Physical differences between rhesus negative and positive people are currently the area of interest I am intending to touch up on.
So today’s question to you is as follows:
Did you have all 4 of your wisdom teeth?
Because of ancestry the amount and space in between wisdom teeth seems to vary quite significantly:
Source: “20 physical traits you may have inherited from a Neanderthal”
Here are the issues humans experience quite frequently:
Some problems which may or may not occur with third molars: A Mesio-impacted, partially erupted mandibular third molar, B Dental caries and periodontal defects associated with both the third and second molars, caused by food packing and poor access to oral hygiene methods, C Inflamed operculum covering partially erupted lower third molar, with accumulation of food debris and bacteria underneath, D The upper third molar has over-erupted due to lack of opposing tooth contact, and may start to traumatically occlude into the operculum over the lower third molar. Unopposed teeth are usually sharp because they have not been blunted by another tooth.
Agenesis of wisdom teeth differs by population, ranging from practically zero in Tasmanian Aborigines to nearly 100% in indigenous Mexicans. The difference is related to the PAX9 gene (and perhaps other genes).
So here is my question to you:
Have you had all 4 wisdom teeth?
When did they have to be taken out?
What type of issues did you have with them (if any) before they had to be taken out?
I am O-. Yes I had all 4 but they were all impacted and had to be surgically removed.
Also A- . also no wisdom teeth.
I’m thinking negative and no wisdom teeth. A-
I was approximately 23 years old and I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth but they never broke through they were impacted and the dentist said I had to have them removed because they were never going to break through they were going to continue to grow sideways if I didn’t want to lose my perfectly straight teeth I needed to have them removed and I did. So thats my story . I know I never had to wear braces or anything in my life I had great teeth and wanted to keep it that way
Yes, they were taken out at 21 years of age, but there were no issues. One thing they did say thouch, was that it was one of the easiest, quickest procedures, over in 20 minutes.
I dont have all wisdom teeth. I have only two. The lower wisdom teeth never revealed.
Try eight wisdom teeth
Which came and went in the same year and there are 8 spots where they came and gone and no adult teeth between the adult teeth in front behind the canines and those back molars
Next to the wisdoms except
The seventh tooth from counting front to back on the right and left upper jaw and the eighth ones on bottom both sides lower were baby teeth which now I am loosing
In my 40s.
I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed by 20 years old. They were becoming impacted and wedged behind the other teeth. Just the way your illistration showed. They did tell me that I had 2 other teeth that were like prehistoric, which I don’t know where that came, from but my son who is O- like me had the same problem and he had the prehistoric teeth as well. My Daughter who is A – had to have one removed .
Had all 4 wisdom teeth.
One became impacted, all 4 removed at age 15.
A- , soon will be 45 , only 3 wisdom teeth have grown , I never got 4th one , and I never had any problems with my wisdom teeth. I still have all of them .
I have all 4 wisdom teeth. They began growing when I was around 15, got the last one at 18. I still have them all at an age of 35 and they are perfectly well, I’ m not planing on removing them. I’m B -.
Best regards, ANIH.
I am A- and I have no wisdom teeth. I remeber when I was told once by my dentist who said I was one of 10 patients he had…I thought cool I am more evolved hahaha. Turns out I’m just different al together.
Female 45 years old.
RH b- and didn’t grow wisdom teeth.
I’m 29, A -, and I have all 4 of my wisdom teeth with no problems.
I still have all 4 wisdom teeth and no issues ever. I am 46 and an A neg.
Female 65 A- I did not have wisdom teeth and still have all my teeth at 65 – I can tell you I have a small mouth and would never have had room for the wisdom teeth – up until 20 years ago I had another set of teeth above the permanent teeth – they dissolved (dentists observation)
I am A neg. All of my wisdom teeth impacted so they were rermoved
I had all 4 wisdom teeth that had to be removed at 19yrs old..impacted. i am B- i AM 62 .
I am 57 and still have all 4 wisdom teeth for extra chewing capability.
AB- Had all four wisdom teeth removed: The first two were removed in my early 30s; the other two about 10 years later, when one began to erupt. My dentists advised that I would not have room for them and I would wind up biting myself. My two sons also had to have their wisdom teeth removed, in adulthood.
All four had to be removed at 20. dry sockets on the bottom..b- 62 yrs old
Had all 4. All 4 removed at age 15. 2 were impacted.
3 and a “floater.” One severely impacted horizontally into my lower jaw which cracked a lower molar. One dry socket. B-neg.
AB- no wisdom teeth, I had twins daughters AB+ They had all 4 impacted. Removed when they were 17.
I am 39 and A-. All 4 wisdom teeth were impacted and were removed when I was 19.
A+ had 2 removed impacted when I was 12, 2 uppers remove at 20
But my father never had wisdom teeth nor winkles or gray hair. Yes he was very intelligent. I don’t know his blood type my family always thought he had a weird gene. His father lived to be 99 and 5 of his siblings into their 90’s My Grandfather said our family came over on the Mayflower so my ancestry is English.
Wow lol. I am 32, and my wisdom teeth are trying to break through.. it hurts bad. And I am going to have to get them surgically removed.
As a baby, the dentist told my mom I would have a “smaller jaw than others my age”
I am type o- by the way 🙂
I`ve never had visdom teeth I am 0-
Same here. I’m O- with no wisdom teeth. Dentists are always baffled by it.
Same here. O- with no wisdom teeth
I am 46 yr old Mom. I had 8…… yes 8 removed at 19 and had other extra teeth removed when I was 12……..A- here and had a possible twin that died around 2 months gestation…………..
I’m 59 years old and have known I am Rh Neg since I was around 18. All I knew was about pregnancy and that I needed Rhogam shots when pregnant. I knew nothing more until yesterday.
Today I know a lot more and I’m blown away. I have the European Jewish grandfather and nearly every single personality characteristic since I was a child and increasingly as I have aged.
I won’t go into details here because 1, there’s a lot, and 2, I’m afraid you’ll think I’m nutz. Nobody has ever believed my senses.
I did not have 4 wisdom teeth, I had 6. I had them extracted under anesthesia at about 20, I think (those days are somewhat blurry due to too much fun having).
I have a very scientific mind and need proof of most everything, since I was a child. I have ALWAYS felt different and out of place on this planet. My list goes on with the exception of one, maybe two things on the list.
And I worked with a Government Q Clearance on the military base where Area 51 is located when I was about 22, which may be of no relevance to this genealogy, but in my past experiences, with today’s relevant findings about my blood type and it’s possible implications, it’s relevant to me.
I NEED to know more and will continue my research until I find answers to all my questions and quirks that I just found a possibly valid reason for.
Please use me for a guinea pig. I want to tap into my full potential because I have an in.
I have heightened senses as did my grandmother, I’ve seen and heard things I know are real and electrical/electromagnetic in nature that only my mom knows about and believes.
Please at least communicate with me your experiences or shed light on mine!
Kristi I have felt very strongly that my beliefs on this matter will be helpful to you. I am 56 and have had a lifetime of experiences designed to reach an otherwise unreachable child of God. That is who I was. I was specifically born to a life that was designed to provide me with no significant other persons perceptions that could help me understand why I was here. I search from the time I was old enough to walk to a neighbor or other human and listen to their stories. This started at 4 and I will say that I was sexually taken advantage of by quite a few because of my curiosty of individual motives for talking to me or trting to get me to be near them, But there were many who truly shared their life story and genuinely enjoyed my visits as the innocent act of communicating with a real human and being looked at as a real human. My family did not consider me normal and I was both a scape goat, and a source of dissappointment to my mother and my school teachers, sunday school teachers. My mother gave up on her dream of a frilly dressed shirley temple that little girls were loved for being, Once I was given the freedom to go outside and play I started out with my brothers and the boys in the neighbor hood but as they became 8,9,10, it was obvious that I would be that brunt of mischief and they had learned that I would do almost anything if I believed I had to to be a part of their club. I slowly realized I would never really be a member of the boys club because I was a girl. I found a few girlfriends but right away was too sensitive to more than one friend together with me at a time, I could tell they preferred the other friend over me and I could tell why. I wasnt good at anything and because of being non designated prefrontal hemisphere dominant or un biased by dominant hemispheres because of 1) being ambidexterous and 2) having a disability that prevented me from self acclimation to my own presence and position in the small world I was aware of being in. I did not learn left from right until wearing a wedding ring for many years. And at this juncture realized I have a condition where whole concept get reversed not letters or numbers as in dislexia but I found myself communicating a universal concept that I had discovered as truth and had more than a couple of times thought I was saying one thing but said the opposite. Now I have jumped ahead in my story to the introduction of mind altering chemicals into my life in the form of nicotine at 8 , crushed aspirin sprinkled on cig because babysitter said it wouldmake you high. It didnt itmade everything taste sweet which wasnt pleasant because even air that I breathed tasted that way. Then an older boy who had just attemted to penetrate me but was to big he jacked off instead and walked me home as we walked he shared a pin joint with me. I didnt feel anything from that either but something was happening to my place in the world. A certain type of people, those who had also little or no familial relationships due to their working or just staying away from their own home which is what I did we were the same and yet I was4, 5 and 6 years younger than these teenagers. I was 10 when that group of people made their break from me by leaving me downtown by myself. I had walked41/2 miles downtown with them and then they ditched me. Funny I had tagged along to a girls house who was skipping school too and we went in and she was really developed with big boobs and she pulled her shirt up and played with them and then asked who wanted to well there was only 2 guys with us best friend and his neighbor who was dog ugly and named Ottis he jumped right on the invitation and they moved on to another room. I have no idea what I thought of that because I must have become so uncomfortable that I disassociated. Next thing I know we are head downtown to the Army and Navy store and I think it was for duckheads the new hiphugger bellbottom jean that sails had made stylish not the hip hugging part but the bellbottoms next thing I know they were no were to be found. I say this but when I turned around and they were gone it was obvious to me that they purposely wanted to ditch me and so I did not search for them I turned and started walking home. And as if planned I had walked about a 1 mile when I came out at the Kroger and there was my granddaddys car. I got in and sit there and waited for him. The funny thing about mental illness even if you are unaware you have one, nothing surprises or picts your curiosity when something as unlikely as having a grandchild sneak a ride to the store with you without you even knowing it. So an otherwise normal person would be inundated with questions as to how you got there where you came from and reprimands til next week on going that far away from home without supervision or permission. but my grand father showed no sign of anykind of concern and frankly I thought he was glad to see me. So I volunteered the information on what happened. That I was ditched after following some older kids around all day they finally got away and I knew that they had every right to do so because I had been following them and pretending to myself all day that I was just like these kids. In reality I was because age is irrelevant to my perception of myselfs life and also I was clearly too young to see the things they saw even before the uninhibited and freely sexual desirous solicitation and williness to let the choice be theirs as to who stepped up to provide sexual satisfaction for an overly and prematurely developed unsuppervised and unquided female adolescent such as this girl. She did not like me. I think I inspired that feeling of dislike because I was intensely observing the whole situation and people dont like to be studied and they dont like to be looked at as if they are not good or doing wrong. This is a judgement that my face must have made when my biggest interest was is how she was able to develop such a strong self confidence to ask for a partner and what made her not realize that good girls dont do that in front of others or with just anybody willing. What made her different? that was what I intensely searched her demeanor and facial expressions and body language for. I was to unaware of my own facial, demeanor, and body language to be aware of the action of observing people instead of interacting with them on an even footing and then letting them reveal their worth as a friend or foe. It was about the third time of interactions with girls in the project and leaving the group because it was not my thing they were into boys and had already been in a boyfriend relationship and I was a very late developer plus I was younger than them too. The girls my age were not like me or were not allowed to play with me. they did not smoke or hang out like the older kids just sitting around talking or getting high or obsessing over some unrealistic fantasy about a bad boy who was running from the cops. Thats another thing that group had in common we chose people who we saw ourselves in but they were further along in their acts of disregard for the law. This particular bad boy was my best friend brother who was younger than himby a yar and the youngest of 4 who ironically had the predisposition to commit serous crimes. The oldest was in prison for murder, he got out before I left that scene and I observed his demeanor as a 10 year old with Gods wisdom given me to build upon for humanity I knew from that observation that he had become harder than he was before prison. He did not talk or socialize with any friends because he did not have any. Susan Peters, a woman who was an adult but who had bad experiences as a beautiful teenager and was now damaged by her reputation. This was her reality not something I saw happen to her. I had been by her place hundreds of times and never saw her or knew of her until Jerry spradlin got out and started seeing her. It is possible he killed her abuser and it was considered involuntary manslaughter. so now there she is in my eyes an old before her time female who had the spirit that was her selfs beat out of her and then the neighborhood and others shunning her. I dont need to knoww if she encountered overt shunning or subtle acts of hushed reaction to her when she was out in public because my experience was all that God made sure I recognized as impeccably designed to equip me with the set of variables that are relevant to our worlds moral dilemmas or how to decide what is right and what is wrong.back to the introduction of marijauna as a mind altering substance, I was predetermined to be cross addicted but the drugs were left for my final stages of development that would ultimately set the stage for the heathen-inherent traits of my fathers that was passed down to me to become revealed to me in such a way that my ability to be vigilant and take my life seriously as I healed the damage of childhood experience some caused by those closest to me and the damage I internalized against the whole human race and subsequently turned to drugs and began having animal friends instead of people. I strongly reacted in an undeveloped emotionally unhealthy way to the knowlege from history class of our ugly nature towards the native americans. Some would have at this point become an indian in manners and culture but again I felt the remorse of that not being my lifes experience. I was a beautiful, (apparently ) girl of the late seventies who had no money to provide a presonna in school to protect my real identity so I belonged to a small group ,,my brother, his friends and the knowlege that there were others in our group that we could call on. We became gang like and the boys actually were a type of prehistoric gang they believed in having pride in their self and their family and their neighborhood and they backed it by proving their loyalty to each other by backing them in a confrontation. This is a surprising fact that I have just recently learned about my older but closest brother. I never saw a side of him like his best friend and a recently reacquainted friend to me described that took place while they where in Middle school I lived with My father and we became army gypsies for 3 1/2 very long years of forcible behavioral and emotional uninvited studies of mainstream interaction with our immediate environment and its authoritative guidelines to practice following as if we were ordinary people who did things like live life day end and day out without any outward sign that we were aware that this life…. this army life was an ordinary occupation and that we as a family were just like any other family. We never discussed or saw any info that told that the army was training to fight wars with foriegn countries who become to much of a threat to our own lands and to rescue from evil the civilians of other countries whose govrnment does not consider them worth realistically disowning their governmental styles of power that only protects itself. a country who builds a castle of magnificent size and arms its from outsiders who throws a few bones to the masses and has golden goblets of nectar for theirselves is a government that our God has trouble teaching the right way to view the responsibility of reigning as queen or king or president of the entire country they royals are numbered in the hundreds and their people who depend on their rulership are in the hundreds of thousands. How can that be accepted? By the very massive castle and the pedestal that the royals must always appear elevated to. They have clearly given up their own self development to a divine call of developing the granduer of a regal blood inhherited ruler of the country the facade of regalness must keep their appearance and life stories in such dignified self-sacrificing loyalty to the crown and the people they serve. this will decieve those who are not very wise due to their place in society because of financial opportunities. The more well off the better the opportunities and the more liklely a child will be given attention and respect for their place in the family. The rich realize they are raising their future reputation in the world and as a well educated and well mentored offspring is an asset to a family that has maintained their wealth and positions in the society as reputable, highly regarded members of their society and the outlying powers of connections to other high society members. This is passed on to their sons and in a very special female who had hopes of being a newly wed in love and living as a wife and mother before becoming the Queen but our amazing God brought about her rulership early and from this we know that we have learned that cigarette smoking causes cancer by the death of the king at a young age. This was not by accident his age was a factor in getting his doctors to back the information on cigarettes being a unhealthy addiction rather than a stylish pastime or accessory to the rich and famous and of course to the lowly who have used cigarettes as their way to perservere through a hard day or a terrible tragedy or a long term inncessant stress that cant be relieved due to no financial security or means to secure financial gains other than the week to week hand to mouth struggle to stay out of the poor house for many during those early years of our countries birth the appearance of being well off and well educated was as good as the real thing in situations such as reputation ans repect and position in the community civics, church elected positions usually always looked at the family as a whole with the children determining whether a man was a good father and the appearance of his family in clothes and other ways determined a mans success as a provider and breadwinner. These used to be the requirements to become a leader of anything. Leaders should be an example to all on how to be a successful
I am O-. I only had 3 wisdom teeth. They came in early, around 15 I think. They only had a thin layer of enamel and I literal put a fork tiNE through one during school lunch. I did have extra canine teeth that were taken out when I was around 11. Had only had 6 baby teeth come out at that point and they took out the rest of my baby teeth and the extras. We alway figured that was why my wisdom teeth came in early. My daughter only has three wisdom teeth as well.
41 yrs old here, I still have all of mine, never had a problem. (Knock on wood! LOL!) I’m AB negative.
I have all 4 wisdom teeth. They came in during and after my first, and only, pregnancy, which, by the way, was miserable for the first 3 months. I had a migraines and abdominal cramps (no morning sickness) but once that stopped I blossomed. I have several family members who are A negative, including myself.
O– No wisdom teeth at all. Dentist said I’m more evolved than most people. Also, one secondary permanent incisor is not there. Still have the baby tooth. The oddity of the incisor is a trait I share with my sister and my niece.
I am A – and I dont have any wisdom teeth. I am 31 years old. Never happened.
Lucky you! I had 6 and had to have them removed at about 20.
I don’t know what my blood type is but I am Rh Neg.
Hi, I am red head, blue cat eyes, freckles and A RH negative.
Found this when looking for information about mental health and incompatible blood as 4 out of 5 children all have some sort of mental health.
Quite an eye opener
I’ve noticed that is very true. I have a few mental disorders, but I always assumed it was from the rough childhood I lived. I do know for fact. RH neg people seem to be more empathetic. They feel other peoples emotions as if they were their own. A few different factors that all lead to the same fact. Rh negative people are very different people. …
I am A- and i only have what the dentist referred to as a “bud.” It’s like a half size wisdom tooth. The other 3 never formed at all.
I am 43 and A – blood type. I never formed any wisdom teeth.
I had all 3 wisdom teeth and had to have the two bottom ones pulled as they were coming in at an angle. The top ones grew more pointed as the story says…the other trait my family has is addition teeth growing in. I never had them but, my oldest daughter got her upper and lower incisor adult teeth twice. The middle daughter did so the same way. The youngest daughter got all of her adult teeth in 3 times as if they were just replacing baby teeth. NOW I am raising my granddaughters from daughter number 1 and the oldest one is doing the same thing… I am AB negative. I do not know my whole geneaology but, know I am part Cherokee, Irish, Scottish, English and back to Israel. In the maternal side I do not have enough info and only know the Basque, black Dutch, English, German.
Had all 4 taken out 20 years ago. I have tiny mouth. I still wonder if it was necessary though (they were still deep) but everyone seemed to need to have it done. I do wonder if dentists are taking them out too often, there is good money in it.
I then went through 20 years of downhill health. Turns out there are few dentists on the planet doing proper extractions (google cavitations). Like most people, you are left with little infections that slow drip into your brain and body, until also my molars died from underneath (I had never had any issues or a cavity til 40). It also caused shingles through my head and mouth that nearly killed me and still leaves me in pain.
There is one dentist in Switzerland and a handful in USA who do proper cavitation surgery. A man invented a cavitation machine (ultrasound) to look at cavitations. The USA insurance industry sued and persecuted him (he fleed to Panama in the end), they did not want to pay for people to find out they had them, and then the surgery. And dentists don’t want people knowing that most extractions and root canals leave you with infections (big loss of money then). I have tried using dmso/ antimicrobials to clear the infections, but surgery seems best option. I would guess neg blood types might be more prone.
All this basically makes you live immunosuppressed and candida ridden and allergy prone. Wisdoms also are important energy meridians, so it should be last resort to get them out. There is also research that shows the importance of biting back molars/ stimulation brain to help avoid dementia.
I’m A+ and I got 1 wisdom tooth at 33, hurt like hell. Other 3 never grew. I’m 65 now.
I’m rh O+ve. I am missing all 4 wisdom teeth. I had X-rays and they’re not there. I am also missing one incisor. My mother has rh O-ve blood. She is also missing all 4 wisdom (nothing on X-ray) and 2 incisors. So, I inherited my mother’s dentistry but my dad’s blood (rhO+ve) he has no missing teeth. I do think there is an interesting link between rh-ve and missing teeth because of these findings. I also have hyper mobility in my thumbs. Not sure if this is related.
I’m rh- and had my wisdom teeth removed aged 22. They were growing down with no room and causing great pain and biting problems. After operation the dental surgeon was surprised to tell me I only had 3 wisdom teeth not 4 which he found unusual.
I am A-. I had no wisdom teeth.
I am A-, 70 yrs. Old man and still have all my wisdom teeth.
I wasn’t born with any wisdom teeth and I am A-.
I only had 3 wisdom teeth. I am Rh negative (either O- or B-)
I had 5. They discovered that in surgery. I was around 14.
A few years later a dentist identified my lower right canid was a baby tooth. X-rays showed there were two adult canids that’d competed to erupt, but just locked each other in the gum. No need for braces my entire childhood until that surgery. Got ‘‘em a couple months before my Freshman semester in college.
I never had wisdom teeth, the dentist made a joke and said I would not have wisdom.