He was 54 years old
How old does he look to you?
Unfortunately, no Rh factor was provided:
Micozzi noted that precedence for testing specimens had been established more than thirty years before convening the panel, when Col. Joseph Akeroyd, M.S.C., U.S. Army, was able to identify President Lincoln’s blood as Type A from bloodstains on the cuffs of Dr. Woodward, one of Lincoln’s attending physicians. Further, the autopsy specimens had been on exhibit at the museum for several decades, suggesting that the line of Lincoln’s privacy had already been crossed. Commenting on the panelists’ conclusions, and drawing on contemporary biomedical debate, Micozzi observed that “without a living will and without legal heirs, the courts may attempt to reconstruct what the patient’s wishes might have been, based upon evidence of the patient’s attitudes, beliefs and behaviors in related matters.”