Original description:
Aliens have invaded ancient history: they’ve cropped up in humanity’s past through popular television and movies, displacing facts with absurd yet commonplace beliefs like “aliens built the pyramids.” Archaeologist Sarah Kurnick illustrates why these misconceptions perpetuate racist and xenophobic notions of history and culture — and demonstrates how you can help debunk these dangerous, outlandish myths.

I have never bought into the idea that aliens built different civilizations on earth. I believe all this alien crap is just people trying to turn the focus away from reality to a made up lie that suggests we or humans have an ace in our pocket and we will all be saved by some space traveler.
I think it’s all about control and gives false hope.
I have been wondering for a long time, do medications work differently in RH- individuals. Which ones maybe affect O- differently maybe some don’t work like they are supposed too.
Hi, I have never watched “Ted Talks” but I will put this on my list of things to check out. But I have spent the better part of my free time over the last 20+ years reading about past civilizations worldwide. A very controversial subject and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I don’t usually even debate on the subject any longer. Aliens do exist, in my world, in my life, they always have. One of my first memories, long before I knew what they were.
Humans did not design the Pyramids, again just my opinion. But there are much better examples of Alien intervention. You just have to be interested enough to look for them …
There is strong evidence that a Patriarch Enoch and the sons of Seth built the pyramid of Giza with the knowledge they received from angels,today would be classified as aliens, the purpose for it, is to be a place holder and replica for what is considered the city of God on earth, also called new Jerusalem. Many astronomical figures are embedded in the pyramid and can be found in a book called the secrets of Enoch, which includes the circumference of sun and moon and their diameters. Not to mention the 144000 limestone casing which once covered the pyramid and was polished so smoothly that it radiated like a jewel in the sun. Anyone that has heard of the book of revelation would have heard about the 144000 and it’s connection to the layout of the New Jerusalem. ( Just a different theory to consider folks).
Thank you for your viewpoint. I have read books and watched documentaries about the information you write about. I’m very openminded and don’t often get the chance to talk to others who are also open to different theories about the history of Us and this very unusual Earth and Universe that we live on and around 🙂
Hi Debbie I have noticed during my my own quest for truth and research into our ancient past, ancestory, ancient cultures, beliefs and so forth, that there were a few men considered to have deeper understanding of our world, ancient wisdom which they passed onto their descendants, and the ability to commune with the creator and his angels (messengers). They were considered righteous and elect and all these righteous and elect men had many things in common but aside from that, they seemed to have been related to each others tracing their ancestory back through a specific righteous and royale bloodline. The bloodline of Seth. Adam , considered to be the first man, was created in the image and likeness of his creator. He was considered a son of God just as the angels were sons of God, also created in the image and likeness of the creator. As above so below. Adam than had 2 sons Cain and Abel. Abel was killed by his brother due to his jealousy. God considered Abel righteous, Cain unrighteous, thus the scripture, says the righteous blood of Abel cried out to the Lord for vengeance. Cain became an outcast, married his younger sister that was promised to Abel and went on to populate his own decendants, kindred, nations, kingdoms etc. Eve than conceived with a 3rd son, Seth whom was born in the image and likeness of his father Adam that is the image and likeness of God thus Seth also considered a son of God in image and due to being taught to walk in righteousness he became the likeness of his father and thus the father of righteousness whom will be th ancestor of a righteous royal bloodline. Seth grows up in righteousness and with great wisdom, communing with the angels, and receiving world knowledge and wisdom from them, and teaches his sons the art of writing, science etc. The righteous sons and daughters decended from Seth are told not to mingle with the decendants of Cain and so this ancient wisdom of the “god’s” remains in the Seth bloodline. Cain’s bloodline became internally immoral, violent and very diverse in looks as they were very promiscuous some father’s slept with their daughters, mother’s with sons, some even with animals, and some with the annunaki which scripture refer to as the watchers. Class of angels that resembled the ancient gods of mythology which came to the earth during the days of Jared, which is the father of Enoch, the righteous scribe. While this was all going on, one man decended from Seth was righteous and walked with God, trying warn humanity of the watchers, their deceptions and the flood which will be sent on account of them messing with not just the animal, insect species DNA but also the human DNA. While the children of Cain were worshipping false gods made of stone, sleeping around with each other, animals and the watchers, Enoch was having angelic encounters, receiving all knowledge and wisdom of our universe, from its creation to its destruction and everything in between. He was appointed a ruler on the earth, some believe he might even be Thoth the god of wisdom in Egypt and he taught and instructed the people in all knowledge and wisdom, pillars of Enoch had this wisdom inscribed on it, which scholars have stated the pyramids had writing on its exterior. These pillars of Enoch was to survive the global flood and be a beacon of hope to humanity for a new heaven and new earth, it was also to be preserved in stone as a witness to humanity of the ancient knowledge and righteous bloodline where this knowledge and wisdom would be passed on throughout generations of the righteous bloodline amongst the elect and righteous patriarchs such as, Seth, Mahalel, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, Shem son of Noah, Abraham the next righteous man born during Sumerian and Babylonian rule of Nimrod, than carried forth unto Isaac, Jacob and his 12 sons. Amongst his 12 sons, 2 were blessed with the righteous and royal bloodline, the righteous would pertain to the son Levi which becomes the priesthood line, Levites, kohanim and the royal traits of this bloodline such as the connection to the spirit realm, being able to commune with the angels, spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing abilities, ancient wisdom etc. And the traits of royalty was the blessing for Judah, and the tribe of Judah from which the royalty and divine right to rule as kings was bestowed upon. Also the line from which Jesus decended. Jesus carried both righteous and royal bloodline, high priest and kingship which comes through the bloodline of the righteous sons of God.
Thanks Mike! I agree with what you for the most part, but also believe that the theory (well, more a hypothesis at this point) of “panspermia” is possibly worth evaluating. Panspermia is the hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by space dust, meteoroids, asteroids, comets, planetoids, and also by spacecraft carrying unintended contamination by microorganisms. Distribution may have occurred spanning galaxies, and so may not be restricted to the limited scale of solar systems. Some people think that it possible that DNA based life originated on Mars, and was delivered to earth after a meteorite dislogdged a chunk of martian rock at a time when Mars supported liquid water / life, with some of it landing on earth. It sounds far fetched, but its not *that* out there. At least not as much as “space aliens came and built our pyramids.”
would like to mention
Responding to Jessy- but if you believe in mumbo-jumbo like “righteous bloodlines” then it very quickly devolves into hunting down and killing the “unrighteous bloodlines”; this is what resulted in the “Christian” behavior of ethnic cleansing that has permeated and preoccupied the Church since they were adopted as the state religion of Rome. At least when they weren’t distracted by the allure of castrating or sodomizing boys, completely forgetting the name of Yeshua, their Messiah, or engaging in century long inquisitions here and there. As a result, the practice of burning people alive at the stake was commonplace from the year 401AD to shockingly recent times. How did Christians go from “love your enemies”, “judge not”, “resist not evil”, and “turn the other cheek” to the folks who would on occasion torture rival or schismatic priests for 14 years before finally allowing them the gift of being burnt to death? Largely it was a sanctimonious and self-righteous belief that God is with *your* people, but not the *other* people. In fact, Nazi Germany’s motto was “Gott mit uns” – or “God with us!”
If there was/is a God- he wasn’t with the Nazis despite their absolute certainty that he was. (They were 97.5% Christian/Catholic, according to their 1939 census- and they were quite proud of the fact.) The strange truth is that Believers got convinced that the best way to deal with the extended family of Christ was to kill them all- completely forgetting the most cherished and *pacifist* ideas that he gifted us as an astute moral role-model. Yeshua of Nazareth was a rebel Rabbi of sorts- believing that “an eye for an eye” was insufficient to stop possible future conflagrations of butthurt feelings between various social groups. Turns out he was right- war is an ugly and stupid business that “righteous” people wage on each-other, most thinking they have been “chosen” by the all-loving deity that they beleive also happened to murder all humans save Noah and his peeps in an infantile fit of rage.
As Einstein (a relative of Jesus) said,
“The word God is for me nothing but the expression of and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of venerable but still rather primitive legends. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can (for me) change anything about this.
For me the unadulterated Jewish religion is, like all other religions, an incarnation of primitive superstition. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong, and in whose mentality I feel profoundly anchored, still for me does not have any different kind of dignity from all other peoples. As far as my experience goes, they are in fact no better than other human groups, even if they are protected from the worst excesses by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot perceive anything ‘chosen’ about them.”
He couldn’t have summed up my feeelings better. I am proud to be a non-religious (or at least non-superstitious) Jewish man. Occasionally I will read “Thomas Jefferson’s Bible”, and at least part of that is to encourage Christians to do the same; hoping they will move further away from Positive Christianity – which I believe infects to a degree about 90% of Believers today, though only about 5% have the most virulent strain that its founder (Hitler) touted as the eventual state religion of the Weimar Republic. (Which you know as Germany.) If you are Christian and you think deadly force is approved of from up high- even to defend yourself, you are already infected. If you think wiping out all non-“Aryan” people on the planet is somehow justified or cool- you are completely lost.
Anyway- I’m Rh positive and my mom was negative- her body attacked mine due to some early weirdness with the umbilical cord; so I had to be delivered early- before her immune system decided to eat me. I turned out okay, relatively, although I do have some auto-immune disorders that (possibly) are related to an early tagging system by her phagocytes before they did more serious chomping on my cells. Psoriasis was the first auto-immune pathology that showed up but I am now exhibiting (in my 40s) someting that seems like a weird blend of cellulitis, lymph-edema, and multiple sclerosis. The doctors are kinda stumped, so I have been having a go at figuring it out myself. I’m a retired medical scientist so I have a little background in this sort of thing- but it wasn’t my specialty, as I was more a number cruncher in my working days with a little biophysics learned on the side.
If anyone wishes to verify, or see the connection between Enoch and the great pyramids of Giza, here are 2 links to consider.