Haplogroup JT (mtDNA) was extremely common among the ancient Etruscans.
I am getting a few results from rhesus negatives having taken the 23andme DNA test.
And JT appears. Again and again in such a high percentage that the origin of the haplogroup becomes one of my focal points.
It leads me to the ancient Etruscans and the claim by John Hawks that Tuscany has the highest percentage of Neanderthal DNA in Europe.
Source: Which population in the 1000 Genomes Project samples has the most Neandertal similarity?
Whether or not there was a Neanderthal/rhesus negative connection, is NOT proven at this point.
(For more on that, read: https://www.rhesusnegative.net/staynegative/neanderthalhands)
So what else is interesting about Haplogroup JT (mtDNA)?
The descendants:
What is interesting about those mtDNA haplogroups is the high frequencies in parts of the world where rhesus negative blood is quite frequent.
Scotland, Ireland, Basque Country (ancient burial grounds).
And then there are countries such as Ethiopia where the rhesus negative blood factor might only be in existance amongst 8 percent of the population, yet the difference between that number and the much lower African frequencies stands out enough to pay much attention to such nations and population.
As Dieneke’s states:
“Like us, Vernesi et al. (2004) detected a significant difference between the present-day population of Tuscany and the prehistoric one inhabiting the same area (Etruscan), with a gap of 2,500 years between them, finding only two haplotypes in common between both populations. It may be that this phenomenon is more widespread and has occurred in other regions of Western Europe. Data on more prehistoric populations are required in order to confirm this phenomenon. It should also be taken into account that these differences have only been detected in the mtDNA, as currently, the nuclear genome of prehistoric European individuals has not been studied at the population level.”
The question is not so much what percentage of the Tuscany population is currently rhesus negative, but what the blood type frequencies of the ancient Etruscans were.
But if your mtDNA is JT, regardless where you might consider yourself to be from, you could hold one of the many keys to answering this question.