Why are Rh negatives more affected by it? Is it the nicotine? Or is it (as usual) the chemicals?
Author: Rhesusnegative.net
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If you are Rh-, smoking cigarettes may impact you worse than Rh positives. But why is that? Is it the …
Mineral waters can contain high levels of iron, which can be used for drinking and bathing. Iron levels in mineral …
Insomnia is very common in Rh negatives,. especially women with blood type A-. I don’t really give advice. I have …
What Atlantis? Plato wrote a fictional story which was later picked up by the likes of Jules Verne. What did, …
We don’t know. Rh- blood is the result of a gene deletion. Prehistoric specimens examined were all examined and turned …
First of all: You don’t clone blood. You clone nucleic acid segments or genes or possibly the expression of proteins. …