Everything is connected. The question is how and to which extent.
Tastes in music for example. There is a reason why we like what we do. Some has to do with life experiences reflected in a song. Or: we first heard it in a moment we want to hold on to.
Food should be no different. You can enjoy eating something you may not enjoy as much if it wasn’t attached to a wonderful memory. You can also not want to eat something that is related to a bad memory. I for example remember eating asparagus when I got really sick. I don’t think asparagus is for me to begin with, but I haven’t had any in 40 years.
I am curious about Myers Briggs types as that is the best we have to go by at this point. Except: Blood Types are THE best. It just needs to be defined. That is what we do.
What is your favorite food type and what is your blood type and/or MBTI?
My favorite food dish would be salmon with salad…. simple.
Blood type A-
(I have often expressed my doubts in the validity of stating version as a trait)

Being that I have an allergy to sulfites and many foods contain a high level of this chemical; and I have to be pretty careful, salmon is on the “approved” list.
I’d have to say my favorite dish is also salmon with a little rice and salad.
I’m also A-
I agree on both: “a little” and “rice”
O-Neg and ISTJ. Not sure about the MBTI.
I am not a picky eater though I sometimes think that chili taste takes away from the joy of eating.