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The simple answer is yes, ink does enter the blood stream and has nothing to do with a tattoo artist …
While most cannot do more than one thing at once, Rh negatives appear to get bored when not multitasking. Many …
I have discussed regions, tribes and nations with high levels of Rh- frequencies many times. Here is a summary: The …
I have great interest in the following ancient tribes: The Proto Basques The Sumerians/Mesopotamian The ancient Hebrews The Proto Celts/Yamnaya …
Rh- blood is the result of a gene deletion. The gene in question is the D antigen from the Rhesus …
I like to use Jimmy Carter as an example His family Most died in their 50s He is well into …
Have you seen our study showing how much worse it affects us? Guess what: It might not be the alcohol … are Rh negative, you may react stronger to whatever is unhealthy for everyone That can be a blessing or …
Stop consuming sugar and instead choose fruit Cut out carbs via manmade filler products such as bread and pasta Buy …