In the past few weeks, 2 questions have been popping up:
- Is there a connection between coronavirus SARS-2/COVID-19 and blood types?
- Why?
Let’s assume for a minute that there is something to this:
In the case of malaria, we have after all seen an advantage of O and disadvantage of A:
The issue:
In the case of malaria, transmission appears to be essential and different from SARS-2.
Blood type O conveys protection against malaria because RIFIN, a protein secreted by parasites, bonds weakly with type O blood cells while strongly linking to type A.
Now we have learned the following:
Blood clotting is less frequent in people with blood type O.
This is only a possibility.
So how about the Rh factor?
Could this be related to transport in blood?
In Rh negatives, harmful substances seem to be transported differently.
My daughter was placed on Covid19 Positive floor. I’m b neg, my ex husband 0 positive. My three children are O positive. My daughter has extra vertebra red hair blue eyes. Never had flu. Genius 140 iq. Autoimmune disorder. I have lupus. I was hoping her blood test typing not right. She has more characteristic of rh neg than me. I’m hoping she is high in resistance to virus. Our empathetic ways are the danger to our health. Her patients are dying in numbers. She , I suffer from empathy issues. It’s upsetting me that we will endanger ourselves to comfort another person. Is this shared with other negatives.? And how are children inheriting the genetic markers in rhesus negative mothers. Hb1r I think I typed that wrong. From Robin B –
It’s Robin, I would submit to blood test in the name of science. Mike if this helps research stats on viral resistance, send me a kit. I have to protect my daughter. So let me know.
Seen this article?
Testing the association between blood type and COVID-19 infection, intubation, and death
See Table 1 and look at the Rh-neg rows. Notice anything about the number of deaths? There is precisely one Rh-neg death, compared to 79 Rh-pos deaths. Yet the authors make little of it, preferring to concentrate on the increased risk of death for A-pos and B-pos.
Thank you, I am still reading it. 2.2% of all the rh negatives and 12.4% of the positives. That is highly significant. I guess the amount of rh negative subjects is low, but still that should have been acknowledged. Especially also what I am seeing in Table 2.
I can’t open link, mike is there a way to send a blood sample? My ex is a doctor my daughter can take a vile. I really want to know the truth. 2.2% of what? I’m new to website trying to navigate. Seriously you can send a vile of my b neg blood to your research group…. I think it’s important.
Has anyone researched virology labs in india? It’s not making sense to me! Turmeric is an antibiotic. It’s activation is with pepper. Will ask friends and research any antiviral qualities. My daughter’s best friend from india. Physician mass general. If turmeric worked trust me she would be inhaling it. I’m going to ask Izzy why she believes numbers are low. She broke down in tears fee days ago. A symptomatic 30 yr. Old passed on after she intubated fought to save patient. I know if there was any benefit to bring in india , she has estate in South India . Her mother would fly her so fast as she is only child . So I’m going to ask her to see if she has idea to low mortality in india. Could india be the cause not china? I will not project or present ideas without facts, it’s a mystery to be solved. So sorry mike I’m venting on blog, don’t post, too much time on my hands I think!
Turmeric is widely regarded as a healthy natural antibacterial (not anitbiotic or anit-viral) in many cultures. The usual practice is to add it to food rather than inhaling it!
From very reliable sources, (US Fish and Wildlife) COVID19 was caused by a wild-life trafficking in China that resulted in the jump of the virus from animals to humans. US Fish and Wildlife works internationally to
address the problem of wildlife trafficking.
Jorge Garcia-HildebrandtSeptember 12, 2020 Reply
Bravo Mike Dammann !!! That’s The Key!
I’ve Observed that “Raw Mortality Rates” In Countries As Yours and other Countries With A High Percentage of Rh – And Population That Has been Affected By COVID-19, Number of Deaths in comparison with other Countries that Have (As Peru, Where I Live) Less Percentage of Rh – … For example: 1 of 21 Died of COVID-19 as For June-July and Finishing July To Now, we’ve Increased the Number of Cases of Infections and Deaths (1 Dead Each 16 Infected).
We Are At A Critical Moment With More Than The Official Number of Deaths (Even With Corrections of Nearly 30,000 New Deaths) Of COVID-19 … And now, Counting The Social And Economic Problems Sums A Political Crisis…
We Are Practically 71% 0 + !!!
Only 1 to 1.5% Are Rh-(0.5 to 0.73%) Are 0 – , That in our Sample Of Lethality Represents A 79% of People With COVID-19 Dead At Edgardo Rebagliati Martin’s National Hospital Here At Lima (Peru).
Argentina Is Different From Peru: They’re At A Critical Situation But With Rh – Percentage Higher than Peru (of 0 – : INCREDIBLE !).
By the Way, If you Compare It With Argentina Numbers (With A Higher percentage of 0- Than Any other country From South American Region) = Stability of The Curve Was Better Than expected (March and April = 1 of 39 And 1 of 29 Died) to 1 each 47 in June… In July, 1 Of 55 and August, 1 of 53 Patients Died.
They Are, More Than Us, of Blood Types Called as “European”…
We’re Proceed More Often From Aboriginal Aboriginal Ethnicity That Was Incredibly 100% 0 and, Perhaps, Only Positive for The Rhesus Factor. Negatives Came To Peru Between 1533 to 1542 And That’s why we Have Rh Negatives in So Small Amounts. Jorge Garcia Hildebrandt.
Mucho gracias Jorge !
Can you add anything further on the Rh negatives who came to Peru between 1533-1542?
I see the global distributions as a major pointer to understanding the origins of RH neg.
The stats and commentaries put out by Mike Damman on this site are a great start.
See http://www.rhesusnegative.net/themission/bloodtypefrequencies/
They show the big differences between Argentina and Peru.
From those numbers, I have computed the following for Peru
97.8% of Peruvians 29,249,049 (97.8% of the total population) are RH Pos and 657,954(2.2% of the total population) are Rh neg.
Of that 657,954 the breakdown by ABO blood type is:
O- A- B- AB-
418,698 149,535 83,740 5,981
63.64% 22.73% 12.73% 0.91%
For Argentina, I see 37,576,835 (90.89% ) Rh Pos and 3,766,366 (9.11%) Rh Neg.
Of those 3,766,366 the breakdown is
O- A- B- AB-
3,472,829 181,910 86,821 24,806
92.21% 4.83% 2.31% 0.66%
I do not wish to confuse anybody with a cloud of numbers…but with all of the caveats (as noted by Mike) there are some very real demographic differences between Argentina and Peru…even when allowing for the bigger overall population of Argentina.
I would love to learn from any intuitive insights that you may have into Rh Negatives in Peru. I do know that national statistics tend to disguise and obscure cultural and regional issues.
Buenos Dios !
Thank you Very Much Mr Richard Youatt!
It’s A Real Pleasure To Talk With You and See All That Data is Great!
My Interest on Cultural and Regional issues is quite different among my peers: As you can see, I really don’t know Why that aspect From Knowledge isn’t Touch in Our Formation as Medical Doctors as in My Times of Faculty: Now (And then) those issues are being of capital importance to Comprehend Human Being as A Tridimentional Entity (Bio Psycho Social Entity, as the Master George Engel Resumes it.
Between years 1533 and 1542 were Very Algic Years for The Incas From Peru: The Conquest Of Peru by Francisco Pizarro and his Brothers who came With a Little Amount of Soldiers and That little Amount Was very well Armed with Guns that The Incas were Afraid of. Here’s a Link in Which I found a Brief explanation of The Conquest and if You Want More Information About, Please let me know and I’ll Try to Send you by Mail (Hope That SERPOST or FEDEX Are Functioning Normally).
Well, That’s Why we have Negative Rhesus Blood Groups in So Small Amounts (I was believing that was Less than 1% or between 0.75 to 1.25%) As in a Work from 1999 (Master Degree) I’ve Read Here in The National University of Federico Villarreal Library.
Your Work is Really Exciting and very important for Mr Mike Dammann and all The Persons who Are Assiduous Readers From Different Places on Earth. Please, Give him A Great Hug and Congrats For Being So Nice From my Country and me.
I’m in Contact with People in Argentina but Viewing Tables Like Yours Helps me A lot for Calculating Exact Numbers of Each Country I’ve Tried to Analyze and I’m very Surprised with the Results!
The Tendency of Less Mortality in All That Countries is The Rule: 1 OF EACH INFECTED PERSONS DIED IN UNITED ARAB EMIRATES !
Much of Surprising Are The Country of Israel or Bosnia and Herzegovina!
We Are Working at Edgardo Rebagliati Martin’s National Hospital, By Means of Dr. Marlene Belleza and her Resident of Intensive Medicine Speciality. She’s An Excellent Teacher and Physician At The ICU and in Charge of the Most Difficult of all The Works : First Line Attention of COVID-19 in Critical condition… I’m not working because I’m 62 years Old and With Advanced Diabetes Type 2 and Hypertension. I was Her Teacher in Her Early Years and she’s The Best Prepared Alumni I’ve Had in Many Years and Ways. Thanks To Her, We’re Collecting a Large Number of Patients With COVID-19 at ICU (With and Without Intubation) and Hospitalized Patients, The first ones With Severe Form and The Others With A Mild and Moderate Forms of COVID-19. Dr. Ricardo Puell is Another example of Great Ex Alumni That I’m Proud of, As Dr. Belleza: He’s Professor Of Anatomy At Federico Villarreal National University (He’s Trying The USMLE and, maybe Will Do Neurology as Speciality At The Best University’s Hospital He Could Reach. We’re At Charge of Practically The Methodology and Reading All Of The Word’s Information Available. Dr. Miss Rosa Dávalos is a In-Training Resident of Chirurgic Specialty of Ofthalmology in The Major National University of San Marcos at The National Hospital “Sergio E. Bernales” (Great Intelligence and Capability for Research Issues), Our Contact With Spain Is Dr. Miss Elizabeth Acosta Da Silva, Geriatrics at Hospital Del Mar From Barcelona (Spain), Recently Obtained the Master Degree. Dr. Mrs. Janett Dìaz (Gynecologist and Obstetrics) and Dr. Mrs. Dalia Calichagua (Intensive Medicine And Neurology At The ICU From The National Hospital Of Neurological Sciences “Oscar Trelles Montes”.
Hope You’ll Be Able to Review Our Work Before It gets Harder to Handle The Situation Here in Peru and, If situation Gets Worse, We’ll Try to Contact You By This Page or To Your e-Mail, If you’re Accord To Give Me It.
Thanks So Much for Being As You Are, Dear Richard Youatt and Keep In Touch with Us.
! Buena Noches !
You touch on many vital and interesting topics !
A few comments/clarifications/question on my part.
i discuss Argentinian/Peruvian history with a local (California) friend who is of mixed Argentinian/Peruvian heritage. The demise of the Incas is well known to him together with some of their
Modern genetics is now showing up new evidence of the old, and supports the idea of a very ancient and sophisticated Peruvian society…with influences from the Middle East/Southern Caucasus.
Which group do you think introduced the majority of the present-day Rh-Negs into Peru? it is really hard to interpret genetic data intelligently (back migrations, testing contaminations, mutations and more), but the evidence is there and strong….more for Y-DNA (father to son) and MtDNA (mother to daughter.)
Blood group inheritance (autosomal DNA) is much more difficult to figure out…but the uneven global distributions must be rooted in historical events.
As for Covid19, in California we are (finally) seeing a reduction in the number of new infections. the numbers remain very high for Latinos …especially those lacking good living and working conditions.
We are also seeing an increase in the number of mortalities in the 25-35 year age bracket…..for no apparent reason.
It sounds as though you have an excellent team of colleagues ! I wish you and them well, and see progress on epidemiology as only emerging fully on the basis of international cooperation.
Having access to (very often no cost) electronic journals is also very helpful.
Buenas Noches
Pardon Me : I Always Review The Letter and in This Opportunity I Haven’t…
When I Mentioned United Arab Emirates, The Omission is Evident :
“1 of Each 177 Persons Infected…”
Thanks a lot!!!
It’s 02:15 PM Here in Lima (Peru) and, Talking With The Group Of People That Are Compromised With This Work, I’ve Been Thinking About The Relationship Between The Erythrocytes, Their Antigens and the Absence of These.
Since They Come From The Same Stem Cells From Bone Marrow that Leukocytes and Platelets, It Could Be Possible That They Can Be in Close Communication Between Them?…
Maybe You Can Know (if It’s Possible and if Not) That Hypothesis and How Much Suitable is for the Research? What I Mean Is That The Absence or Presence of The AB0 Antigens and The Rh Factor Are “Traducing A Predictive Weapon” (How Can I Describe Better That Point Of Supposition?) of How Will Be The Immune Response Of The Person With 0 Negative Blood or AB Negative Blood In Case of Infection by SARS-CoV-2, Genetically?
I’m Only “Thinking In Loud Voice” But This is What I Call Intuition for You, Mr. Richard Youatt and Mr. Mike Dammann…
Muchas Gracias y Buenas Tardes!
Hi trying to keep up with blog. I may not have understood full debate. I believe China did a study on civic positive blood types, and NYC hospital…Someone posted the stats a while ago! I do not watch the news very often, or listen to radio. A patient told my trump tested positive for covid today. I believe he has my blood type B negative. However I’m in healthcare, tons of people are sick…I read on civic test discrepancies, and this is a very political time…” All is fair in love and war” famous quote. People can order viruses , any online…its easy just need right lab. However if memory is accurate the studies showed b neg not dying but could contract virus…its election time…how convenient to make someone sick so fight unfair…I believe from what I’ve seen past four yrs…either side would go to any lengths to win…my personal beliefs are that this covid pandemic is a ploy for power, control, and tons of money…its political!..the whole thing stinks…the amount of money made off of contraindicated pharmacy…the players involved…the demographics…areas effected, not effected…I’m intuitive also…this was a calculated ploy in a dirty game called politics… Nothing makes sense if you study micro biology…where there is confusion, there is dishonesty…Oh yeah guess what? Shortage of nickel gloves next…look at the money trail….your answers are in there someplace…its bipartisan a marriage between the pharmaceutical companies, developers that receive revenue for flu shots and fictional vaccines…and they all know each other…Donald Rumsfeld, the Clintons the bushes, the owners of the pharmaceutical companies…where caps and confusion exist..just know there is someone doing it…Think???Everyone is remote now? No rent no overhead expenses…I’m at highest risk a dental hygienist…we are all just fine???no one can breath with no95 masks…there is a bigger agenda…most of us are there lab rats and guess what…there probably laughing…Abusers inflict initial pain..to gain control, prick you to remind you who is in control, you feel safe let your guard down, then they add insult to injury…but yes they do have the power to kill many with BW…even trump…but they won’t remember the flu season is now, most of what is going on, some very real!!!Abusers control through fear…!!!not one person I know has vivid! We have huge aresols exposure…but my doctors want to zoom???really?…the equation does not add up…its off, I feel it, intrinsically I know this is all about fear and control!
A quick comment.
Yes..”close communication” is certainly possible. Working from that assumption, there are certainly significant testable hypotheses.
Credit is due to Mike Damman for assembling and displaying a lot of Rh related studies and information on this site.
I have been following up on some of the items of significant interest….especially those that look at new explanations of the (previously unexplainable !) role of RH proteins.
The evidence points to a very fundamental new insight into the biochemical mechanisms.
The work of Sydney Kustu and Wilson stands out
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16563833/ (Abstract only but you may be able to get institutional access.)
The work of Peng and Huang on Rh proteins and erythrocytes also stands out.
Such work goes to the heart of the relationships between genes and RH proteins, from which it must follow that there is a substantive scientific explanation for the reported correlations between blood groups and immunity.
Buenas Tardes
Significantly, we observed that the evolutionary rate shift amino acid residues between Rh and Amt proteins differ from those between the Rh paralogous groups, in both their physical location and chemical nature. Such functionally divergent amino acid sites in Rh proteins are largely clustered in the TM domains and regions that correspond to the packing and formation of the lumen essentially conserved for Amt channel function (21, 22). This finding further supports the view that the two families of proteins differ in their transport function or substrate specificity. Taken together, our data lead to the hypothesis that construction of Rh as a primitive CO2 channel could have been attained by recruiting an ancient Amt, which would have a preformed gas conductance fold like EcAmtB (21, 22).
Although Rhesus (Rh) proteins are best known as antigens on human red blood cells, they are not restricted to red cells or to mammals, and hence their primary biochemical functions can be studied in more tractable organisms. We previously established that the Rh1 protein of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is highly expressed in cultures bubbled with air containing high CO2 (3%), conditions under which Chlamydomonas grows rapidly. By RNA interference, we have now obtained Chlamydomonas rh mutants (epigenetic), which are among the first in nonhuman cells. These mutants have essentially no mRNA or protein for RH1 and grow slowly at high CO2, apparently because they fail to equilibrate this gas rapidly. They grow as well as their parental strain in air and on acetate plus air. However, during growth on acetate, rh1 mutants fail to express three proteins that are known to be down-regulated by high CO2: periplasmic and mitochondrial carbonic anhydrases and a chloroplast envelope protein. This effect is parsimoniously rationalized if the small amounts of Rh1 protein present in acetate-grown cells of the parental strain facilitate leakage of CO2 generated internally. Together, these results support our hypothesis that the Rh1 protein is a bidirectional channel for the gas CO2. Our previous studies in a variety of organisms indicate that the only other members of the Rh superfamily, the ammonium/methylammonium transport proteins, are bidirectional channels for the gas NH3. Physiologically, both types of gas channels can apparently function in acquisition of nutrients and/or waste disposal.
Your Beautiful Article on “Panda Blood” is really a Must, Mr. Mike Dammann! Outstanding Beauty and the Offer Not Only for My Country And for the World, By The Genetic Engineering of That Strange Chemical Compound that Hide The Rh Positive Antigens of The Donor To Give Solution To The Emergency of Needing Blood!…
It’s impossible not Have A lot of Faith with that Fact: Would I Have A Copy of The Original Article To Try (Almost Try) to “Cover up” Our Rhesus Antigen (The AB0 Rh Positive Groups from Peru), and Try To see Less Deaths in my Dearest Country?… Or it’s a Febrile Idea Not Based in Real Implications of Applying TheTechnology That China Has Developed only for the Purposes of Transfusion to The “Elohim Blood” As Occidental Cultures Knows That Panda Blood?…
It Sounds Great!… But Maybe it’s Only A Sound Without Meaningful Results…
Thanks So Much for Your Help And Kindness!
Buenas Tardes and Have A Good Time!
Dear Richard Youatt and Mike Dammann:
My regrets for my delayed Answer: Caught a Flu Because of Climate changes (Since 23th It’s Spring in Peru). In the other hand, I was reading All the Excellent Material sended by both of You and reading also new correct data on Bioanthropology (well written?) of Different Countries (Really, you’re very motivating and, during Quarantine, I’ve Learned Much more about This Issues than in 10 years of Speciality).
What I’ve Founded is, maybe, Surprisingly Easy for You and hope You Agree and Apply for Your Work of Anthropologist, With a High Recognition of your own and vast knowledge: Really Fantastic to know that Since 1991, Research on Ethnicities of The People from different Countries have been Approached by Genetic Traces and Real Historical Data. In that way, I was Reading about Cuba and Venezuela and their relative Little Amount of cases and Deads of COVID-19 and Surprisingly found a nexus between both… Their Ethnicities were similar in some way! According to The Study From 2018 That I’ll be sending you in the Next letter above, Come From the Aboriginal people Who came from Central and Pacific Coast of Mexico and, latter, From the Transocean Trade of Slaves from Africa to Cuba!
My heart jumped downstairs when I discovered that many of the Aboriginal People That were From the beginning From Mexico to Cuba, passed by The Caribbean Sea to the Northern Coast of America after They Extinguished in the Time and territory That corresponds to Venezuela and Guyana!… And the Results of that Mixture of Slavery Times with the Past First inhabitants of the largest Island in the Caribbean Sea produced a Real Biased Ethnicity of Men with Much more African Genetic Traits and Women with much More Cuban Ethnicity Traits in different densities and Different Provinces from Cuba, even some European and Less Asian Genetic Traits … WOOOW
The questions are Obvious:
1) Are These Facts consistent Indicators of a Nexus with African Countries (Gambia, Southern Sahara, Congo, D.Rep. of Congo, etc) to make a good Research on Rh Negatives and Their Response to COVID-19 infection and Mortality?
2) Are They Sufficient for beginning to Probe What AB0 Groups Are Implications Have for the Prognosis of immunologic Response or if There’s no evidence of that link and The Rhesus Factor is the only one that counts?
As you can see, I’m not quite sure about The “Protective” Effect from The 0+ and AB+ (Honoring the Whole Truth, Peru is My Country and, unfortunately, The probable Probe that 0+ Don’t Count for that Issue… Isn’t it a pity?).
The Multiple Research Data Points to The Rhesus Factor in Very much of the Viral Infections and Autoimmune Diseases.
I’ll be Waiting Your Opinions and Suggestions: All From both of You will be Welcomed!
Muchas Gracias y Buenas Tardes! Saludos a sus Familiares e Hijos!
Cuidense mucho!
Note : Here’s 12:30 PM and I’ll get the links to attach the Promised Links I’ve found in the next letter.
I do not claim to have all the answers…but it is a great start to at lest define the pertinent questions and methods for researching and addressing them.
My first comment is that YES….there is an increasing amount of new genetic evidence (mostly Y-DNA) that supports the idea that there were substantive early (i.e. earlier than the slave trade) sea based migrations of West Africans (probably from the area now known as Mali) to Central and South America.
The exact patterns and routes are not easy to establish…but they are certainly there….and many North Americans (of all backgrounds) are not used to thinking in such terms.
There is also evidence of early sea based migrations from the Mediterranean Basin…with some evidence pointing to Anatolia of non-African migrations.
There is evidence from Anatolia of a major epidemic that seems to have changed the gene pool, and with the distinct possibility that different blood groups may have had different levels of immunity and susceptibility.
My personal (largely intuitive) answer to your second question is YES….but it will be important to examine the combinations of ABO blood group and RH factor. Understanding the precise inheritance patterns based on non-Mendelian genomic analysis should be very revealing,
The Rh Factor and viral infections/immunity can and should also be studied independently.
Buenos Noces
Dear Richard Youatt and Mike Dammann :
All of your Comments are excellent and awesome! I’m owe Both of You the Awakening of a “Insane” Curiosity for The Subject of The So Called “Biological Genetic Based Anthropology” (isn’t it right?) and heritage of Blood Groups in the ancient Cultures From Every Continent and Countries
Yes…a modern update to the topics of “Biological Genetic Based Anthropology” and “the heritage of blood groups in ancient cultures from every country and continent” is truly fascinating. Some solid but dated material exists in A.E. Mourant’s “Distribution of the Human Blood Groups”.
I trust that you have fully recovered from the flu.
More evidence from Europe (Spain and Italy) of a COVID19 susceptibility by ABO grouping. No focus on the Rh factor.
Dear Mike and Richard :
Always In Debt With You ! This Article Is A Univision of The Truth : How can They Assume That, Mimicking Wuhan First Communication (Summing Both Negative and Positive Rhesus Factors) Would Led To A Confirmation of The AB0 Role in The Natural Resistance of Rhesus Negative Persons? How can They Have “Better Results” Doing The Same Things and Mistakes, Suppressing Maybe More Than 15 to 40 % of the Population in Some Countries Would Arrive to a Non Biased Result, More Accurate Than Wuhan First Paper?.
One of the most important aspect From your Finest Observation isn’t Quite a complicated ANOVA Revision: A Fact that no one Has Never Imagined… That’s Why We Met Here and The First Words From Me to Mike Were A Congratulation For The Well Done Observation!
I insist, In Order to Make A Good Research, To Make A Comparison Between My Country and , Maybe, Canada (South And North America) With One Country From Northern Europe (With A Very Similar Population But Rich in Rhesus Negative Factors (Preferably 0 -) And One of The Southern Hemisphere (Oceania: Australia, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, etc.) That Resembles to be Like A “Contagion Pandemic” (Likewise Canada Reported Their Response and Results Facing The Pandemic Outbreak…
Here’s The Link of What I Promised Both of You, From a recent Study about Ethnicities that Formed The Actual Cubans Genetic Mixture.. Hope you’ll Enjoyed As I Do Much When I First Read it…
Keep in touch! I’ll be Working on Chi² Distribution and, Maybe (As Much!), In Odds Ratio to Send it to you both !
Really, Fascinated With The “Genetic Based Antropology”And How Much I’m Learning about it: Wide Opening of The Horizons in Research!
As Once I said : I feel Like Being in Home Thanks To You Both!!!
Yes….the article on American (understood as “pertaining to North , Central and South America” ethnicities is well researched, clearly written and very informative. I see that it is primarily YDNA and MtDNA based…and does not directly address the fascinating question of how YTDNA and MtDNA results relate to ABO and RH Factor results.
The YDNA and MtDNA specialists that I have spoken to say that they prefer YDNA and MTDNA results
over any autosomal DNA results for analysis of more than six generations back.
However, the geographic distribution of ABO and RH factor persons is very uneven and makes me think that each region and country has some kind of answer in its own social history.
Mucho gracias
Yes, Richard !!! That’s really Important To Do !!!
Imagine How Much Surprised I Was When I Found It ?
It’s For Us A Little More Surprisingly Revealed or, Maybe, Unveiled The Fact of “Genetically Explanation” of The Fact : Cuba Is Doing A Pretty Small Curve of Pandemic Deaths (More Seems To Be A “Pandemia of Contagion” Than Deaths Derived Of SARS-CoV-2 Severe Infections)… Very Good For Them !!!
Happy To Search and See Your Excellent Guidance (From Both) Making Sense of Something That We Was Taking Wrong Perception as In The Excellent Work From ICU From Presbyterian But Corrected By Mike Dammann With That Accurate Question “Where Are…:…!!!
“That Person That Save’s One Life, Is Saving All Humanity”
(The Old Quran).
October, The 05, Passed and Was The Celebration Day Of Peruvian Medicine… Hope Of Humanity… You Are In Great Pathway of Research (no Doubt That)… The Death Of Daniel Alcides Carrión (A Medicine Student!) Probed The Hypothesis From Him (Peruvian Verrruga = Peruvian Mine Fever)… Probed But Died.
It’s An Honor To Be Able To Help In Some With An Intuitive Approach To Persons Like You and Mike…
Thanks So Much: I Really Appreciate Your Friendship And Friendly Kindness Of Guide and Bibliography Of Your Wide Knowledge On This Issue.
Hope We Can Get The Data We’re Currently Collecting and, Maybe, Contrast It With YOUR VIEW Of The Facts…Remember Well That The Idea Of “1 of 46” Was The First Of The AB0 Blood Groups and Rh Factor Astonishing Observation of Mike Dammann… Thanks So Much For The Privilege You Give Me, Mr Mike Dammann !
“Stay Positive For The Hypothesis Of Negatives” (From Mike)… Keep in Close up Touch With Us and Buenas Noches (From Tuesday 6,12:30 AM)…
Jorge Garcia Hildebrandt
Thank You Sooo Much, Mike Dammann, For All You’re Doing With The Group From Peruvian Friends… Great !!!
Jorge Garcia-Hildebrandt
Dear Richard Youatt and Mike Dammann:
Have you noticed That the “Speed For Double The Deaths and Contagions” Are Quite Longer In Countries Supposed “Rich In Rh Negatives inhabitants ?
Poland, Cuba, Colombia, etc.
The Question is : May This Fact be of Interest/Indicative For The Research In Progress?… Maybe It will Have But I’m Not Quite Sure… What’s Your Opinion?
TYM For Your Answers and Kindness!
Being Here 12:40 PM
Muchas Gracias
Have A Nice Day !!!
Jorge Garcia-Hildebrandt
Read the Georgia guide stones..this is bipartisan. This is depopulation . This is a calculated ploy…our ” relatives” misunderstand our blood type. They think there unique, maybe gods!!!! But there misguided. For every bad one there is a good one exposing the evil! Control, power, that’s not love, that’s weakness! If you understand the foundation of evil, you will not fear, you can strategically beat these arrogant killers at there own game! Just breath…its a game of chess…its not trump or Pelosi…there untied( the pharmacy company) turn the tv off…pick up your books! Or the win we lose…simple
No one reads past posts obviously! Remdisivir was created and produced by a company called Gilead! The creator and Founder of Gilead company was Michael Riorden. The board was bipartisan Donald Rumsfeld, the bushes, the Clintons look at images if you Google company! The marriage is policy and pharmaceutical! The patent for remdisivir ( the drug suppose to cure covid) merged with untied. Prior to that marriage was sold the patent to the india…government prior to deaths caused by contraindications to covid! Why???? So the players get money, but India gets blamed for deaths! They ( lets call them the NWO) already bought stocks..Michael Riorden made 3G in revenues from the killer drug…the cure RNA transcriptase drugs named anti sense drugs are the cure. India perfect place to test..that’s why mortality rates so low…not temperature…we knew that was off….plaquinel prevents but drug only prescribed to lupus patients….90% ( from web could be off ask mike) that acquire this autoimmune disorder RHNegative. The players are our genetic ancestors… There all rh negatives…ask siri? Alexa if you trust that more than my words! Now India says they have vaccine….no vaccine!!!you know this from mens research!!!basic micro biology without lasting antigen, no vaccine!!!! Just read virility basics and micro biology and you won’t have questions…. Be smart or your going to lose!
Political and pharmaceutical company s! Excuse my typo