Haplogroup JT (mtDNA) was extremely common among the ancient Etruscans. I am getting a few results from rhesus negatives having …
Author: Rhesusnegative.net
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It is not just plain physical attributes or any types of characteristics you can look at, mark off and then …
Recently I have translated What were really Neanderthals like and how much did we inherit from them? into German and …
This study has already been published back in 2008: The present study sought to expand the limited evidence that sexual …
In the past few years I have been seeing one article again and again that is used to reference a …
Hemophilia is a rare disorder in which the blood does not clot normally. It is usually inherited. Hemophilia usually occurs …
A study of 28,129 subjects, 20,897 female and 7,231 males, was published last year from outpatients and blood donors at …
Is it just me or do you get offended when you read complete fabrications about rhesus negative people? While some …