The answer is “Yes”. Just like two brown-eyed parents can have a blue eyed child because the rh negative gene …
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Once again there is a study out showing people with blood type O ranking the best for overall protection while …
Have you ever wondered what it might feel like when someone gets a blood transfusion, but the blood used is …
This year alone, quite a few travellers have had the unpleasant surprise to be in a state of medical emergency …
I get a few emails weekly from women asking if they should refuse the Rhogam shot because they have read …
What are the rh negative personality traits? Disclaimer: This is not a scientific statement on my part, but an experiment …
In addition to Blood Type Frequencies by Country including the Rh Factor, here is some information about Cuba:
As more and more communities are forming worldwide especially in countries where rh negative blood is very rare, our focus …
As we have learned, the native American tribes we know about in South America seem to be originally all 100% …
Do you have friends who are rh negative but new to it all?Here is a brief introduction to let them …