In the past few years I have been seeing one article again and again that is used to reference a high percentage of rh negative people amongst the Berbers of Morocco:
The Sea Peoples included the following three main tribes:
1) The dark featured, Rh-negative Berbers, originally from Morocco, Algiers and Senegal, who had discovered and populated the Canary and Cape Verde islands, all of the Atlantic islands off Europe, the Basque country and had established reindeer hunting camps in Finnmark in Arctic Norway and leather tanning stations on the southern tip of Sweden and the west coast of Ireland. They controlled all Atlantic traffic and the far western part of the Mediterranean. The Berbers from Morocco likely were the Shekelesh (3) of the Egyptian records, while the people of Britain may have been called the Aqaiwasha. It appears that the people of the Hebrides and Scotland were known to the Egyptians as the Tyrrhenoi(4), the people of Odysseus’ tribe, later known to the Romans as the Picts. Their migration was a simple one and covered an area that was within easy reach of the homeland.
He continues on his page:
The highest percentage is found among some of the tribes still living in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco (40%). The next highest are the Basques, reported in different publications as having 25 and 32%, depending on location. The people of northwest Ireland, the Highland Scots and the western islanders of Norway all have between 16 and 25%, while the Lapps of Norway and Finland have between 5 and 7%. In addition, Cavalli-Sforza reports two small isolated populations of the same tribe, one in Chad and another in Senegal, each with about 25%. On his map, he shows an Rh-negative population in Chad, still living near the formerly enormous Chad lake. Only part of this lake still exists on the spot where the boundaries of Chad, Niger, Nigeria and Cameroon meet. These people may originally have been the sailors on Chad lake. Could it be that this is the original location of the Rh-negative population that then moved to Morocco and Algiers to become the Berbers? Or would it be the other way around?
Does it make sense that one tribe “becomes the other” while y-DNA in the original population is predominantly R1b and in the destination population E1b1b?
And the same way how can the Berbers “become the Basques”?
Is it responsible for a university professor to make such speculation and then leave it at that?
Legner has simply copied what Cavalli-Sforza stated or just copied parts of Linguistic Archaeology where Edo Nyland did the same and then assume that the Black Irish were Berbers.
Once again, be reminded that whenever a scientist like Carvalli-Sforza makes statements not backed up as his opinion that the rh negative blood factor is headed for extinction.
There is one basis found for the claim that there are Berber groups extremely high in rh negative blood frequencies. To be specific, it is the Ait Haddidu Berbers of Morocco.

So what were the results of that particular study?
Blood groups were tested in 256 members of the Ait Haddidu tribe of the Atlas Mountains of southern Morocco. Previous observations of high frequencies of O and N were confirmed but an unusually low frequency of 5.5% Rhesus negative (cde) was found which contrasts with earlier findings. It is concluded that the Ait Haddidu are probably a relict of a Berber stock which had by comparison with other caucasoid populations abnormally high O, N and CDe frequencies. There are indications of 40% negroid admixture. The other systems tested were P1, Lu, K, Fy and Js.
Johnson, R. H.; Kin, Elizabeth W.; Mourant, A. E., 1963: Blood groups of the Ait Haddidu Berbers of Morocco. Human Biol 35(4): 514-523
Conclusion: All claims that Berber groups have unusual high numbers of rh negatives should be disregarded until new studies on a larger scale are being performed.
However: The high amount of blood types O is very interesting and is not to be disregarded as it appears there are certain groups with high rh negative blood frequencies sharing high O frequencies. Potential links are worth examining further.
To be continued …
I have really pondered about our origin. There are so many Hypothesis, ideas, opinions. I came across an article regarding Halogroups that was interesting. ” europepmc. Org”( type in halogroups) This article was written in February 2009. We all know I’m not a good net surfer… But I try. How I stumbled upon this information, was an idea of the atlantians.. Plato…the straights of Gibraltar…geographically where percentages, migratory travel..appears to have segregated our blood group. Well anyone knows who has read my thoughts sure knows I have huge phobia of our technological advances….I mean from one SMS you can wipe a cars breaks out…open car doors…” Car hacking ” scary. So I know I think weird
I also have read and have heard about genetic memories…Say we destroyed ourselves by our own knowledge of technology…say this wiped out Atlantis..Egyptian electrical grids..( saw something about pyramids creating connections around the world” Free energy…..So say our RH genetic sequencing, “remembers “destruction from technology? This would connect RH negatives to Plato’s location of Atlantis and also could connect RH neg…to the the Egyptians… At some point we seem to be right about where plato describes atlantis…Would it not then be logical for groups of rh negatives to flee N.E.S.W…The H, H1,-4…the sub grouping was credited in this article by geography effecting our genetics…we have all discussed this in origin. So this could be exactly that…location altering our DNA from mothers to children? Just a thought…
I have been targeted from birth, had an academic make a case study of me in pre-school because I controlled the dynamics in the play ground. I am descended from Nefertiti and Akhenaten and their outcastndaughter Scota, from which the Scottish people get their name. I am white, blue eyed and have a face that distinctly matches many of the pharaohs, from the eyes to the nose, the resemblance is unmistakable, as it is quite distinct. I am of Scottish, Irish and Norwegian descent with a little Persian on my fathers side. I am also not an O negative as I have had a few attempts on my life by O negative people, therefore, I am afraid to speak openly about the exact blood type I am, but I am an Rh Negative. I have a pile of kings that lead all the way back to Egypt and beyond in my bloodline.
I have always wanted to open everything up but have been confronted by a world that is determined to always close everything down.
I have come in love but have been drowned in hate.
Thank you,