What fascinates me about this is that more than 50 years ago, there were already people in the west who suspected blood types and personality traits being related. The other thing is that all studies and theories today indicate people with blood type A being more “tender-minded” or sensitive.
The High School Personality Questionnaire, Form A (10 items per factor) was given to 581 Italian or Italo-American boys averagiajhg00550-0013ng 14 years of age in four different cities by Cattell et al. They were also classified for ABO types. Analysis of variance was used to detect associations between ABO type and the 13 personality factors and intelligence. An association beyond the P < 0.01 level was found for I factor, Premsia versus Harria (“tender-minded vs. tough-minded”), A blood type being more premsic, and 0, B, and AB more harric, in that order. A relationship which appeared to warrant further investigation was personality factor J, coasthenia, with blood group AB.
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Blood Groups and Personality Traits