The Rh Negative Blog

Are you allergic to electricity?

This is a simplified way to put it, but those who are, get it. The system we operate under is electrical. To dismiss Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity would be idiotic.

One reason many are afraid to come forward is fear of being called crazy.

If you look up “Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity”, chances are, you will come across the “information” that the condition was once ridiculed on a TV show. You are not strong enough to state something that might make others think you’re mental, right?

Unfortunately, while most people claim to “be themselves”, I have realized that a minimum of 80% isn’t.

The words are strong, but when it comes down to it, rh negatives tend to hide.

This is not un-understandable, but it doesn’t help.

One of the reasons I have started this blog was to resonate. Whatever our true thoughts, voice them. This doesn’t include exaggerators or attention seekers claiming to change clocks’ times. It means examining true conditions whether or not the corrupt editors allow them to become studies.

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