This post is almost identical to a previous one. So why am I posting this one?
The previous one had an image due to which the post was getting reported on social media. The image expressed something that I have learned many who have had transfusions had complained about getting:
Now I am making this post again with a different image.
This one:

Here is the previous content in a nutshell:
This study shows that patients might feel that transfusions could modify their behavior or values and that certain personality traits of the donor could be transmitted. Further research in a larger population is warranted to evaluate the incidence of a perceived change in behavior or values after a blood transfusion.
See the study:
Perceived changes in behavior and values after a red blood cell transfusion
My question to everyone who has had a blood transfusion is as follows:
Have you afterwards experienced
- A change in personality and personality patters?
- Have your dreams changed and surprised you “feeling foreign”?
- Have you experienced sleep paralysis?
- Have you developed allergies or other types of physical reactions previously absent?
- Do you “feel different” and haven’t gone back to feeling exactly how you did before?
Thank you in advance for your reply. Feel free to add whatever else might apply that I have not mentioned above.
I had 10 units transfusion. I developed a peanut allergy and gluten intolerance following my exit of the hospital. I also took cipro. I have never been the same. I was in intensive care 5 days. I have my same values. I do not believe that will change but i feel more broken ans less happened 7 years ago.
I have had a transfusion and the only change I noticed is I’m not dead like I would have been without it. I still think and act the same as I did before.
No. Im the same. Some positives may have hoped my personality changed but it did not.
Very interesting! I went on to read the suggested study notes above “Perceived changes in behavior and values after a red blood cell transfusion”, I was surprised by what I learned! This is a situation I had never imagined, but seems it can change a recipient’s “being”. The study reported positive reports of changes from organ donor recipients, and later wondered if blood could do the same. Evidently it can. I don’t know why, but this fascinates me!
Got a full blood transfusion 90 days ago after being stabbed and nearly dying. Felt weird ever since. Nothing extreme, my values haven’t changed. Neither has my personality. Just something i cant quite put my finger on. Like even though my reaction time, intelligence and logic/reasoning seem normal as ever, theres this feeling of brain fog or difficulty concentrating that I have NEVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE. Trouble focusing and paying attention. I was a hard-core, heavy drug addict. I am 37 and have been a methamphetamine and heroin addict, off and on (but mostly on) for just under 20 years. Since the transfusion and 12 day hospital stay, I have had just about ZERO urge to use these drugs. Maybe a craving or two, but they passed quickly and easily, compared to before where I would ruminate and obsess for hours or even days over the idea of using, until I eventually gave in. Seems like a fair trade to me I suppose, but I do still feel weird, and ever so slightly “not myself”. I realize this could be the fact that I’m 3 months sober after a three year binge, but I’ve gotten sober and stayed sober for up to two years at a time (a number of times) before, and never felt like this.