Ash brought up the subject. Here’s my attempt to tackle some of the area:
What truly interests me are personal experiences.
Anything that happened in your life that you cannot explain.
What stood out that you believe no one else has ever experienced?

… or have they?
This was actually good to hear. I thought I was the only one who feels this way. The only other Rh- in my family, that I know, is my dad (and now my 2 year old). For some reason, though, he’s not always been very sympathetic, so I have always felt I didn’t belong, like maybe I was adopted! Ha! As far as experiences I can’t explain, there have been many; I’ll give a couple.
1) In my early 20s, I lived on a horse farm in a small cottage the farmer rented out. Loved living there, but the house was very old and had probably experienced a lot, maybe even had spirits (dog bowl moving across the floor with my dog and I both confused as an example). One night, I woke up feeling that someone was looking at me. Straight ahead, there was a dark shadow figure, and then I felt something heavy on my chest. I just prayed, “God, please help me!” There was a lamp by the bed that switched on by turning a knob that can adjust brightness. Right when I asked for help, the light from the lamp went all the way up, and then back down, and the figure was gone and so was the weight on my chest.
2) My two year old has Down Syndrome and as is common with DS, he had a hole in his heart (VSD). It was pretty large, so he needed surgery at 2 months old. Prior to surgery, he was baptized and during surgery and recovery from that and subsequent bacterial pneumonia, many, many prayers were said for him. He has fully recovered and the cardiologists say his current heart rhythm and images sound/look like a normal heart.
I think we do need to clarify the difference between ‘being religious’…. vs… being spiritual…
….. To some… they may be the same thing..
….. To others….they may not ascribe to a particular religious denomination…
However they may be exceptionally spiritual in their beliefs.
Example… my own family…
My father was A Neg. …. and my Mom is O Neg…. My father never really attended church… my mother most often did attend church.
My older brother and my older sister are both O Neg…. My older brother is more spiritual than a church goer… My older sister most often attends church and tends to have more traditional beliefs.
I am A Neg. …. and I am Very Spiritual person… and I have been baptized a few different times… thru different denominations… But I do not believe any One denomination has it all correct.
My younger sister is A Neg….. my younger brother is O Neg.
My younger sister has been very involved within the church denomination that we were raised… whereas my younger brother doesn’t attend church but does believe in God or that a higher power exists.
Each of us is slightly different in our beliefs….