How do Rh negatives react to alcohol?

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Here are some findings and observations:

While not certain on all ABO types, A negatives may be more affected.

Several older studies—we’re talking 1970s and ’80s—found weak associations between blood type A and higher rates of alcoholism. More research has linked specific blood components called to the disease.

If there is an association, why would it be weak?

Weak enough to mention weak, yet not weak enough to mention an association?

This is a clear misrepresentation of actual findings.

We are talking predispositions vs. actual events also influenced by many other factors such as what types of situations subjects may currently deal with in life.

In other words:

Deniability is fashionable.

Not among actual researchers though.

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  1. Jeanette July 29, 2022 Reply
  2. Fran July 29, 2022 Reply
  3. Laurie July 29, 2022 Reply
    • Jeanette July 29, 2022 Reply
      • Laurie July 30, 2022 Reply
        • Jeanette July 30, 2022 Reply

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