Is haemophilia more common in people who are Rh(D) negative? One interesting thing is the high frequency of it in a family with high frequencies of O negative blood:

A favourite granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, Alexandra was like her grandmother, one of the most famous royal carriers of the haemophilia disease.
Good morning Mike, Thanks for posting this family line. They are my ancestors on my family tree on Ancestry. I have the Rh 0 Negative blood too as my royal ancestors. I come from 7 out of 8 family lines of royals. At this time, not sure where the 8th family lines branches to, but I have a strong feeling that I will discover one day that they branch back to the royal family lines too since both my parents come from royal family lines. I did not inherit this rare condition, but I did inherit so many other good things with this blood type.
Debbie, In recent discovery I have learned that RH neg is in my Royal family leading to the Spencers and The queen of Scottland. Super excited for more.
The only thing that is certain about royal families is that they are Rh negative, but all personal stories about them are fabricated by the Matrix control, the insect hive, just like the whole story is. Especially with these Tales of woe, one should immediately turn on the scam alert.
Tsarina Alexandra Fjodorovna lived a normal life in the US as Nelle Wilson Reagan, mother of Ronald Reagan, until old age. There are many pictures of her son Ronald as Alexeij Romanov. It is always the case with actors that certain characters they play have practically no childhood pictures, as is the case with the Reagan family. Other roles that Alexeji-Ronald played were Stalin and Aleister Crowley (childhoods also practically without any visual evidence), the absolute evil. And for the alleged brutal murder of the Romanovs, they probably took innocent people. The Romanovs (new Rome) are anyway nothing to be proud of or mourn for. According to Anatoly Fomenko (, the original Romanovs were Jews from Belarus, usurpers, so without any right to the throne, who displaced the Godunovs with the support of the black nobility of Italy, the Holy See = Holy C.
This happened around the middle of the 17th century while in Europe the Reformation was raging, which was not a religious war but a destruction of the old world. The Romanovs then waged an uninterrupted war with their former allies, the Ottoman Empire. And during the 270 years of their rule as much as possible of the historical evidence of the old Tartary in Russia was destroyed.
After the Reformation, they probably put Holy C people on the partly fabricated “old” thrones of the European royal houses; creatures, actors who are still the celebs today. The aforementioned Queen Victoria also played the Satanist Blavatsky and the religious sect leader Ellen G. White. Elon Musk is for example Prince Constatin from the Netherlands, Trump/Biden/King Charles are Jacob Rothschild.
I suspect the Holy C wants to eradicate the negative Rhesus so that only they possess it. Australia, New Zealand, Spain, in other words countries with a large negative blood group share, have been particularly hard hit by the Corona Scamdemic task force … Vaccines apparently reduce the copper content in the blood and can cause a downgrading towards Rh neg.
Maybe Rh neg is the normal blood group of humans before the Mood flood, and Rh pos a characteristic of the Cabbage Children? … about the cabbage children see youtube channel “Mind Unveiled”
I myself am the only Rh negative in my family of 6, I have the A negative from my biological father who has passed away, and of course I am alone among sheep that can only think to a limited extent.