Are you obsessive compulsive and blood type A? Do you also have sleeping disorders? Certain blood type frequencies have been standing out in numerous studies examining a connection between blood types and what is considered a disorder.
Here is one of many studies:
The relation of ABO blood types to obsessional personality traits, as measured by the Leyton Obsessional Inventory (LOI), was studied in a sample of 600 normal individuals. High scorers of the LOI trait portion demonstrated a significantly lower incidence of phenotype O and a significantly higher incidence of phenotypes AB, A and B, taken together, compared to those of a general population sample and the entire study group. Findings of the present study, in conjunction with previous findings concerning a lower incidence of phenotype O and a higher incidence of phenotype A in obsessive compulsive patients, could be interpreted as indicating that phenotype O may be associated with personality traits hindering the development of obsessive-compulsive symptomatology.
Obsessional personality traits and ABO blood types.
I am reading this . Thank you Mike Dammann I am also Aneg