Corrado Pani has been a member of People with Rhesus Negative Bloodtype for a few years and been very active …
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Are you from Ethiopia or in Ethiopia? Please message us as we might need your help! Ethiopia is one of …
This thought has been brought up by Gordon Scherer previously.Could it be that rh negative people are more likely to …
According to several studies, Neanderthal DNA exists in all Europeans at a frequency of 1-3% as well as in Asians. …
Although the Rh-negative trait is rare in most parts of the world, it occurs in about 15 percent of Caucasians …
In the past few years, the claim that rh negative women are more likely to have autistic children has come …
UPDATE: The Sinai Peninsula needs to be included as well. On a national level, no country reaches the high number …
Scotland is a very interesting place when looking for frequencies of rh negative people because of its strong variation of …
If you are new to this blog, you may say “There is no way to recognize someone based on their …
Recently I have spent time reading up on material on food and what would be best for us. What I …