The Rh Negative Blog

29.5% Rh- in the Al-Jouf Province of Saudi Arabia

A 2017 study showing 29.5% of 400 adult men of the Al-Jouf province in Saudi Arabia being rh negative has been brought to my attention:

ABO and RHD blood grouping was carried out on 400 Saudi adult male subjects, 100 each from Sakaka, Domaht Al-Jandal, Al-Qurayat and Sweer cities of the Al-Jouf Province of the Saudi Arabia. Finger prick blood samples were tested for both the blood groups by routine slide method. In the total material studied here from the Al-Jouf Province, blood group O was found highest (0.628), followed by A (0.193), B (0.179) and AB (7.3%) while the percentage of RHD Positive (0.705) was greater than RHD negative(0.295). This study could have significant implications for the major blood banks in Al-Jouf area where certain blood groups are needed more than others in emergency conditions. In addition, the data generated would be helpful to the researchers to explore the factors responsible for the observed distribution patterns of the studied blood group systems.

Distribution of ABO and Rhesus (RHD) Blood Groups in Al-Jouf Province of the Saudi Arabia
Mohamed Hassan Eweidah, Shaik Rahiman, M.D. Hassan Ali & Abdullah Mohamed Dbas Al-Shamary

In addition to the high rh negative frequencies, the study also shows 62.8% of the men being blood type O.
The Al-Jouf province in Saudi Arabia borders the country of Jordan. On a national level, rh negative frequencies in Jordan have been shown to be around 12.8 percent.
On a national level, Saudi Arabia is around 7.3% rh- and 52% blood type O.
This once again highlights the importance of determining blood type frequencies on regional rather than national levels.