I have added an introduction post on
Datebytype is for both, those open to date and Rh negatives wanting to connect with Rh negatives without dating.
Feel free to indicate what you are looking for, open to and what you are not open to when using the introduction post’s comment section.
I don’t want kids. Just want someone to retire with who is like a jackass and true blood crazy. Rh negative don’t care. Must like tiny dogs. Trailer parks. Eating lunch at the hospital and Greek mythology. Fishing. Trashing hotels and getting drunk on the minibar.
What can I offer. I can deep throat 2 bananas.
Yes… JoeyCambra.Com JoeyRock.net 🩸Rh-Negative blood type 0- UNKNOWN PROTEIN ON RED BLOOD CELLS
I have turrets. Cause I wanted kicked out of work and church.
I dreamt that my grandfather was on fire….he had fallen into the leaves he was burning up north in Michigan. I woke up screaming. My husband said I was just having a nightmare. The next morning my sister-in-law came over to my apartment and told me she had bad news. I said to her, my Grandpa died in the fire last night and died. She said, how did you know that you don’t have a telephone. I said I dreamed it. To this day I still have dreams, I’ve learned that they are warning. I’ve seen some crazy things in this life I am 56 years old and nothing surprises me. I have walked up to people that are strangers and delivered messages. People just look at me and say how did you know that? I have no idea how I know these things. I do know one thing. When I was very young I prayed that it’s this gift was from God then I would keep it. If it was not from God I wanted it to go away. Must be from God I don’t know for sure but I still have dreams. I have a negative blood. If anybody else have dreams like this?