Physical differences between rhesus negative and positive people are currently the area of interest I am intending to touch up on.
So today’s question to you is as follows:
Did you have all 4 of your wisdom teeth?
Because of ancestry the amount and space in between wisdom teeth seems to vary quite significantly:
Source: “20 physical traits you may have inherited from a Neanderthal”
Here are the issues humans experience quite frequently:
Some problems which may or may not occur with third molars: A Mesio-impacted, partially erupted mandibular third molar, B Dental caries and periodontal defects associated with both the third and second molars, caused by food packing and poor access to oral hygiene methods, C Inflamed operculum covering partially erupted lower third molar, with accumulation of food debris and bacteria underneath, D The upper third molar has over-erupted due to lack of opposing tooth contact, and may start to traumatically occlude into the operculum over the lower third molar. Unopposed teeth are usually sharp because they have not been blunted by another tooth.
Agenesis of wisdom teeth differs by population, ranging from practically zero in Tasmanian Aborigines to nearly 100% in indigenous Mexicans. The difference is related to the PAX9 gene (and perhaps other genes).
So here is my question to you:
Have you had all 4 wisdom teeth?
When did they have to be taken out?
What type of issues did you have with them (if any) before they had to be taken out?