We are often described as restless, by the general population as well as many rh negative people stating that they are.
There are several reasons why someone can be restless. You may also look at 7 Reasons why Rh Negatives can be Insomniacs as these go hand in hand.

Here are 7 reasons I can think of which can contribute to you being restless:
- Rh negatives have more health issues.
- Many of us feel social discomfort.
- You feel a need to adapt.
- We are magnets, not just for deep admiration, but also jealous and sometimes hateful attacks.
- We feel out of place.
- Your intuition is deactivated.
- The “wanderlust gene”.
The solution? It is inside of you to find. Here are suggestions:
- Listen to your body to protect you from what is not good for you.
- Be selfish. Live YOUR life.
- Find people you don’t feel the need to adapt around.
- Lay low. Don’t brag. Don’t show off. Let your light shine on those who give back.
- Create your own space and allow only the right people in.
- Stop listening to others unless your intuition tells you they’re right.
- This is an indicator that you may have to take steps and make changes in your life. It isn’t a bad thing to feel like that. See it as an opportunity to rise above what you are not satisfied with.
See also: