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Or rather … does the origin of rh negative blood lie in Hebrew ancestry?
A little over a year I have published Is there a Basque-Jewish-Rh Negative connection?
I have received many questions and a lot of input since.
The following is a reply to commonly asked questions and frequently given suggestions:
One of the most important issues to me is origin and in the case of rh negative blood, I want to know which if any ancient tribe was 100 percent rh negative before we all became a mix of tribes.
Just like almost all native American tribes are 100 percent O positive, everything indicates towards there having been ancient tribes which were 100 percent rh negative and even those that were likely 100 percent 0 negative and other ABOs.
But which were they and how can we find out who they were?
Aside from the Berbers, the Basque population is one of the key to determine our ancestry.
Reportedly present in the Pyrenees mountains for 8,000 to 14,000 years, they are known as the first Europeans.
Here are some things to first agree upon to find out more through them:
Having been in the region and mixing with neighbors who have a lower percentage of rh negatives, the percentage of rh negatives amongst the Basque population must have gone down steadily.
Reversing the trend would in turn increase the percentage of rh negatives, and looking at a span of thousands of years, quite drastically so.
Could it be that the original settlers in the Pyrenees mountains were 100 percent (or close to) Rh Negative?
The answer is yes. Very likely. Or at least descend from a group 100 percent rh negative.
Another thing about the Basques is the very low number or B and AB people.
Looking in addition at the fact that more than 50 percent of Basques are blood type O, can also indicate that the 44% who are blood type A could be a result of mixing with neighboring tribes, being that Europeans have a higher percentage of blood type A than O.
This does open up a very high possibility that the original Basque people were in fact
100% blood type O negative.
Now let us look at the DNA results. But not at the current ones. What we are looking for is a downward trends towards today so it can be reversed into an upward trend looking back to get an idea of what the genepool amongst the original Basque people looked like.
And here is something that stands out big time:
MtDNA levels of Haplogroup K which is known as THE female Hebrew marker is currently at around 4% amongst the Basques. It was at the same level 1,500 years ago. But around 4,000 to 5,000 years ago the percentage was between 17 and 24.
This exponential reverse trend indicates a strong likelihood that there was once a core group 100 percent mtDNA K.
That would mean that there was once a group that was 100 percent rh negative and 100 percent identical to the ancient Hebrews on the female line.
Being that the y-DNA marker of the ancient Hebrews (currently in around 1/3rd of Ashkenazis) and most of Arabs was J and is also known as the Sumerian marker.
If you have read the Old Testament or Torah, Abraham (Avraham) was actually born in Sumer so Hebrews carrying this male marker is completely in tune with that.
And indeed Arabs consider Ishmael their forefather who was the son of Abraham and Hagar giving birth to him when Sarah (Sarai), Abraham´s wife was told she was not able to have kids. Sarah was also Abraham´s half-sister, also Sumerian.
Hagar was the Egyptian handmaiden of Sarai, Abraham’s wife.
There also appears to be a language connection between the Basques and the ancient Sumerians.
Dené–Caucasian is a proposed broad language family that includes the Sino-Tibetan, North Caucasian, Na-Dené, Yeniseian, Vasconic (including Basque) and Burushaski language families. A connection specifically between Na-Dené and Yeniseian was proposed by Edward Vajda in 2000, and has met with some acceptance.
(See: What is the link between the Basque language and ancient Sumerian?)
Here is a map of frequencies of haplogroup mtDNA K worldwide:
And here is a map of y-DNA haplogroup J1 and J2:
When you look closely at the Mediterranean isles, you will recognize a high percentage of both, mtDNA K and y-DNA J in Cyprus and Crete, which reminds me of something written by Roman historian Tacitus:
The Jews are said to have been refugees from the island of Crete who settled in the remotest corner of Libya in the days when, according to the story, Saturn was driven from his throne by the aggression of Jupiter. This is a deduction from the name Judaei by which they became known: the word is to be regarded as a barbarous lengthening of Idaei, the name of the people dwelling around the famous Mount Ida in Crete.
Regardless if you believe in the Bible, the Torah, the writings of Tacitus, are uncertain or consider everything hogwash:
There was a definite exodus from Sumer and somehow the ancient Hebrews came along as future offspring.
Though Tacitus´ writings were anti-Jewish for the most part, this Crete-anology can easily be looking at the high DNA evidence in an island setting where the original genes of the settlers were well-preserved.
If in fact a 100 percent rh negative 100 percent Hebrew population settled in Basque country, the rh negative blood factor would have to go back to the origin of the Hebrews, which is Sumer.
And not only would it indicate that the Sumerians were likely 100 percent rh negative, but specifically O negative.
How is your attention span?
Still ready for more?
Here it goes:
In addition I also might mention that the real universal donor is NOT O negative …
it is Oh-, also known as the Bombay blood type. Which does not mean that the type originated in Bombay, but was likely from a region that was occupied lateron and originally a part of the Sumerian kingdom turning into Farsi refugees carrying it into the new homeland now known as India.
Ethiopia also carries a high percentage of J (18%) and rh negative blood is much higher than the African average with 8%.
Haplogroup J has been found at a frequency of approximately 18% in Ethiopians, with a higher prevalence among the Amhara, where it has been found to exist at levels as high as 35%, of which about 94% (17% of total) is of the type J1, while 6% (1% of total) is of J2 type. On the other hand, 26% of the individuals sampled in the Arsi control portion of Moran et al. (2004) were found to belong to Haplogroup J.
As Tacitus´ theories spread further:
Many assure us that the Jews are descended from those Ethiopians who were driven by fear and hatred to emigrate from their home country when Cepheus was king.note There are some who say that a motley collection of landless Assyriansnote occupied a part of Egypt, and then built cities of their own, inhabiting the lands of the Hebrews and the nearer parts of Syria. Others again find a famous ancestry for the Jews in the Solymi who are mentioned with respect in the epics of Homer:note this tribe is supposed have founded Jerusalem and named it after themselves.
And further genetic studies of Ethiopians conclude:
Wilson et al. (2001), an autosomal DNA study based on cluster analysis that looked at a combined sample of Amhara and Oromo examining a single enzyme variants: drug metabolizing enzyme (DME) loci, found that 62% of Ethiopeans fall into the same cluster of Ashkenazi Jews, Norwegians and Armenians based on that gene. Only 24% of Ethiopians cluster with Bantus and Afro-Caribbeans, 8% with Papua New Guineans, and 6% with Chinese.
Both, the ancient Aethiopians and Indians were said to have white skin. Aethiopians are actually said to derive from India, but that was also more or less a theory at that time. What we see today is a result of those ancient tribes mixing with neighbors.
The claim “Ethiopians look like Europeans or Semites with darker skin” can easily be answered:
Dark eyes, hair, skin are genetically dominant. Facial features are not subject to that dominance. The same goes for people from India whose ancestors likely mixed with their Asian neighbors.
The “Berber” marker is also very high amongst Ethiopians and said to originate there:
A composite look at most YDNA studies done so far reveals that,out of a total of 459 males sampled from Ethiopia, approximately 58% of Y-chromosome haplotypes were found to belong to Haplogroup E, of which 71% (41% of total) were characterized by one of its further downstream sub lineage known as E1b1b, while the remainder were mostly characterized by Haplogroup E1b1(x E1b1b,E1b1a), and to a lesser extent Haplogroup E2. With respect to E1b1b, some studies have found that it exists at its highest level among the Oromo, where it represented 62.8% of the haplotypes, while it was found at 35.4% among the Amhara, other studies however have found an almost equal representation of Haplogroup E1b1b at approximately 57% in both the Oromo and the Amhara. The haplogroup (as its predecessor E1b1) is thought to have originated in Ethiopia or elsewhere in the Horn of Africa. About one half of E1b1b found in Ethiopia is further characterized by E1b1b1a (M78), which arose later in north-eastern Africa and then back-migrated to eastern Africa.
About the mtDNA:
According to Černý et al. (2008), many Ethiopians also share specific maternal lineages with areas in Yemen and other parts of Northeast Africa. The authors indicate that:
“The most frequent haplotype in west coastal Yemen is 16126–16362, which is found not only in the Ethiopian highlands but also in Somalia, lower Egypt and at especially high frequency in the Nubians. The Tihama share some West Eurasian haplotypes with Africans, e.g. J and K with Ethiopians, Somali and Egyptians.”
And about the Mesopotamian marker T:
Finally, Haplogroup T at approximately 4% and Haplogroup B at approximately 3%, make up the remainder of the Y-DNA Haplogroups found within Ethiopia.
Everything points towards this region being home to an rh negative society:
And you can see glimpses of how our ancestors may have looked like in many populations on earth.
Whether it is the people of northern Pakistan (Dardic, Kalash, Kashmiris, Tajik and Pamiris) …
… the people of Cyprus …
… or Sardinia:
Ready for more details?
To continue reading up on the rh negative blood factor and everything that goes with it, click on the logo below:
To read about the Basques, Sumerian, Hebrews and other tribes significant to rh negative blood, simply use the search box above and find results like this one and that one.
And if you would like to comment or give feedback, please do so via Facebook or Twitter.
See also:
An mtDNA Analysis in Ancient Basque Populations: Implications for Haplogroup V as a Marker for a Major Paleolithic Expansion from Southwestern Europe
The mitochondrial lineage U8a reveals a Paleolithic settlement in the Basque country