The RhD negative subjects expressed many indices of a worse health status. Men, women or both sexes reported more frequent allergic, digestive, heart, hematological, immunity, mental health and neurological problems. They also reported the usage of more drugs prescribed by doctors per day, attended more specialized doctors, namely, dermatologists, gynecologists, internal medicine doctors, neurologists, and psychiatrists (men) in the past two years, a higher frequency of headaches and being tired more often than RhD positive subjects. Incidence of various diseases and disorders also differed between RhD negative and RhD positive subjects, mostly being higher in the former.
Source: Worse Health Status and Higher Incidence of Health Disorders in Rhesus Negative Subjects
Mein Gott eh, I can’t believe you posted this at exactly the same time as I was having the day-long headache from hell. There’s some crazy virus going around where headaches then vomiting follow shortly after. Unless it’s the alien zappers (joke) 🙂