What Atlantis?
Plato wrote a fictional story which was later picked up by the likes of Jules Verne.
What did, however exist was Doggerland:

Between 10,000 and 7,000 years ago, Doggerland was inundated by rising sea levels, disintegrating initially into a series of low-lying islands before submerging completely.
Evidence of human civilizations has been found in the area now flooded.
Evidence of Neanderthal presence was found.
Let’s see that map again:

Every legend becomes a fairy story, and every truth a legend, exactly like when we see, hear, experience something off, different, amazing and we share it, and by word of mouth, handed down, century on century, it becomes a fantastic fairy tale, and heroes and legendary persecutors are born to haunt out sleepless nights. Or, add calm and bliss, to our pretend happy ever after. Everything is something from the start, nothing, is ever nothing. To l heard Doggerland mentioned all.my growing life on Radio every night, in the forties, fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, until TV took.ovdr, and internet close behind. I fell asleep hearing Doggerland and remember wondering where it was. As children we embrace the salient facts, as adults we shake imposters out, and as mature adults, we ask our own questions, and decide, was there really a Doggerland at all? Everything has basis in truth, beginning with a fact, and slowly dying into myth. The place it never dies is inside our DNA. Our blood, our souls. After this, it’s merely speculation. But the psyche keeps us all.knfotmrd, if we learn to differentiate truth, from airy fairy.