Here are reasons why people of the general population can be insomniacs:
1) You are physically unhealthy and/or in pain.
2) You have had a rough day and haven’t finished processing your experiences yet.
3) You have something difficult ahead of you and struggle to feel good about a strategy to accomplish what needs done.
4) Someone or some people in your life scare you. It can be personal and close to you. It can also be those you depend on (or think you do) at work.
5) Your life in general is not your life. Too many things go against your nature and your psyche is overloaded.
6) You have a plan for your life, but don’t know how to go about it. Your mind works overtime looking for the open doors.
7) You are afraid to miss out on something. It usually means your life is out of balance and your homelife often not up to what you expect for you in order to feel happy.
Did I forget something?
Here is how these reasons relate to rh negatives specifically:
See also:
Is there a connection between being rh negative and having problems sleeping?