Almost a year ago, I have written the article Are Rh negative people “psychic”?.

There are two major issues why I normally stay away from bringing up such subject matters on this blog:
1 Attracting the wrong comments
2 Turning off visitors who only read the title
According to Wikipedia, the following phenomena are recognized as assumed psychic abilities and below each one, you will see my views:
Apportation – The ability to undergo materialization, disappearance or teleportation of an object.
Astral projection or mental projection – The ability to voluntarily project the astral body (consciousness), being associated with the out-of-body experience, in which the astral body is felt to temporarily separate from the physical body.
Possible. You allow the flow of energy to paint a picture of your surroundings and even places far away.
Aura reading – The ability to perceive “energy fields” surrounding people, places and things.
Absolutely possible.
Automatic writing – The ability to draw or write without conscious intent.
Yes, even though this is often used in trickery.
Bilocation – The ability to be located at two or more places at the same time.
Biokinesis – The ability to change and control DNA.
Energy can do that, so my thoughts are: To some extend it could be possible.
Chronokinesis – The ability to alter ones own perception of time causing their sense of time to appear to slow down or speed up.
Absolutely possible.
Clairaudience – The ability to acquire information by paranormal auditory means.
Read between the lines? Sure. But again: Frequently used in trickery.
Claircognizance – The ability to acquire psychic knowledge by means of intrinsic knowledge (just know).
As stated above: 100% possible.
Clairgustance – The ability to taste without physical contact.
Possible, but not likely.
Clairolfactance – The ability to access spiritual or mediumistic knowledge through smell.
Possible, but not likely.
Clairsentience – The ability to psychically feel, that is to receive messages from emotions and feelings.
Of course, as included in claircognizance
Clairvoyance – The ability to perceive people, objects, locations, or physical events via extrasensory perception.
Conjuration – The ability to materialize physical objects from thin air.
Divination – The ability to gain insight into a situation using occult means.
Nonsense. No such thing as “occult”. See religious interpretations above.
The term occult sciences was used in the 16th century to refer to astrology, alchemy, and natural magic. Alchemy is the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir. Natural magic so defined includes astrology, alchemy, and disciplines that we would today consider fields of natural science, such as astronomy and chemistry (which developed and diverged from astrology and alchemy, respectively, into the modern sciences they are today) or botany (from herbology).
Dowsing – The ability to locate water, sometimes using a tool called a dowsing rod.
Sensing water and energy surrounding it below you? Surely possible. But why the stick? Lame gimmick? Of course: In all tests setting strict rules, the demonstrators promising proof were never able to deliver any.
Electrokinesis – The ability to control electricity with the mind.

“With the mind” might be wrong, though it starts in there. Rather through means of activating energy making the impact. Mind you: Our body is “electrical”.
Energy manipulation or energy work – The ability to manipulate physical or non-physical energy with one’s mind.
Same thing. “With the mind” is designed for theatrics and the wrong term to use.
Energy medicine – The ability to heal with one’s own empathic etheric, astral, mental or spiritual energy.
Very possible, though what we see and read about is usually exclusively fake and done for monetary gains and/or publicity.
Levitation or transvection – The ability to float or fly by mystical means.
Mediumship or channeling – The ability to communicate with spirits.
No, but it leads me to the question where our energy travels if we expect a sudden and unexpected death.
Precognition or premonition – The ability to perceive future events.
Yes. Where is energy moving? What is it moving towards? Can you pick up on it? You will be able to go towards something that is coming.
Prophecy – The ability to predict the future.
Just another word for the same thing, but this time using religious terminology.
Psychic surgery – The ability to remove disease or disorder within or over the body tissue via an “energetic” incision that heals immediately afterwards.
Um… no!
Psychokinesis or telekinesis – The ability to manipulate objects with the mind.
To some extent possible, but why is there zero evidence? Again, we are dealing with using what is to sell trickery. Those who lack intuition tend to have lines too blurred and nothing to keep them from doubting too much or too little.
Psychometry or psychoscopy – The ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch.
Maybe. Energy fields.
Pyrokinesis – The ability to create and manipulate fire with the mind.

This is getting tiring. “With the mind”. Wrong approach to begin with.
Remote viewing, telesthesia or remote sensing – The ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception.
Absolutely, yes.
Retrocognition or postcognition – The ability to supernaturally perceive past events.
Reading energy, picking up freeze frame time style, concluding on sensing the motions of energy… yes, possible!
Second sight – The ability to see future and past events or to perceive information that is not present to the physical senses, in the form of a vision (precognition or remote viewing, a seer).
Just another term for something previously stated. Again: It gets very tiring and accumulates far too many selling points not needed IF something is actually genuine.
Scrying – The ability to look into a suitable medium with a view to detect significant information .
No. Scam alert!
Telepathy – The ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally.
“Supernaturally”… let’s rename it or un-name it to not punish the message.
Thoughtography – The ability to imprint images from one’s mind onto physical surfaces—such as photographic film—by psychic means.
Who knows…
I took tests online…Z near card tests….A man named Russell Targ developed a test called PSI ESP trainer developed by Nasa. Mike I sent you my test results by email, don’t know if you received them. Results claim way above statistical average..66.6% probability this was not by chance. Outstanding esp abilities…ect…Anyone can download apps for free…No clue what it means, was a test, these were the results….
I’m tired it again zenar card test today is June 28,2020… Anyone curious if they have abilities can take test for free online. States 66.7% chance my results not due to chance…significant abilities..( No grouping) .. Personal experience, I think I feel dishonesty…when a person is not good , a danger of lying. I think I can sense of a bad event may happen…nothing tangible , just something is off. I say things like an opinion and it happen. I’ve believed that this was due to hypervigilance. Personal interests like the study of body language…or working with people identifying language clothes books, interests to “know them” I cannot see the future, I have no special gifts that I believe. After my son died, only in my house, supernatural events occurred caught on audio and video. Too many for anyone to disprove or explain. I still need answers, can’t get any…those events traumatized me. I was told to ignore this and move. I did…no odd things in New apartment…but as a mom, I freaked out, and enough to lose a child, but to think there being bullied by bad things( that’s what it looked like) or not understanding if my son needs help, priests said those are not angels…It’s like a dream and then I watch a video…and it’s just so weird and scary. I never was afraid to die, I am now…The biggest skeptics just have no answers. I can’t communicate, heard some weird audio…told ignore it by church…that scares me more…it’s like us RH negatives, I will give anyone flash drive…why no investigation of you can’t give any answers…if I show anyone, there afraid of me!??? I never asked for it…personally just want answers…
87.7% probability result not due to chance…Zenar card test…says extremely strong abilities….RH negatives don’t wonder just take the tests…And I know people have abilities without tests…I did not invent it, it was invented to test for this purpose…can email results..if needed. Just tried again, so seems like you can develop this through practice. Maybe everyone has abilities.
Why is everyone afraid to comment here? When something bad going to happen I draw Jesus face..I have no trained talent…I do not know if its personal or for everyone! But I sketched picture of divinchi Christ in less than a minute. So no voice that states what it is, who is in trouble, its just a sign that something is going to happen and will not be good….I’m afraid to tell the weird stuff that happens…so I can email my sketch…there is an election…this is a fight or die for dems and republicans…my head says avoid distractions, the bigger threat is to come…this is the calm before the storm…and I have no clue what will happen…message waste of time….but that’s what I know