The Rh Negative Blog

How Rh- Blood Got Lost

Looking back thousands of years, Europe, West Asia and Northern Africa were much more similar

It was before the Arabic invasion when Berbers were still Berbers, Persians were still Sumerians and Europe was ages away from a system claiming the lives of many of the most intuitive and courageous Rh negatives

The claim that 15% worldwide are Rh- is incorrect

It is probably somewhere around 5% and falling

Generally speaking, many of the populations with low Rh- frequencies are expanding rapidly while others with high percentages of Rh negatives are actually decreasing

We don’t really know that much about our distant ancestors

As I have stated, many of the best ones have likely been executed preventing them from passing on more of their genes


There is a reason for everything

Red hair used to be a lot more frequent as well

I personally believe that every Rh- woman deserves the opportunity to meet an Rh- man

Here are a few things that ancient Rh- tribes appeared to have had in common:

  1. Red hair was frequent
  2. People were very creative and advanced
  3. Women and men had equal rights
  4. Women were often leaders
  5. There was a free spirit

Though recessive, our traits keep resurfacing in many different populations

Don’t worry about what they claim

We are in the minority

That doesn’t force us to see ourselves through their eyes

Let’s assume for a second that Rh- blood might be the product of a gene deletion

Where does that leave us?

Looking at various projections from ancient Europe, Rh negative blood was far more frequent in at least certain areas than it is today

…as previously stated.

Evolutionarily speaking, it was a huge success as more than half of some populations were said to have been Rh-

So when did the decline begin?

It wasn’t the Black Plague

So what about the Neanderthals?

The ones examined were not Rh-, but…

They weren’t Rh+ either


The blond, blue eyed Shardana were said to have been Rh- positive.

2) The blond, blue eyed, Rh-positive  Shardana(5), also known as the Sherden or the Sherdein,

xede – erdeinatzaile
restriction – scornful
“Scornful of restrictions”

were apparently originally from Cyrenaica, which is located between Libya and Egypt near the Mediterranean.

          The geographical name Cyrenaica (Kirunaika) is an agglutination of three words:

kirru – unai – ikaragaitz
blond – cowherd – fearless
“The fearless blond cowherds”.

          Very early on they had concentrated their efforts on exploring the lands around the Black Sea and must have been impressed with the potential for settlement. In northern Anatolia, on the shore of the Black Sea, they were known to the Hittites as the Kaska or Kirrukaska(6), and their descendants still live in the north east of Turkey under the name of Circaskian Turks. In their extremely wide ranging migration they sailed to the north shore of the Black Sea, and pulled, portaged and rowed up the almost endless Dnepr river and in time populated the Ukraine as far north as modern Lithuania. They then went on to settle the islands in, and the lands surrounding, the Baltic Sea. After settling the mainland of Norway and the Friesian islands they ended their migration in Iceland. In the Odyssey, the people who settled Norway are known by the name of Phaiakians or Phaikians, now called Vikings

I have previously stated my thoughts that the Vikings were basically Rh+

Blond hair is not necessarily associated with Rh- blood…

Red hair is

Are you still with me?

Any intelligent question will be considered for inclusion in future updates

Unless of course some of you get to them first

Why are Rh negatives so drawn to each other?


Sharing this on Social Media will likely result in hostile responses from some

(e.g.: “Why do you act like you’re special?”)

I understand that you may want to share this in order to see which of your friends is also Rh-, but:

Be aware of the jealous world we live in first

A better idea would be to actually send a link to those whom you SUSPECT of being Rh-

Once I asked those closest to me about their blood types, I was in awe to learn that the 3 closest ones are all Rh-

After you are done, let me know what percentage you got right?

What brought you here to begin with?

How did you find my blog?

Was it an active search?

Was it synchronicity?

You would be surprised how much Rh negatives like you and me have shared with me in private!

That is why I feel so confident expressing myself in public


Never feel like you’re the only one

I thought I was the most unique person in the world until I met many of you


Do mark your calendars

It is our day

Those who subscribed to this blog, will be alerted in time.

What is the most important thing you’ve learned?

What question has been on your mind?

What would you like to learn more about?

This is for those of you not 100% sure about your blood types


Here is my appearance on a podcast I was recently on:

If you have read about Rh- related health issues, I need to clarify the following:

Your allergies and sensitivities exist for a reason.

We are extreme people and not Grey Area residents

Our bodies are designed to warn us


In case you are wondering why Japanese and Koreans only seem interested in blood types and by personality traits:

Neither the Japanese nor Koreans came up with it

It was a German scientist stating his belief that nations with higher frequencies of blood type A function better

A Japanese journalist started pouting replying with something like “No, blood type B is better”

The Koreans copied from the Japanese

The End.

Of course, when it comes to Rh- Blood Type Personalities, it’s just me:

Just in case you were wondering:

There are several studies indicating that blood types and personality types are connected

And yes… While I am doing my best to add every study related to Rh- blood on this blog, I keep getting surprised by what I’ve been missing here and there

Here are 2 personal pieces of advice:

  1. Stay away from blind believers
  2. Stay away from blind disbelievers

Oh… and one more thing:

Not all U.S. Presidents are/were Rh-…

Most were!

Don’t blindly believe anything

I will never understand people defending other people’s lies

When they are Rh-, it hits me even harder

There are many claims about Rh- Blood and People

Many are unproven

Many are false

Many are kind of true…at least based on some facts

For example: