Blood type A and OCD

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There is a connection between blood types and personality traits, both ABO and Rh factor.

Are you obsessive compulsive and blood type A? Do you also have sleeping disorders? Certain blood type frequencies have been standing out in numerous studies examining a connection between blood types and what is considered a disorder.

Here is one of many studies:

The relation of ABO blood types to obsessional personality traits, as measured by the Leyton Obsessional Inventory (LOI), was studied in a sample of 600 normal individuals. High scorers of the LOI trait portion demonstrated a significantly lower incidence of phenotype O and a significantly higher incidence of phenotypes AB, A and B, taken together, compared to those of a general population sample and the entire study group. Findings of the present study, in conjunction with previous findings concerning a lower incidence of phenotype O and a higher incidence of phenotype A in obsessive compulsive patients, could be interpreted as indicating that phenotype O may be associated with personality traits hindering the development of obsessive-compulsive symptomatology.

Obsessional personality traits and ABO blood types.

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  1. Timothy September 5, 2020 Reply

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