I don’t have all the answers, but have faith in my ability to find and filter the better ones.
The biggest change I have observed in the past 20 years of being online is that good information was easier to spot back then.
Now there is some here and there considering the percentage of it from overall “information” visible.
Wikipedia is a great starting point.
It is the right place to find some links to good information, while other links lead you away from it.
It is YOU who has to decide.
This is just a reminder that much of what I post is hard to find… yet available for all…
and as always:
It is a shared responsibility for us to correct each other and help with at least some information as we when we find it.
The basque O NEGATIVE RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPE IS TRIBE OF JUDAH. EUROPE. THE TRIBE OF DAN IS. ASSYRIAN JEWS. NOT DENMARK. DENMARK ARE PART OF. BENJAMIN AND BASQUE. YOU PEOPLE DONT KNOW HISTORY OR DNA. next. God came into Mary to make Jesus Christ. Her seed crushed the head of the snake 🐍. And Satan is there to devour the babies as soon as it is born. Read holy bible in genesis 3:15 and revelation 12:3 to 16. Additional the real Jews has extra rib of Adam. They are every race in all corners of the earth. Next. Jesus Christ is white not black. Brass when refined in a furnace is white. Not like brass Fire when it burns is white blue and gold Jesus eyes are blue face and hair white as snow like the whool of a lamb 🐑. Skin like the sun shining full strength. That’s a white man. Not black read holy bible in revelation 1:14:15.