I have two pieces of advice:
- Do not live in fear
- Do not live around people who live in fear
Fear disables and creates bad decisions. Those living in fear often attract reasons to be fearful.
It is our responsibility to free ourselves from those who are creating fear.
Do you have intuition?
Use it!
Before you ask again:
Brilliant answer, well said, couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m impressed😉
I think Rhesus Negs are tracked, but not on earth. Doesn’t scare me one iota. We are strangely different. I do think we are from Simeon’s 12th Tribe. For reasons l won’t share here, but which have cropped up in my life long ago. And refuse to go away. And as years pass, they continue to return like proof again. Like that ‘rubber ball’ of my sixties hit song youth, ‘they keep bouncing back to me!’
I have read an official study that the strongest people genetically areTh ositve people withe a recessive negative. So the strength of the population overall depends on continued mixing.
Shaken, but not stirred ay? Interesting. But you can’t mix negatives with positives, one will get one helluva a shock to the system! And since negative still exist at the same rate as we started, a mere 15% worldwide, it’s pretty clear that’s not going to change. There is something special about our blood type, and it’s been protected for millennia already.
Thank you 🙂
only the paranoid ones
Moira, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.
Yes, we’re being tracked, but off planet. They’re just watching us, that’s all. Do not fear anyone or anything, EVER!!
If aliens wanted to, given their suprior technology in simply getting here from across vast space, or dimensions, and the technology they needed, l’d say if they wanted to harm us, they’d have done it long ago. Here’s my tiny take on what they want from us, you won’t like it, but l’ve ‘thunked’ it since l first saw three UFOs up close and personal in 1949. I say thought about it, because it kept coming to the foreground of my mind. And when that happens, things always do come true for me. We are vastly in front of alien races spiritually, we have found favour from, and given, the gift of eternal life from God, they do not have it, and are not God’s creation. God told us we stand alone in this. They are searching for it in our rare bloodline, l’m betting it’s mostly if not all, Rh Negs they abduct for experimental game! They’re looking for the human soul, and when they find it, they hope to inherit, or steal it from us, steal our eternal life. Just remember, we own our souls, all humans do, so they also need permission from us individually to take it. We called the original gatherer of such permits outside God’s Kingdom the devil, and apparently he can fly as well!! So ancient astronauters be advised, stop playing with fire! Clever fellow him, God’s enemy, moving with the times from ancient astronaut to 21st century astronaut. Full circle l would say, and now, Putin and the nuclear bomb, things are hotting up toward a final battle, a final answer. And I believe without a soul, earth will not accept them, these aliens who attempt to walk amongst us. Their time on earth is limited to short stopovers. So they keep on trying us, using us, in mindset, in body, and looking for our soul, to bend and let them through. Once given to God’s enemy, your soul cannot come back. Stop digging, or the earth will swallow you forever. I’ve no doubt alien crafts and astronauts were here long ago, l’ve seen UFOs lifelong, and l’m convinced l met an alien a few years ago.
True. Don’t fear being watched. Its as if we are cared for by others. Does anyone else have any experiences? I have many.
I was born 8-1-81 in Florida to teenage parents. As soon as my mom gave birth, I was taken away for what they told her was a “double hernia surgery” that left scars on my ovaries. And being O-, I often wonder if my reproductive organs were….sampled for govt, research, etc, Idk) Anyways, I’ve had quite a few odd things like y’all have had-ufos (close up and no sound whatsoever with triangle lights moving together like they were communicating), sleep paralysis, lights going out or bulbs breaking after I walk by, intuition, people I think about appearing out of nowhere.
So, one night, I was lying in bed and realized I couldn’t move but my eyes were open. I thought it was just another sleep paralysis episode, but it did not come with the fear that it usually does. Instead, what I heard is what I can only describe as a static-y radio transmission. Almost like an AM station with things coming in and out however, what I heard were at least two voices that sounded male speaking in a language I had never heard of. Like I said, it was a lot like an a.m. radio transmission where it’s crackly and static-y. My Chihuahua was on the bed with me, and he was sound asleep so I know he couldn’t hear it because he would bark his head off, but I could not move my body, and my eyes were open. But like I said, I did not have the fear, but I heard these things I had never heard before. This is the same place where I seen the UFOs. So, in my opinion, yes, we are tracked almost like a study in humans. But not just any humans! I’m not scared at all, but we are different.