No. There is no evidence that Rh negative blood comes from Aliens. There is no evidence that aliens have ever …
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Aside from the traits mentioned, the centenarians also had other qualities such as being positive thinkers, strong family ties, positive …
I have previously mentioned that Northern Ireland is around 27% Rh- I have also mentioned that London is only around …
If you have been a reader of this blog, you are likely familiar with the amazing history of the region. …
Not so much in Eastern Europe where migrations remain low, but in Western and Northern Europe as well as Australia, …
Let’s summarise: Northern Ireland, formerly Ulster, has more than 27% Rh- frequencies. On average, 16-17% within the Republic of Ireland …
Genetic Study Examines Neanderthal Blood Types MARSEILLE, FRANCE—According to a Cosmos Magazine report, paleoanthropologist Silvana Condemi and her colleagues at Aix-Marseille University …
Please note, that I am in no way, shape or form promoting the usage of sperm banks. The question I …
The Ruling class such as the Pharaohs, the aristocracy, the Priest-class & most of the Warrior-class were a different demographic …