Is electromagnetic hypersensitivity real?
But first, let’s go back one step:
Is electromagnetic hypersensitivity real?
There is no reason to believe that it is not so. Our nervous system is electrical.
Have you ever experienced the following?:
You are stressed. You feel tense. At a moment when you feel it severely, you look up at the television and the image becomes distorted. You calm down and it’s okay. Then another tense moment and voila… distorted again.
It can be any other electrical device.
Some people may exaggerate their experiences. Don’t worry about that.
I’m a hard headed realist and there have been several electrical instances through out my life. The latest: My right index finger blacks out my phone, sometimes once, sometimes up to 10 or more times. Any other finger will work normally. This is my second phone that does this.
When battery watches became the norm I found that their batteries died after a few weeks on my wrist. I tried many watch and battery brands. More recently a corp job required that I carry the company Dell tablet constantly. Out of 20 plus agents my tablet was the only one that crashed, was repaired and replaced many times. Now that I’m retired and spend much too much time on my cellphone I get about six months on a new one before it becomes sketchy and requires frequent hard resets. So I must assume that at age 76 I am still a zapper!
I can attest to the watch batteries going south! I get a new watch, a few weeks later, dead. This has gone on and on for many years, which is sad because I like watches, but I’ve kind of given up on them. Sick of replacing batteries. I don’t blow up light bulbs or anything, but that said, lamps also have a way of suddenly shorting out after I’ve turned them on. Like many others, I have a lot of static electricity all-year round which is also very annoying. There’s a picture of me as a kid laying on the living room floor with my long blonde hair standing straight up in the air.
What does black out mean? Just do not understand that terminology. Like loses oxygen? Well I’ve had major electrical issues. I don’t talk about just say I’m dumb did something wrong. Can you be specific? I’m curious. Thanks Don
The screen on my phone goes black right before my index finger touches the surface.
I go back to work and of june. Sorry I make many comments. I did mention something. It’s real for some not all! I’ve suffered so much from our world and it’s cell towers computers and cell phones. If good I would not be sick. Like I stated prior I hate that I’m forced…..yes I’m forced … Like the mark of the beast to utilize technology. We as a group are intuitive… I was afraid still am … It hurts my head makes my vision blurry, causes confusion, makes me vomit. Everything in life has bipolarity. My husband abused me with technology so I saw the dark side. Fraud, spoof texting, spoofing, take id, he of course is a hacker and his up address hidden by deep and dark web. It’s how we will end ! Superpowers control our lights out purchases our cars. When negative energy is around I vomit. My calls are rerouted… He took mortgages out no question ruined my life on line with my name and as number. It makes me so physically and emotionally sick… Spend ten minutes on Google p!ay… Look for what bad people do…can I stalk them God can I read test messages can I assume there identity can I take an email and ruin them…this is baddd… I’m just not use to having time being furloughed because of covid, well you don’t have internet guys or co.outer your out of luck! No one ever told me I needed internet to survive. It’s not a choice… We are free when government takes your choice your freedoms away…question it
Covid. No one will deliver internet. I left bad marriage just moved into my own house. Then pandemic. Cellular data a fraud…does crap… I needed computer with adobe. All stores were out of stock. Normally library, Starbucks has wifi… Everything closed. IPhone waste of time. You can’t guys I only learned from this expetience. You can’t do shot without wifi! Blue red gold circles on phone I could not read need no links opened. Finally I asked a couple , neighbors to share there wifi and of course would pay! Life got easier. Yet foul not but computer. I was able to pay triple for a tablet. I was skill scared when I realized internet it’s forced… I called senators told them what happened , you bet next day 10k in my account. Wake the duck up guys!!!!!! Really reject cellular charges it’s a farce… And if you do not think government controlled you? P!ease get re as l… Internet shut off we die! That’s truth not drama