Look at some of the success stories out there and listen to their stories about intuition. I am not talking about success based on deceiving you, but success based on also contributing. Oprah Winfrey for example has spoken a lot about intuition, but so have also many rh negative celebrities on our list.

Oftentimes, their stories are so familiar, you wonder why the need to even share them?

By definition, intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning or a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.
Can you find me a definition for “intuition” without using the terms “instinctively” or “instinct”?

It is important to have faith in your intuition, but also credit it with helping guide you through important phases rather than taking it for granted.
What is considered intelligent is often nothing but an ability and willingness to learn, not always understand what you are learning, but rather memorizing instructions and with that being well-prepared for a job. It doesn’t mean you will know what to do when a difficult and unexpected situations comes. Whenever I judge a team, I look for those receiving phone calls from co-workers when the unexpected takes place. Those who are fearless and trusting into their own judgement when others run away. Where does this confidence in own judgement come from?
Is it “just knowing”? Or is it based on having experienced being right so many times, that fear of being wrong has disappeared?
Confidence can be based on many things, but quiet and inner confidence usually is based on having listened to intuition and having been guided the right way despite a lack of hope being presented by conventional methods of handling situations.

It is never a surprise realizing that the greatest minds in life credit intuition.

By the way, the first practical electric cars were produced in 1832, 24 years before Nikola Tesla was born. It isn’t good not to give credit where due, but also not good to wrongfully give credit where not due. The common belief that Nikola Tesla invented the electric car is false.

It is a very common habit to imitate those who seem successful, but rare stepping outside of a comfort zone and following your own lead or a lead that is born of intuition.

Fear sets limits. Fear is learned. Fear is based on not trusting our path. It is based on looking at and for the doors which are closed rather than intuitively finding the open ones and entering them.
The reasons I am posting quotes by rh negative celebrities is not to teach you what you don’t know, but rather confirm the commonality among rh negative people in general to express what you already know intuitively.
One of the most elevating things in life can be being in a relationship with someone also listening to and having great intuition and allowing the female and male energy of the world to fuse into one decision-making powerhouse. One of the worst things for an intuitive person is to be in a relationship not just with someone lacking it, but also doubting yours and preferring to ask self-proclaimed experts not listening to or having intuition on their own. It can create the illusion of all gates being closed rather than showing the path towards the right ones.

Why is it that rh negative people are more intuitive?
Some of you may have a theory of your own. Others may believe to have followed their own intuition towards the answer. Others have listened to those claiming to know. Don’t do that. The answer is in you. Only in you. But if you are surrounded by intuitive people, you may be guided towards a huge amount of answers. But only if your intuition tells you that the path is right. If there are warning signs, pull the plug. The answers will come to you. No need to accept someone else’s solutions if it doesn’t feel right.
See also: