16 Things You’ll Notice When You’re In The Presence Of An Empath

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I will add another one:
Think twice before taking someone else’s time.
Here is the article:

You’re standing in line at the grocery store and the person behind you suddenly begins pouring their heart out to you.

You feel an immediate connection with them because, well, because they are human, and you can’t help but experience their experience right along with them.

Have you ever wondered why a certain friend seems to feel more than others? It could be that he or she is an empath.

An empath hones a magnetism that instantly draws people toward them. It’s not that they are sympathetic–it’s more.

An empath has the ability to not only feel another’s pain, but absorb it, too.

Here are 16 signs you are in the company of an Empath:

1. They are often described as “too sensitive” or even mushy.

This seems to imply that feeling is a bad thing, but being sensitive is an indication that you are still connected to the heart of the human experience.

In a world growing continuously more desensitized, we are need of sensitivity. So, if someone tells you this, take it as a compliment. Being sensitive is a gift.

Want to learn more about empaths? Check out this article: Every Empath Will Try To Hide These 10 Things From You

2. They really, really hate being lied to.

One of the key traits of an empath is being able to sniff out a lie.

Because empaths hone such deep understanding toward human nature, they see lying as absolutely unnecessary. Lying will strike an empath right in the heart.

3. They feel directly impacted by negative images.

Empaths are mostly unable to read or view negative images and forget about them. They soon want to avoid the news or stories of heartbreak at all costs.

4. Crowds overwhelm them.

One of the unusual traits of an empath is their ambiguous nature—they are both introverts and extroverts.

However, while they absorb energy from a crowd, their sensitivity toward the ebb of flow of emotions will leave them exhausted after being around so many people.

5. They find peace and happiness in helping others.

Your true sense of happiness occurs when you feel that you are being in some way a service for another human.

When someone needs someone, an empath is the person who will drop what he or she is doing and rush to help. When push comes to shove, an empath will be there.

6. They think twice before pouring another cup of coffee or taking medicine.

Empaths react differently to stimulants like caffeine, which tends to increase anxiety or agitation. Similarly, empaths will often react adversely to medications, and thus, avoid using synthetic solutions.

7. They can’t be anyone but themselves.

In other words, empaths are raw and painstakingly honest. They see no reason to put on a false front. Empaths embrace who they are—the good and the bad.

They accept the bad as a work in progress. Because of such deep self-insight, empaths epitomize true friendship.

8. They know what others are going through and experience it with them.

Empaths are deeply connected to those who they care about, and they care about everyone. So, when someone is going through a rough patch in life—from a break-up to major dental work—empaths experience the pain too.

9. They have an incredible bond with animals.

Pets don’t exist to empaths, as “pet” implies ownership. Rather, for the empath, animals are family.

Places like pet stores and zoos will deeply disturb the empath because animals should be free and not shoved in cages to be gawked at.

10. They are used to being emotionally and physically exhausted.

Carrying the weight of others’ emotions and pain, joy and happiness takes a toll on the empath.

For the lucky empaths, knowing how to process and let go of the daily weight will be an accomplishment, though, still exhausting.

For other empaths, learning to let go will take time and can sometimes lead to utter debilitation.

11. They have a talent for advice.

Empaths know how to listen, and they listen to every word you say. They put themselves in your shoes.

For this reason, it would be unwise to discard the advice of an empath. Nothing they say is wasted breath. They are invested in your success and well-being.

12. They are easily distracted.

Sound familiar? Empaths’ sensitivity causes them to notice the small things many people look past.

They will notice the girl standing alone in the corner, the couple arguing at a nearby table, the sad look in a child’s eyes—you get the idea.

It would be very hard for an empath to get much done working at a coffee shop.

13. They have no room in their life for a narcissist.

An empath will flee at the sign of a narcissist. This is perhaps the one trait they will not invest in trying to help. They know it’s a losing pursuit.

As you can imagine, empaths attract narcissists and they share a very unique bond.

We’ve explained this toxic relationship in a previous article, which you can read here: The Brutal Truth Behind The Toxic Relationship Between A Narcissist And An Empath

14. They are hyper sensitive to sound.

Empaths operate on a unique frequency, which is most likely why certain pitches, buzzes, and bangs can easily disrupt them.

For this reason, empaths will avoid places where loud noise is constantly present. Likewise, pleasing sounds are felt just as intensely, but obviously much more welcomed.

15. They are an above-average listener.

Be assured, when you are in the presence of an empath, they will not have eyes that glaze over while spoken to, they listen—even to strangers or passers-by on the streets.

Even more, empaths are able to listen without judging, so you can trust your words will not be wasted breath.

16. They have a strange effect on electronics.

Say what? It’s true. Empaths have the uncanny ability to cause disruption in electrical currents. It’s not unusual for an empath to experience strange glitches on the computer, a phone that dies too quickly, or the like.

If it has an electrical current, empaths will surely experience some strange phenomena.

If you find that you know an empath, consider yourself lucky!

Likewise, the next time someone tells you that you are too sensitive or the lights flicker when you enter a room, you can be comforted in knowing that you hone an incredible understanding of the human heart and the human condition.

Embrace this beautiful gift.

I’m not sure about number 16. But not ruling out anything either.
Here is the original article:
16 Things You’ll Notice When You’re In The Presence Of An Empath

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  1. Halimatou Baldeh November 5, 2018 Reply
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