The study highlights ethnicity as an indicator of whether or not an Rh negative individual has a complete D gene deletion. Complete gene deletion is the norm among Europeans, but rare in Africans and Asians. In black Americans, around half have a complete Rh(D) gene deletion and around half do not. This largely depends on which part of their ancestry their Rh negativity comes from. Most black Americans have more African than European ancestry, but since Europeans are much higher in Rh negative blood than Africans, the numbers even each other out.
The study examines possibilities for high COVID-related deaths and cases among black Americans.
I tend to avoid the term “Hispanic” as it doesn’t define a genetic ethnicity. You can literally be of 100% European, 100% African or 100% Native American ancestry and still be considered Hispanic. Native American ancestry has it’s origin in Asian tribes.
When looking at COVID cases and especially deaths in Rh(D) negatives, it is helpful to look at ancestry and determine whether or not the individual has/had a complete D gene deletion.
What yo’ur saying here is very interesting. But since my medical training doesen’t cover genitcs, I’m having a hard time understanding what you mean by D-negative phenotypes.
Chapter 7: The Rh blood group –
Thanks Ken for that article, it helped a little & showed me that my training in blood chemestry was weak. My training was in respiratory therapy about 40 years ago & the only thing close, was blood gas studies. But my training helps me understand about, when people die of Covid-19, the suffering they go through.