The Rh Negative Blog

Are 53% of Karaite Jews rhesus negative?

One of many claims without a study attached that I have previously heard was that 53% of the Karaite Jews of Iraq were rhesus negative. I cannot find the actual study at this point, but there is certain data that I do recall.

So far there is one official study I have found indicating high percentages of rhesus negatives among the Karaite Jews of Iraq.

The study shows a D negative gene frequency of 0.53 and the size of the study was only a little bit more than 100 samples. That small group is likely more or less and extended family, so we need more studies on Karaite communities in order to be able to determine for a fact that Karaite Jews generally speaking have high percentages of rhesus negative blood.
According to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, a 0.53 gene frequency makes the percentage of rhesus negatives among this tested group of Karaite Jews around 28%.
This of course is very high, but less than some claim.
If anyone of you finds the actual study, please drop it in the comment section.

Leon Kull and Kevin Alan Brook led the first scientific study of Crimean Karaites using genetic testing of both Y chromosomal DNA and mitochondrial DNA and the results showed that Crimean Karaites are indeed partially of Middle Eastern origin and related to the descendants of rabbinic Jews.