Can a blood transfusion alter your personality?

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First, let met ask “why?”. Why would it and how could it?

We have discussed personality traits based on blood types, but there also the “why” was never properly established. Does it need to be?

If the personality traits are affected by the blood type (ABO and rhesus), wouldn’t that be only temporary considering the renewal process kicking in immediately?

We are looking for something much deeper here and I am beginning to pay more attention to genetic memory than ever before.

This study shows that patients might feel that transfusions could modify their behavior or values and that certain personality traits of the donor could be transmitted. Further research in a larger population is warranted to evaluate the incidence of a perceived change in behavior or values after a blood transfusion.

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  1. Kippen B November 4, 2019 Reply
    • S Benedict October 30, 2020 Reply
  2. Debbie Custer April 10, 2021 Reply
  3. Jessy April 10, 2021 Reply

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