Happy Halloween, “Rh Negative Witches”!

I was wondering about the theme of “witches” popping up so frequently recently, but I guess it is not as much of a synchronicity as I might otherwise assume considering it’s Halloween time. First there was this: Then that: … and ultimately the following with written text below the picture: “It was not witches who burned.It was women.Women who were seen asToo beautifulToo outspokenHad too much water in the well (yes, seriously)Who had a birthmarkWomen who were too skilled with herbal medicineToo loudToo quietToo much red in her hairWomen who had a strong nature connectionWomen who dancedWomen who sungor anything else, really.Sisters testified and turned on each other when their babies were held under ice.Children were tortured to confess their … Continue reading Happy Halloween, “Rh Negative Witches”!