. The concept of people reading something for 3 seconds on google or facebook then suddenly proclaiming they are an expert in this “knowledge” (whatever is on the menu), it is mindboggling. To the max. How do you even rationalize this to yourself? If this were true, then we could all finish K-12 inside of 6 months and be done with it.
We can’t. Because It’s not.
# 06. – Really dont take things. If aspirin, then its half a baby aspirin, but I have always thought of this as a intolerance for meds.
# 08. – This can get pretty bad. I would like an off button for this. Maybe a sheild of some type. Like on the avengers, captain america’s sheild might do nicely for this.
# 10. – 1 half hour phone convo with a drama queen, can take a week to recharge from.
# 11. – Most people could care less of any sound advice. They care even less than that if said advice comes from real reading that includes comprehension skills, that require them to use critical thinking in order to process the conversation.
# 13. – Takes a while to confirm this in most cases. Then it’s time to move on.
# 14. – Summertime I wear jobsite ear mufflers to bed (air conditioner).
I also cannot just have my cell phone sitting around on, (I can physically feel when a phone has been left on in the house. It presents itself, as a slow draw tingle that starts in the lower legs and works its way up until I find the culprit. Then its another hour or so before it subsides). Most people dont get it. If I am waiting on someone that says they will call and they dont, I will only wait so long before I tell them “you know my email” and then it goes off.
I have been wearing rose tint Rx glasses for day to day life since 2008 due to issues with sunlight and flourescents.
I would like to Expand a bit on the Empathic topic above.
Emotion, at it’s core is, energy.
Babies, have no languge. They communicate for a very long time, in only this medium, before speech arrives. Babies react to the emotions of those that surround them. if a surrounding person is expresseing anger, babies cry, or if the surrounding person is ignoring the baby, they cry. if the person is interacting with the baby, they will laguh or present with contentment. It is very basic level give and take.
Babies, are just tiny versions of the race of men. And they live and breath and exist solely in energy for a long period of time.
After they attain speech, they have two mediums of communication to pull from. However, speech is taught and emotion is instinct, thus they are derived entirely differently, and they have different functions.
Speech is the front face of emotion. It is the medium of explanation for emotion, without the need to cry or be or express emotion itself.
Speech now becomes the delivery method of how one “feels”, or in basic terms, is expressing themselves. The person at this point, still has emotion, however has now learned how to express one thing, while they “feel” another. This is often taught very early, under the guide of “being polite” or “mind your manners” or ect… Maybe this is where the doing one thing and saying another is hatched.
As time goes on, the speech no longer reflecting the emotion of said individual, but reflecting what is taught as societal norms, the emotion is by default then repressed and further reduced into a state of non expression. Idle if you will. Building.
Let’s assume the individual in question, is no longer cognitively aware of even having emotion. Maybe they function on autopilot, or some version of this idea. In essence. Their inert ability to empathize with others, or communicate, (as this has been self withdrawn as a means of self preservation in the society at large) has been rendered expression-less.
However, that energy is still present. It has not gone anywhere. It cannot go anywhere. As it has not been properly curated, or expressed in many many years, as per the expectations of society teaches. So what happens to this energy?
The theory that energy does not end, but transfers and continues in another form, is long documented. As much as I have been able to source, back to the late 1600’s. The profession of “Electrician” prior to the last century was paid about as well, if not higher than physcians, for about 4 centurys. The study of human resonance, had alot of interest from many promenant people between the late 1700’s and the early 1900’s.
The Biological Area of study was refered to and catagorized as “Animal Magnatism”. The texts on Animal Magnatism are many.
In 1904, a medical text was published, it was titled something like “The most importanant areas of Modern Medicine”, (I would have to go find it to be sure). In this text “Telepathy” was listed as “common knowledge, now that science has proved it’s existence over the past 100 years”. There was a small explanation, and directions on how to attain control and protect from this. Right next to Tinnitus. This text was read and approved by the Royal Medical Society, and was on file at the NIH archive, and The Wellcome Library.
Sometime between 2006 and now, a plethora of papers have documented the existence of built in antennae in the human body. It can be seen. It is not hypothetical. They are otherwise know as “Human Hair Shaft”. The human hair under a microscope, is Light as well as EMF. In otherwords, it emits frequency and light at the same time. It moves on its own if it is let still.
It send and recieves, otherwise known as Tx and RX. We. Send and receive.
Apathy. Apathy is the absence of empathy correct? Or, is it the absensce of the -expression, of empathy? I am of the opinion it is the later. Is the majority of society expressing Apathy as common course? Then it would follow that they are the rule, not the exception, correct? So then, what do you think will rise from repressing genuine expression of oneself, throughout the course of a lifetime?
Perhaps, the exception to the rule, Those deemed “empathic”, would, by nessessity of balance, then absorbe the repressed energy of those who see fit to practice Apathy as per normal. In otherwords, if you have a functioning capacity for empathy, and encounter a person who represses this, then is it not entirely possible, that a transfer happens with the encounter all by itself? Must it happen to balance the individual who is in question?
It would go a long way to explain, the personal effect carried after those encounters would it not? Do they discharge on you, in passing, then you absorbe, and process? And is this due to the Apathetic person no longer having the capacity to process their own emotions, so by default, it must go somewhere?
So then, those who fit into the “empathic” bracket, notice these exchanges being detrimental and describe them as “draining”. It would be draining, if you expereinced energy ttransference, and then had to process someones old laundry for them and then let it go out into the Aether cleaned. Absolutley.
Would it not also follow then, that as more “empaths” kept their distance, thus negating any transfer at all, the less balanced and cleaned the enrgy is, the more chaos erupts in every day society?
With that in mind, let me ask, when did the term “empath” begin its travels around the internet? When did this idea first become a “thing” ? Because I personally don’t know. I first saw this in passing some 4 years ago, and have only skmmed the surface on this in the past few years. I can now readily assess who may or may not be “one”. But I do not feel I know the details on this, which I would consider a “knowing” -of this.
The enrgy, must flow somewhere. The transfer of energy is mostly accomplished over the air. It is frequency based. Light and sound. And we have a limited, very limited ability to visually “see” frequency. We are essentially frequency blind in the true sense. It is quite the handicap. Animals can see more frequency than we can.
For whatever reason, the “empathic” was able to somehow maintain their capacity as such and become the exception to the rule. Thereby preserving their ability to have empathy for others. The Apathetic person, cannot, and does no longer take personal responsibility for their own energy. So it lands on the doorstep of those who still possess the ability to biologically and mentally process empathy. That needs to be cleaned, and set free.
It is an entirely, an unfortunate set of circumstances we have all devolved into.