Among the patients with Rh(D) positive blood groups, 1 in 8 died.
Among the patients with Rh(D) negative blood groups, 1 in 45 died.
This is a significant difference, but since there were only 45 COVID-19 cases of people with Rh(D) negative blood groups with one (A-) dying, more studies are needed to confirm these results.
See the study:
In this study we found evidence for association between blood groups and COVID-19. Using data from NYP/CUIMC, we found the odds of COVID-19 positive vs negative test results were increased in blood groups A and decreased in blood groups O, consistent with previous results from Wuhan and Shenzhen. While Rh negative blood types are rare, we find evidence of association only for Rh positive blood groups. Though few AB individuals were included in our cohort, we discovered a new significant odds decrease for AB blood groups. In a meta-analysis of our data with data from Wuhan and Shenzhen reported by Zhao et al., we found a new significant COVID-19 odds increase for B blood groups compared to the general population. We demonstrated that the associations we found were not explained by confounding due to several known risk factors. Our results replicate previously-discovered associations between A and O blood groups and COVID-19, and we show novel associations between B, AB, and Rh blood groups.
See also:
Thank you Mike. I’ve been following all your reports here and on YouTube, much appreciated, especially on Covid-19. I haven’t had flu or even cold viruses in practically forever, in actual fact, I can’t remember ever having flu (though that seems somehow unlikely, but I just don’t remember, maybe quite a while ago). I also have not received flu shots for the past 30 years, and before that only shots when traveling internationally, required for visas. I haven’t felt at risk for Covid-19 but I’m still very careful, don’t feel necessarily immune since it seems to be a complicated and tricky virus that keeps mutating (causing Gain of Function, making it more deadly and contagious).
In childhood, I remember both my parents never got colds or flu either — not that we had no ailments – I have allergies (seasonal, food and environmental – all mild), I’m hypothyroid since age 10, and can get sinus migraines. I include this personal information since you are compiling statistics and tracking the Negatives: I am B- (father B- and mother O-).
Stay safe, be well — great work!
Many thanks for posting this. It confirms my B Rh- negative intuitive inferential hunch that there are some very interesting and significant interactions in our immune system response that tie in to our blood group characteristics.
Maybe COVID19 will promote more research and interest…
Wow!!! Is president Trump b negative? I read that but don’t know if true. I’m b neg. So this is very interesting mike! Thank You. Is this chart from current covid19 ?
Ok reread! So my question is, if President rhesus negative, is it possible that virus was created in lab? With knowledge that President Trump would not die? Or is it out genes rhesus negative have genes that remember bubonic plague or Spanish flu, stated in documentaries. The genetic mutation resistant in th negatives. I’m reading an article by Louis Muschel 1966, who identified th negatives as anti virulent. 1966? How could this have been known? Ok Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Weiner started research in 1937… Check out the article 1966 it’s here in my phone, they new th negatives had high virulent resistance! You have opened up my eyes mike! A long time yeah? Really? I’m in awe!
Trump had it very badly if you recall. He took oxygen.
If zero mortalities b neg why would odds of infection increase? Just a thought?
I am now retired but worked in medical research for 5 years of my life. The more I think about these issues, the more significant this research becomes. Why? Because it shows that humans are not just a group of beings with a common and shared “herd immunity”, but that our specific individual biochemistry and immunogenetic systems react very differently to the same virus or challenge. I see infections as a second step following a successful attack on the immune system.
I agree although this virus has changed transcription ( mutation) 30 times in a month. It’s a beast. It’s nice to see so many RH negatives in Science Research. My Family has a few. So Im curious to see what there now naming the “NEW Corona virus” how our immunity responds. It’s so sad that children may be next in line. Hopefully Pharm companies are not using us as lab mice.
I understand COVID19 to be the scientifically correct name for the latest variant of the Corona virus. What is your source for the 30+ mutations? My general sense is that genomic testing is far more specific than the antibody testing (which has multiple reports of both false positives and negatives). Blood testing experts were (pre COVID19) already making the case that genomic testing is superior to antibody testing.
Such approaches might give us a better scientific approach to the problem…and with no use of humans as lab mice. Progress with genomic testing raises many new issues but also makes a lot of old methods obsolete.
I’m A- and so is my grandmother, mother, twin sister, brother, 3 aunts, 2 uncles, and at least 10 of my cousins and none of us have had the Corona Virus. I’m 42 years old and I’m not positive but I believe I have had a the actual flu only once in my entire life when I was 18 years old. Not positve it was actually the flu though. Never went to the doctor or anything like that. Don’t know of any of us getting any other viruses either. Out of the people I know and have as acquaintances or friends at least 8 of them are Rh- and none of them have had the corona virus either. You can have this info for your research. 😊
Sorry for my English. In relation to group O. If we take 21 cov+ rh O+, 12.4% died, or 2,6 individuals. While the same number of rh O- individuals, none died.
That is awesome.
Richard I was sent a video from a friend that was very interesting regarding immunity to this virus there now as you know calling it ” sars corona virus 2″ video ( Pandemic Part 1 Dr.Judy Mikovitz). It’s very informative. I’ve been studying the players Government and Others involved in profits and stock of pharmaceutical companies and Patent wars. I noticed very quickly as I looked at Images a RH negative familiarity in Many. An Older Photo in Images of Michael L Riordan. The eyes were Hazel The Facial Bone structure Was eerily Similar to My Father.The High forehead Cleft Chin, Wide Spread Eyes… In one photoeye color looked Hazel. I Think He may be RHNeg. And Others Even Trump Looks like family. I believe I read Bush And Trump RHNeg , what do you think? Could Developer Of Remdisivir be RH Neg? I believe a lot of us are Science or Medical. Just curious if you see familiar features. Thanks
Check this out…
However, IMHO he has neither empathy nor intelligence !
So far, and with some background in computer science as well, I am not seeing much correspondence between the underlying genetics and appearances. Many of the features that you list are polygenic, and the underlying and real genetic patterns are not obvious/visible at the casual level.
That is why the DNA testing is so meaningful.
sorry to hear that you have your head so far up your arse.
My Source of Information for mutations has been Reading The research Studies For Development of Medications Over many Years To Cure or Vaccinate Against Alpha,Beta,Gamma And Delta subgroups of this virus. Google Search Engine not always accurate have read articles On line Claiming Vaccine is fictional and most unlikley. Scientific American has an article regarding genetic sequences of corona viruses reported by laboratories. Internet not always accurate, tons of misinformation is true. So 30x was an article I read prior to post. The genetic Sequence has Changed and New name is Sars Covid2. An article from Cambridge University has study on Mutations. I posted name of you tube video PLandemic Pt.1 by Dr. Judy Mikovitz. The Search Engine I try is Can Gates Foundation Realistically have Vaccine in a year. The truth is somewhere amongst these articles. Hope this answers your question. Thanks
Thank you. Yes, this is helpful. We live in a sea of misinformation at the same time as there are extraordinary scientific advances.
To get the real facts of RH neg. Blood types should send a DNA sample ( perhaps a cheek swab sample for DNA) and blood samples. If we collectively agree, then our isolated blood types and DNA can be researched and tested for a more accurate analysis of viral resistance and geneology. I think that in general labs make mistakes. So truly are the percentages accurate? We need to isolate in private study our DNA and bloodgroup, in private lab to be researched. Do you agree? If mike could post private research lab or group to send samples to benefit our unanswered questions I’m in 100 percent. As a Dental Hygienist I’ve been in strict quarentine… Isolation, way too much time on my hands, yet I’ve learned so much. My father’s family german, we’re associated with the Nova Scotia vikings, learned mother’s family I negative. It’s been educational! I need facts…that’s me, want name of lab to have my blood or DNA tested against viruses that cause pandemics! How about you? Let’s do this!!!!
Yes…I agree that it would be great to do our own private study. Yes labs do make mistakes, and yes there are some technical issues in doing DNA testing right. My daughter-in-law is also RH Neg and might join us. (BTW the odds of my grandson having two non-blood related members of family RhNeg defy the odds calculated by probability laws.) Genetic genealogy uses Y-DNA for men and MtDNA for women. Autosomal DNA testing is what is needed for blood genetics. GEDMATCH is an good and no cost online analysis tool for autosomal DNA.
I was able to identify which line of my family gave me blood group B by analyzing a combination of the different tests.
Serological (blood) testing could address the question of whether different individuals generate different antibodies, and how similar of different our immune reactions are.
Hey they Are doing this in this study https://www.covid19hg.org/. And they have released an metaanalysis. But I cant open it, its a very big file.
I have taken a very quick look…and could open the file. It is a very large scale cooperative research project with global participants, and committed to openness and data sharing. My initial impression is that this group should consider active participation.
I am using a translator.
Do those studies indicate anything about negative blood?
By implication YES. That is because there are specific points on the genome that encode blood characteristics. The more direct explicit answer is NO, since these are not completed summaries with data analysis and conclusions. The files describe the intent of planned and ongoing studies, and also share some of the existing data.
I’m still reading everything about Global Biobank. Ok I unfounded fears or perhaps my instincts or intuition has made me paranoid of certain aspects of computers. I’ve just backed off as I researched hacking ,sociological testing dark and deep web I knew things 10 yrs prior to others and scared myself. I did not want to know anymore had panic attacks. Until now was able to avoid a digital thumbprint as far as I know. Global Biobank appears to be in UK ,Japan ? Not read it all yet. I want research on my blood type B neg. So I do not care if blood type is Researched. Is there a way to stay annonymous? Just curious. I read all that nonsense on organ trade, TPDB tracking maybe nonsense, need to be annonymous. How can I acheive that? I do not want any government knowing me or location. Can trace genetics, Test blood, . Let me know if you have suggestions. Will read the rest of this article thanks
That’s awesome. I will look into joining the study. Thank You Carolina. Because my Job Dental Hygiene very high risk to contract virus, I’m interested in rh negative resistance .
There are new studies being done in the UK and elsewhere
I am a dual UK/US national resident in the US for 40+ years, but still following global science activity.
I have read several scientific papers that make me think that this group should be raising its voice for
Rh Negative and ABO blood group research. The evidence, including the many studies summarized by Mike Damaan on this site, is very compelling.
It is the squeaky wheels that get the oil !
If you do not get a seat at the table, the chances are that you will be on the menu !
Got link sorry
i agree!
A neg mother’s family. Does anybody know how to stop word imput? I must learn to edit posts!!! Sorry My mum not negative blood yet it’s in her immediate family. Dad B neg. Our of 5 children my sister has my blood type which is my father B neg.
Yes I agree human features some are common correct. IDK what your experiences are , however, when I meet an TH negative person, they look eerily related. The Facial features have been noticed I believe I’ve seen statements. My daughter and I mother people I’ve met who are RH negative, have almond shaped eyes….I thought that was my family, was shocked when I saw almond shaped eyes on facial features RH Neg. Our eyes are what people stop us to comment about . Mine are gray. But color changes. My daughter’s both blue, yet my 30 yr old has obvious Heterochromatic irises. They become green my change to aqua. Cleft in chin boys in family. Huge eyes, Wide set. My son and Father had chilled jaw high cheekbones, hair line ( I called it McDonald sign) like an M shape. I recognize other TH negatives mostly by eyes. Intense, stops you in tracts to look. So yes similar.
I do not know how to upload photos, but would show family photos to help with physical similarities of RH negative facial similarities amongst us. Like I stated this computer stuff new. I’m paranoid ( unfounded fear) of outing my RH negative bloodtype. I believe from Doctors ignorance at least in my personal experience, it’s important as a group to educate. I have an autoimmune disorder called lupus. As a result had health issues. I declined from a surgery because endocrinologistwas uneducated medical emergency required blood transfusion I was in danger to receiveRHpositive blood. The Doctor looked at me like I was crazy. She had no clue that we can die from RH positive blood, . I was feeling scared by this ignorance. I need surgery on my Throid, and have refused treatment due to this lack of knowledge. It’s astounding to me as I neg in short supply is given! Why are they using our blood when 98 percent on with positive blood transfusions? I need negative blood to survive in emergency 15% need that to live not die by blood contamination! 98% don’t need I neg, so why are hospitals using O neg in population when only 15% really need it in emergency??? Does not make sense to me!!! I’m fact makes me super mad at logic
The donor/recipient blood transfusion compatibilities and non-compatibilities are very well established. Blood transfusion centers are trained extensively to get that right, and are subject to malpractice lawsuits if they do not. The logic of the charts is not difficult. My eight year old grandson could follow it with a little help. You can Google the chart, download it and “review” it with your local blood transfusion center.
I am not a qualified nurse or doctor, but know that there is no good reason for blood compatibility issues to delay or prevent Thyroid surgery.
Yes Doctors and Endochrinologists most certainly should be aware of bloodtypes. Unfortunately this Doctor was not. I have pending malpractice lawsuit. So most certainly would
Have thyroid tumor removed with a good doctor who is aware. I’ve discovered several doctors who are not licenced to my regret. I do understand the chart. Yet just not enough rhesus blood types to establish resistance or immunity. So my generous offer to donate blood or cheek sample is to get adequate numbers within our blood type to hypothesize. Ty
Ok! We should do this! Agreed
My question was if rhesus negative blood types 15% of U.S. Why do they us e negative blood on Everybod in emergency.’m being selfish with this remark as in Emergency situation I and Family need Rhesus negative bloodwe can’t have positive blood. So yes there is my world and the real world. In the real world tons of lab mistakes. So that’s my point. I’ve had to resort to licence numbers Pecos etc to check if my doctor got online pass or has any credible clinical skils supporting licence. It’s scary what I’ve come across.
My response to Richard. Unable to send via email, Wi-Fi issues? So yes ready to ” jump on Board” yet I live in mass. So how can I join a research for rhesus negative bloodtypes. Seems complex if located in another country. I was unable to download questions. I was clear I’m just learning the computer. Not my area of studies r frankly interest. So email me how. May have misunderstood what I read but something about inability to stay annonymous? Could have read wrong with name age family history. Sample of my blood DNA sample that should suffice. So for our Rhesus Negative survival and tons of unanswered questions, they can test me on anything they need . But again I’ve been clear. If I donate my organs it will be to a rhesus negative compa table to my bloodtype. B neg. So send me link I can download and let’s do this. I’m curious to see if covid can enter my cells or not.
Glad that you got the link. A few thoughts….
1. At any given moment in time there is a body of available human knowledge. In my view, it is a smart personal choice to find a way to tap into that body of knowledge so as to make informed decisions.
2. Simultaneously, there are researchers who are seeking to expand the body of human knowledge. Electing to work with them in any capacity is more of an investment in the future than how to make a good choice in the immediate present moment. Some of those researchers are driven by a pure quest for truth, others by careers, grants, fame and financial gain.
3. My time working for an outstanding Professor of Pharmacology taught me that it is important for any deeper understanding (in his case how endorphins function) to grasp how the body really works, not just how it reacts to stimuli and treatments such as medications and surgeries.
My intuitive sense is that there are some very complex and difficult issues pertaining to blood types that can now be understood. It does however take a lot of time for the results of pure research to be translated to day to day clinical practice.
A simple example (from that same Professor) was the discovery that dental hygienists had higher cancer rates than others because of the dental X-Ray machines. It took large scale studies to “prove” that and to bring about the (now “normal”) standard practices of lower amounts of radiation and the use of shields for the patient and distance for the hygienist.
Thank You Richard,
Yes Thyroid cancer high amongst hygienists. Solution radiation badges. My husband a dentist we owned a Dental business 35 yrs. He followed rules. The issue is that many dentists buy old homes, convert to dental practices. The walls are not lined with lead. I’m sure I’ve been exposed, and yes one of 7 tumors in thyroid is a complex calcified noddule that’s grown 3mm last two months and created its own blood supply ( we know what this suggests.) Forgive me for what I know to be true, dentists ( not old) but new ones young kids
. Have become licenced online via some unknown school. There requirements are almost nil in relation to pathology. They tell me I’m smart, my response is take a course and learn that I’m not smart I studied. That’s my observation. My husband disabled, we sold practice and now I’m no longer on private health care. My experience with state health has been a nightmare. Svery easy with less than 5 questions to realize wow they know nothing .my expertise is oral pathology and microbiology. I know one tumor is at least changing to cancer. I’m ready to pop it out my
Self. My interest is my bloodtype. Viral resistance and all things related. If you studied this virus my understanding is that these kinds like vivid have been known to Kill cancer I worked in Souhboro mass many years, biogen, abbot corp, many patients were in cancer research. I learned alot. So in regards to your endevors, is research being studied in rhesus negatives. Tell me what to do next as this is my quest and passion. Spend yrs talking to patients in cancer research. Too many. Look into pharmaceutical trials of flovarades. The claims are working. I need more info on my bloodtype.
Want studies done in reputable lab. Not mainstream like all that’s new it’s not accurate. Know two lab owners there disgusted. I’m magically cured via lab of certain things. Anything to help richard. But lead walls a must in dental office
Radiation badge would be wlcomed. Let me know
Those who search shall find. With you abilities, I am sure that will find the goal of your quest.
Let me share a few insights from my life experience (as a Rh Neg type B), and associated studies (self-education) , that may help you along.
1. My sister was born mentally and physically handicapped. No medical professionals could figure it out. I had to figure it out myself and then “teach” (or at least explain) them.
2. From my 5 years in medical research, I saw more medical ignorance, a lot of arrogance, but also some very remarkable evidence of the reality of healing.
3. Linus Pauling worked nearby. He had evidence that megadoses of Vitamin C could cure cancer, but was not allowed to do “professional” studies to substantiate his claims, since the FDA only has jurisdiction over Food and Drugs..and vitamins are neither.
4. I learned that it is important for each individual to focus on developing their health…rather than develop diseases and then to adopt bad remedies. Philosophically, that made me naturopathic. That means that I believe in looking at what prevents us from leading healthy lives. I concluded that pesticides and toxic chemicals in our food supply and environment can do that, and that lack of purpose and satisfying mental and physical activity can contribute as well.
5. Shortly after my retirement, I suffered severe atrial fibrillation. I was rushed to the Emergency Room, and later underwent a successful pulmonary ablation surgery. It caused some other problems that an acupuncturist was able to reduce. He told me that in Korean acupuncture that the heart, lungs and bladder are closely connected and that I should learn and adopt deep breathing techniques.
It makes sense that our body is healthier with a good flow of oxygenated blood as well as adequate sleep (when our body repairs itself.) That works best in a place with unpolluted breathable air.
6. Hippocrates wrote many centuries ago “Forsake your drugs for food”. I have found Dr. Adamo’s advice for diet by blood type quite useful, if not 100% accurate.
7. From my readings on Rh neg blood, I see that there are claims that there is some poorly understood connection between Rh neg. blood and cardiovascular health, possibly connected to the body’s expulsion of carbon dioxide.
The common sense conclusion is to improve the health of one’s blood and cardiovascular system through good diet, rest-activity cycles and (where possible) living in a place with clean air.
I do not believe in “telling people what to do”. People need to listen, read and think carefully for themselves rather than blindly accepting the opinions and advice of others.
One starting point for individual research on Rh. neg blood is an autosomal DNA test. The data file from that test can then be analysed for genetic risk factors. I found Promethease useful in that regard. It is not 100% accurate, but still very helpful, especially if you understand yourself.
I trust that this is helpful and useful.
One more critical item:
9. Clean Water and adequate minerals (magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron). The heart is an electro-chemical sodium-potassium pump and needs the right balance of minerals…preferably chelated and from organically grown plants. Avoid dehydration with adequate but not excessive water intake.
As a dental hygienist, I expect that you have seen dozens of clients with bleeding and swollen gums. From my own experience, I know that cleans up when cardiovascular health improves.
Even without fully understanding the scientific basis, it makes sense to identify and strengthen one’s weak spots. My intuitive sense is that there is some form of link between Rh Negative blood and the cardiovascular system, and that we Rh Negatives need to identify our own weak spots and remedies.
I believe in ballistic medicine too. I also believe in acupuncture. My daughter’s are 30 and 23 yrs old. I’ve tried to adopt there gluten free diet. I’m an equestrian . I ride horses and love activities. Went for a hike today. My setbacks A. Is lupus. If you do not know this condition, many days I’m balled up in extreme pain. It’s a setback. Maby rhesus negatives aas I’ve read suffer au toimmune. Diseases. Careful with e-commerce too many misdiagnosis. O blation is the correct surgery. My heart condition is ectopic heart beats and high cholesterol. I have issues with Worcester hospitals. I’ve treated doctors and interns and I’m sorry there just not educated. That started my endeavor to expose these people. My son was rejected at Images worcester. He died the next day. A social worker released him before I could pick him up. They denied him a cat scan after grammar seizure. The Doctor couldn’t speak english. I will close them down, there negligent and discriminatory. My son turned to drugs yet Barack has a short Half-Life how dare they not observe my baby. I am on a mission to remove this trash that has entered our hospitals pretend I g they know what there doing. And governors senators show there faces at my kids wake????? No no no No room for ignorance when a lfe involved end! I have my own agenda bringing down every fraud who calls himself doctor without credentials. My quest Is to know what I am what the truth is. Relax there misdiagnosis heart murder with a fib. Go on placid not coumadin. It’s hard to find a donor richard. We all must find a rhesus negative sonar list. A fib is the new norm. It’s misdiagnosed by idiots.research good pacemakers. That’s the issue. 2003 bad pacemakers. Check EFraction. I will contribute to unanswered questions
I know your b neg….I’m not in donor list. And thought you were retired? It’s A fib chill
Thank you for the further detail on your condition. Lupus is terrible. I commend you for staying active and not giving in to it. I am not aware of any research or knowledge about rh negative and lupus. However, it must be connected in some way. I was able to defeat high cholesterol and triglycerides, and have gone from “over the top” numbers to super-good numbers. A lot of the guidance from doctors was not good, but it is very helpful to get frequent checks so as to figure out what is and is not working. I commend your quest for truth, health and knowledge based medical professionals. My sister-in-law used to work on medical malpractice issues. Her list of horror stories was truly scary !
Autoimmune problems are particularly widespread in this country. Why is not so clear.
Richard the link you sent hard more to do with heart and tissue compatability. So if you need
A kidney I’m me ya know? I would give one to you. But a heart? I only have one. I think your really need to read up on AFib. That’s not CHF. Like I said it’s so misdiagnosed for these dumb added to practice oblation surgery. If your worried, get ejection fraction tested. Like prior posts on companies there trying to market pacemakers. Most often it’s just a heArt murmer. So get facts…. Have 1. Ejection fraction tested. 2. Remember ovulation surgery is fictional. 3. Look into a good pacemaker. 4. Ask doctor if you need anticoagulant therapy. I’m no doctor what I said any idiot would know. Talk to your doctors….. I’m not one and sorry you have to go through it but remember, most is just b s… A fib not bad do homework…let’s use our blood for research
I always “do my homework” on medical issues, and did so for my AFIB….once I was out of ER….and before I selected the actual ablation therapy. With a heart rate of 160, it was no heart murmur! The procedure fixes the electrical source of the irregular heart beats rather than trying to regulate them…which is what a pacemaker does. More homework was needed on the post surgery therapy. The ejection fraction and other data were very helpful, along with monitoring of my coagulation levels. They showed that I was making a good recovery. I am now 100% free of AFIB. My time in medical research helped me to see through and beyond the b.s. Bless your heart…but hang onto it and take good care of it! Emotional stress can cause physical heart problems.
So Richard I’m not the norm. I grew up across from Ratheon. Back in the 70-80 was disposing chemicals. Everyone on my street got some form of cancer. My mother neighbor first cousins everyone died. My father B neg died of cardiomyopathy. No cancer. I smoke, can go from 0-7 miles at age 50 without becoming winded. All day scans negative. My lungs perfect it’s a mystery. Unusual things I’m forthcoming with all. Have two yrs paranormal activity on phone. One event twenty minutes. No one can tell me what happened. High iq, creative, long-term memory to detail extrodinary. Magnet to narcissists. Love science and space. Can intrinsically tell good from bad. Psychic ability
.used sense card tests. 19 out of 25 normal 25 out of 25 not the norm but yes have done that. Everything else in characteristics same. I’m not let handed. My sister green eyes red hair b neg left handed. She is not a good th neg. So what else? Just want focus on our rh blood
anybody know how to stop word imput? I’m seriously ready to going this thing across room!!!!! I meant holistic Richard not whatever it out in….maybe…I know vocabulAry dumb computer…..feedback welcomed!
Yes ! Computer typos are just being accepted as the norm anymore !!. It says a lot about the decline of intelligence in the world today. Whatever happened to editing and double checking for spelling ? Is it laziness, stupidity or ADD ?
I’m 52 yrs old. I hate computers and cell phones. I’m new to computers. I’m no way am I retarded. I hope I misunderstood you! When people type, if there is a word that’s not spelled correctly, computer can fix it. Changing words not cool! You must not be rhesus negative or this would bother you! We think for ourselves!!!!! When a .com outer changes a valid word to a word that makes no sense….QUESTION IT!!!! Not normal! The audacity of who you are a child I’m sure depending on everyone and everything to do it for you? A guess 22yrs old? Editing is ancient! If computers are so optimal? Why waste time to edit when they solved this 15 yrs ago????? Wake up take a blood test and I a test and do not disrespect people ever!!!! Go for I waste your time editing when that’s not suppose to be an issue! I can tell your not one of us… Re do blood work and never think you know more…. You have no clue of my I intelligence and your just rude
Shame on you Terri Artificial intelligence is your worst nightmare!!!!
On the front of Mike’s webpage I believe there is a section on autoimmune disorders and Rhesus Negative bloodtypes. My daughter has mild M.S. Other RH negatives in my family suffered from RA. I’m now being tested for that. It is strange that I had to take Rhogham so my body would not attack baby as foreign . Now lupus my immune system attacks my organs as foreign. I’m glad your heart issue has resolved. It’s been very common past few yrs to see A Fib on medical history when for 25 yrs prior just a handful had that diagnosis… I am and always have been and will be the one in group asking WHY??? I ride t everything … Character flaw. Thanks richard.
I too have asked WHY on many medical issues, and have come to various conclusions. The Rhogam scenario (my daughter-in-law who is Rh. Neg took it since my son is Rh Pos and she and her child therefore had conflicting rheseus blood types) makes sense to me. Lupus makes sense to me as well, as a condition in which the autoimmune system fails to function correctly., whereas under “normal” healthy conditions, homeostasis ensures adequate self-regulation.
Yes…Mike has done a truly great job of pulling together a lot of material on Rh. Neg. including autoimmune disorders.
Asking WHY is not a character flaw but a sign of a good mind !
There are a lot of interesting and unanswered questions about Rh. Neg.
Most of the medical community does not want to think beyond the Rhogam syndrome and blood transfusion compatibilities and “mechanics”.
My first baby was jaundice. I had three b-day sections as a precausion. It was nice to see the education years ago. I had identification card that I was to keep with me. Honestly as we spoke before , it has been my experience that Some doctors just unaware. I had an all out right with the endocrinologist which I fired and reported. She tried to put me on a computer assesment. I kept saying I’m not on it . I need you to know my blood type. She was dismissive. So I stated if you can’t do an exam without that computer I’m ending this consult now!!!! I expect you to remove my thyroid blindfolded…. My jugular too close and if you even question what being b negative means, I’m reporting you. Ignorance is bliss. Massachusetts has some issues. Not US… Massachusetts… I really think identity cards are necessary with the blatant ignorance I’ve been exposed to. I know how, I’m only one person. I’m dating a senator hoping to bring light to this issue. Other babies find on rhogham. We all have ADHD. Not sure if Rhogam causes this. I wrote to all mass. Gov. Today…. Really mad no one has PPE. And we are suppose to work? I want to move. This state has issues
There are anecdotal reports that Rhogam may interfere with the autoimmunity system. See
https://www.drugs.com/answers/rhogam-long-term-effects-immune-system-722768.html for several individual stories.
On more theoretical grounds, I see such a link as highly plausible. Simply stated, blood types are known to be closely connected with immune systems and the generation of antigens and antibodies. Rhogam “fools” the body to handle the mother-child polarity issue. Like many other chemical interventions, it may come with some unstated consequences.
That is why I dislike pragmatic “fit it” chemical medecine, unless it is based upon a deeper understanding of how the body works and how the (exogenous) medication interacts with that on both a short term and long term basis.
In the case of my daughter-in-law (Rh Neg) and receipient of Rhogam, I (and she) wonder if the Rhogam weakened her autoimmune system and made her more vulnerable to Lyme disease. She did suffer from Lyme quite severely, and her autoimmune system “took quite a beating”.
It sounds as though you were in the hands of an incompetent endocrinologist. Many of them are quite good and have a grasp of homeostatic principles and the role of the endocrine glands in sustaining the body’s homeostasis. I always check out their theoretical knowledge before accepting any recommendations for any member of my family.
Thank You! I thought autoimmune disorders were our bloodtype. I am really happy that mike discussed dating your own bloodtype. If you use imnniosuppresents, in order to give birth that’s a red flag. I was 20yrs old when I had my first child. I wish someone helped me understand that breading witRH RH positives maybe was against nature. Brigham April 1968, I was born may 1968. Maybe man should not mess with nature. Today a bad day, curled up in pain. My joints in my bones. Why is there so much fantasy of our th neg. Factor? Myths crazy talk, no real facts. I’m attracted to few people. There similar to me, same eyes blond or reddish hair.. I think maybe th negs. No proof. Someone should have told me! Why did they not? We’re blood tests for marriage based on this? I saw pictures people claim th neg. I know them! One look! I’m old now, just tired. Are you or any th neg waking up? I think I’m not smart too many friends saying I’ve never met one who knows so much ect… Is it true that our DNA waking up? Some thing online about th neg mentioned this! I just feel like something is going on. Can’t put my finger on it
Most of the important things I have learned in life are about what nobody ever told me !
I now regard my blood type of B Rh Neg as much more significant than before.
Different countries and cultures have different customs and laws on marriage and breeding. Contemporary UK laws and customs, including a ban on marriage between first cousins were adopted by the Church of England to prevent in-breeding. As a teenager, I realized that the royal families were not only interlocking dynasties, but were also genetically inbred. Haemophilia is the most obvious trait.
Blood testing was in no way linked to marriage and breeding. The purpose was to ensure correct identification of blood group/type for successful blood transfusions.
Scientific analysis of blood, and good health and social policies, were held back by the distortions of the Nazi era, and by the import (from the US) of crazy ideas about eugenics….which still prevail in places like Cold Harbor Laboratories.
Thank You Richard! Mike just curious, Are autoimmune disorders equally distributed amongst men and women who are Rhesus negative? The question or inquisition that Rhogham may be a factor spikes my curiosity. I met a man recently, I recognized his eyes. He is german. It was as if we knew each other. Clich ‘e it may sound. only a few times I’ve really been ” drawn” it’s more than that. We can’t change the past. I respect you began a dating website. I asked my friend to get his blood typed. So many bad marriages could have been avoided if only I knew. I’m not prejudice. I thought that our of thousands of handsome men why was I not attracted. Then booom, I would see someone, no better looking but like a magnet. This person has similar. Are we because our babies would die without Rhogham, naturally drawn to our blood type years have gone by and the few men I felt like this did get tested… They were RH neg. It makes sense if medicine has to intervene for woman to have baby with positive blood…
As an Rh Neg man with a Rh Pos spouse, and a son who is Rh. Pos with an Rh. neg spouse, I think that it works like this: two RH Negs will be more similar in temperament and personality than one of each. The upside is something like the psychic connection between identical twins. The downside is that being too alike can be suffocating, whereas the complementarity of opposites works with the recognition of how different each partner is.
Hi Richard, definitely the psychic connection. Just curious, do you feel lately it’s stronger? Just intuition, I’m having a lot of those ah ha moments. Just now I had an urge to call a friend who son was close to mine. She said I’m at Joseph’s grave, I can’t find damien. She said I can’t believe you called. We have not talked in a year . She texted me photo at grave. Had not been there since the funeral. What is that called? Ashley was spooked. I told her I would help find her son. Does this happen to RH neg people or is there something wrong with me? She told me how listened. I do not understand these things but it happening more and more. Is this common? Does it happen to you? There’s more but I already looked unhinged with so many blogs! So mike is this a rh neg issue?
I do not consider intuition and and psychic connections to be any monopoly of Rh neg persons. All humans have some level of it. In some it is less developed (or even suppressed) and in others it is more developed. Modern Western science tells us that the human brain has multiple areas, each responsible for different functions. Some are cognitive and some are for other purposes. My conclusion is that we should learn to develop and use all of the different parts of our brain. For what it may or may not be worth, my own mother claimed that my intuitive sense was highly developed. She was Rh Pos with the RH Neg being on my father’s side.
Thanks Richard. I read that some of our most famous prophets ( Nostradamous, Edgar Cacey) many saints developed abilities after severe trauma. I do not know tons of RH negatives, My Father sensed things mother precognitive. I wonder as our history claims RH negatives did not fit in. Red heads were burned at the stake, if hypervigillance may contribute. I never noticed the intuition until I had several NDE. I thought that because I studied Kinesics for years ( it helps with disabled children) that was it. I’ve read on websites RH neg people are suseptable. I think I’m just not addicted to my phone, looking around aware. But the videos I have well it traumatized me. Only in movies right? We all probably have experienced and disregard them. Thank you
My daughter ( A Rh + mum and me as B Rh – Dad) was born with mild jaundice. No satisfactory medical explanation was provided. The hospital remedied it w/o any immediate or longer term problems. Subsequent research on my part suggested that high bilirubin levels (connected to liver function in some way) in my wife contributed to the jaundice in some way.
I do not know how or whether that interacts with the blood type and autoimmune system.
My daughter is AB Rh Pos.
Is it me or all Rhesus negatives? I have not been able to look at my son’s papers since he died. I wish I could upload video. A lot of unexplained videos ect. No one can tell me. It’s all been debunked. He was so smart. My husband is anti-social personality disorder. Everyone knows he assisted in my son’s death. No one cares. Is it an th blood type thing where my son is my soulmate… Everything is not right I feel it. Straight A student, invited to dinner by Brazilian ambassador. His work , writings too deep. He was 22 . I found him dead in our finished basement. Too beautiful, too perfect, Ralph Lauren shorts pressed. White polo shirt, ray ban sunglasses… It’s off its way too off, hospital braclet… He has a perfect day score. All A pluses… Sorry… The hospital messed up autopsy… I can’t let this state mess things up anymore. They violated my kid… No one cares… They didn’t even get his height weight or scars right!!! Now this virus???? I need to move… Sorry he was brilliant what a dam waste
The Rh Neg/Pos “mutation” (some call it that some dispute it) occurred approx 35,000 years ago. While those of us who share it obviously have that in common, there are lots and lots of other biological, social and environmental factors involved that make us all very unique and different. Your experience is truly tragic. My condolences. Grief is a terrible affliction in its own right. More on Rhogam and your other recent post shortly.
My intrinsic sense says not to bring up ” supernatural” events. I want answers. I have two years of video that can’t be explained. The church wants me to keep it quiet. I have flash drives. I hate that I just do not stop researching…it’s like oxygen to breath, I need answers. I become frustrated when I’ve learned something and I’m told to zip it. The exorcism won’t tell me what I filmed…. Three yrs. Is it party of us to know truth? To fight for justice? Joseph was so smart, I can hardly breath when I read his writings. Just saw truth. Elequent. I’m seeing this phase going back to work. The Owners do not care , only about money. I’ve seen too much. Maybe it’s better in Germany or ireland… Our jobs say oh 8 hrs every other week but cancel unemployment? Oooh yeah there taxes… Do you feel the world is blind and you see truth? Maybe I will go into forensics… What a mess! I’m going to publish my son’s work… We all could learn a thing or to. I’m unimportant yet I know stuff and don’t want to know. This vivid is not adding up. Somethings way off
For the truth will set you free !
When the power of love overcomes the love of power….Jimi Hendrix.
I urge you to publish your son’s work. Literature has always revealed deeper truths….and is a good tool for opposing genocides.
Thank You , out of the mouths of babes. I tried to send photos… New at computer. My mom, dad, the guy who owns Gilead or use to and me few years ago… You can see the TH neg similarities. That man Michael Riorden his face looks like my father… The eyes my mother and I almond blue, I know you stated similar amongst population, I think we all look similar…. Hope you got photos…Joseph exposed this malpractice. I will see what comes of it. His childish words powerful. We must remember simplicity in caos… I need to upload video! Have some interesting photos… But yeah look at faces..There is a resemblence. Guy right not family. Thanks richard… See us th neg connect?
He was murdered. I know it now. There were catalysts leading up to death. But know one cares. Five boys died same week. Massachusetts can’t handle body’s too many. It’s all a big mess here. The hospitals are bad. My family went to best schools best doctors. Once mass
. Was the best. Now it’s well my daughter said bodies piling up. This is a very wealthy state… There is no excuse. I will be quiet because I know things. It’s everyone’s babies family. You need to have clinical training. Not a course for a day… I can’t sleep… My son wrote this let’s think about the meaning! I have to stop this genocide and I’m small and no one.
Th negatives think! He wrote a paper when he was 14. Joseph. A 92 year old woman was moving into a nursing home. After many hours waiting in the lobby, was told her room was ready.a visual description of the tiny room presented. As she maneuvered her walker to a window looking outside said ” I love it” but Mrs Jones you have not seen it. That doesn’t have a thing to do with it, she replied. Happiness is something you decide ahead of time. Weather I like the room or not, I’ve chosen to love it. It’s how I arrange my mind.I already decided to love. It’s a decision I make every morning. I have a choice, I can spend all day in bed thinking about the parts of my body that do not work, or get out of bed and be thankful for those parts that do work. Each day is a gift. As long as my eyes are open I can live and be happy. It’s a choice. It’s your attitude. Free your mind from hatred, free from worry, Live simply. Give more.