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Recently I was referred to as “obsessed” and out of all places it was within a forum surrounding the topic …
Physical differences between rhesus negative and positive people are currently the area of interest I am intending to touch up …
Once again my attention is drawn to the Neanderthals. Why? Because for whatever reason there seem to be a lot …
The biggest mistake is to assume there is “nothing between us” completely ignoring the molecular capabilities of air. “Sensing someone …
The rumor that rhesus negative people are somehow immune to HIV/AIDS will not die down. Even though it has been …
An occipital bun is a prominent bulge or projection of the occipital bone at the back of the skull. It …
Have you ever wondered who was you before you were you? Do you ever wonder if there was someone who …
As I have previously posted, Ancestry DNA only shares countries presumed your ancestors lived in. of course is one …
Recently I was shown results from AncestryDNA and surprised that no haplogroups were listed. What are haplogroups? They are genetic …