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Bonny was born in Ireland at an unknown date, and later moved to London and then to the Province of …
Historians and divers are trying to retrieve prehistoric clues from beneath the waves—but they have to act fast. Around 8,000 …
I have read this claim many times, but as far as I know, only 2 studies related to Rh- blood …
Alexander the Great, a Macedonian king, conquered the eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, the Middle East, and parts of Asia in a …
Results: Out of 353 participants, 67 (18.98%) were male and 286 (81.01%) were female with a mean age of 20 …
There was a negative association between IQ and obesity in the UK population. Further research is needed to provide a …
I have recently discussed how craving sweets is actually a good thing. At least it used to be before factory …