Early evidence from China suggested that blood groups may be involved in susceptibility to COVID-19. Several subsequent studies reported controversial results. We conducted a retrospective matched case-control study that aims to investigate the association between blood groups and the risk and/or severity of COVID-19. We compared the blood groups distribution of 474 patients admitted to the hospital for COVID-19 between March 2020 and March 2021, to that of a positive control group of outpatients infected with COVID-19 and matched them for sex and age, as well as to the distribution in the general population. Three hundred and eighteen HC+ pairs with available blood group information were matched. The proportion of group A Rh+ in hospitalized patients (HC+) was 39.9% (CI 35.2%–44.7%), compared to 44.8% (CI 39.8%–49.9%) and 32.3% in the positive outpatient controls (C+) and the general population (C−), respectively. Both COVID-19-positive groups (HC+ and C+) had significantly higher proportions of group A Rh+ compared to the general population (p = 0.0019 and p < 0.001, respectively), indicating that group A Rh+ increases susceptibility to COVID-19. Although blood group A Rh+ was more frequent in the outpatients C+ compared to the hospitalized group HC+, the association did not reach statistical significance, indicating that blood group A Rh+ is not associated with severity. There was no significant relationship between COVID-19 and other blood groups. Our findings indicate that blood group A Rh+ increases the susceptibility for COVID-19 but is not associated with higher disease severity.
I don’t know so much about the science or math behind the covid 19 virus. Maybe I should study more or maybe I will be ready to delve into that subject five or even 10 years from now. More will be evident like diphtheria, ect. Everyone has an opinion on the vaccines, ect & I appreciate your opinion on it. Although I know I’m healthy no matter what & I’m going to live a long time.
My questions & the things I go back on in my books & some websites again & again is the influence plagues play a role on people socially. The bubonic plague for example killed many people of different social classes. I do feel that in the aftermath, at least in Western Europe, men of lower social classes & there families moved up a notch or two as a higher rank of artisan or even land owners. This time in history also changed some habits of hygiene thanks to some men like Notrodomos, who advocated on cleaner habits, ect. I believe it changed greeting customs, such as kissing on the cheek instead of the lips, ect. But, what do I know.
I also keep up with the news on the Cuban doctors. They have been working in many countries since their revolution began. I know some may debate on why. Their social values when it comes to health care is quite different than what the media puts out. There constitution calls for health care for the world. Castro, Guevara & others who were leaders put that on the table. I especially found this evident when going to a forum at a church in Seattle some years back & heard church members talk about a trip they took to that country. “A whole different world”, they said. Not just the doctors, but how they deal with racism, social disasters like hurricanes & helping out the victims from Chernobyl which they did not flaunt. They also have freedom of religion, including vodun (vudu). As long as it doesn’t hurt or rob people, it’s a people’s right to have religion or not. One church member was helped by a doctor when she fell & got injured. The doctor happened to be walking by on her lunch break. No cost.
They, I’ve been learning have developed there own vaccine. I don’t think it’s a conspiracy & I don’t think they want to kill there own people. They are different from other so called “communists” countries. That is one reason they are feared by the ruling classes. That’s what I’ve learned.
The Spanish flu. Why is it even referred as Spanish. I learned over the years that it actually began in the US. In Kansas, in fact. It was right at the time of WW1. I have learned long ago that leaders of US & other countries were angered at the leaders of Spain not wanting to get involved in the war. A propaganda term? Maybe so. There is still so much to learn & take apart. There was no social media back then other than newspapers & the telegraph.