Flu vaccines in multi-dose vials contain thimerosal. Most single-dose vials and pre-filled syringes of flu shot and the nasal spray flu vaccine do not contain a preservative because they are intended to be used once.

FLUARIX QUADRIVALENT is formulated without preservatives. FLUARIXQUADRIVALENT does not contain thimerosal.
Thank you so much for this information, this is great ! Thimerosal is the only thing I’m allergic to, most doctors don’t take it seriously, and so I’ve avoided numerous injections (and most doctors) because they wouldn’t guarantee that there’s no thimerosal in them. The last couple of years I needed some shots, so I brought a magnifying glass along & made them give me the package- inserts that accompany the products so I could read the list of ingredients first. Two contained Thimersol, and two did not. Your additional information is very appreciated .
I encourage everyone reading this to do the exact same thing. Take your time and examine what is being injected into you or your children. If a doctor isn’t willing to help you access the information you are looking for, switch doctors.