Remember the claim from years ago that people with blood type O negative are immune to HIV/AIDS? I have since …
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Here is the issue: The tests were done in Asia and Africa where many of those categorised as Rh-, are …
DNA tests demonstrated that Neanderthals possessed fair skin, and at least some subspecies had reddish hair too. Neanderthals are believed …
Tribes with truly Rh- blood, tend to get it from North African, European and West Asian ancestors.
From the study above: All techniques for predicting D phenotype from DNA or mRNA are based on the dogma that, …
Rhesus negative subjects reported to have more frequent allergic, digestive, heart, hematological, immunity, mental health, and neurological problems. The RhD …
Neurodevelopmental Disorders, MaternalRh-Negativity, and Rho(D) Immune Globulins:A Multi-Center AssessmentDavid A. Geier1, Elizabeth Mumper2, Bambi Gladfelter2, Lisa Coleman2, andMark R. Geier3The …
While the weak association between RhD-positive blood types and HIV susceptibility is thought to result from residual confounding, other studies …