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Here is what I (try to) avoid: Here is what I (try to) do: Protein Sunlight How much sunlight is …
What I (try to) avoid: Standing in line Sitting down for too long Sugar Processed meat Cheap alcohol Air fresheners …
You simply live in an unnatural world Life gets more and more unnatural Follow your intuition You have it Use …
The more I am learning about nutrition, the more I am in awe over the human body having to fight …
There are more than 50 antigens known to exist within the Rh blood group system. One of those antigens is …
Complete heterochromia is definitely rare — fewer than 200,000 Americans have the condition, according to the National Institutes of Health. …
…and so was Rh- blood. Today’s Berbers are a mix of the original Berbers and their invaders. Gray eyes are …