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Sepphoris is an archaeological site located in the central Galilee region of Israel, 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) north-northwest of Nazareth. …
The Etruscans were a mixture of WHG, EEF, and Steppe ancestry; 75% of the Etruscan male individuals were found to …
The Roman author Ovid recorded that one of the Sarmatian tribes, the Coralli, had blond hair, which is a characteristic …
The highest percentage is found among some of the tribes still living in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco (40%). The …
The people, jokingly called the “Black Irish”, have dark hair and eyes, wedge-shaped faces and look like Berbers and Basques. …
The Berbers, more appropriately known as Imazighen (with the singular Amazigh) are a pre-Arab ethnic group that has largely adopted …
My current thoughts: The original Berbers were very high in Rh- blood, but due to Arabic invasions, their current percentages …