The term “Moor” has been used in literature, art, and history books for centuries, but it doesn’t actually describe a …
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Truly health-conscious consumers choose to avoid artificial, unnatural and synthetic chemicals, but often — and unknowingly — consume these in …
According to a 2008 study, Rh negatives are more likely to be gay or lesbian I personally haven’t seen any …
An autoimmune disease is a condition that results from an anomalous response of the adaptive immune system, wherein it mistakenly …
As many more Rh- females than males gave input, I will continue to focus on Rh- women Most Rh- women …
Almost all Rh- negatives who shared their personality types with me, had the N as the second letter Only 26.9% …
According to a 2008 study, the answer is “yes” I personally haven’t seen any evidence for or against it
DISCLAIMER I am not a doctor I don’t get paid to make people sick Our ancestors drank from the rivers …